to the editor LOfrif ) ' 1 ~~~ ~ -~ auo ‘aptsAP KL4teip ome 014-1 • 0 here a+ Cap;siol; iv.,4, n e. o f ovr <Ad!!! studergisiicrii 41,ert waiiii really ri On Wednesday, November 7, the Photo Club gave itself a finan cial boost by taking and processing over 100 EET ID photos for Capitol Campus engineers. Ed Trunk (right), staff advisor for the Photo Club, snaps a portrait. photo by Bob Foster Steam pipe repairs under way A construction company has begun repairs to the main high-pressure steam line which brings heat to the dorms. Construction began Wed nesday around the heating plant/ dorm walkway area. Minor ex cavation to install a special drain line is underway. Major digging will take place dur ing the term break, said Dr. Jerry South, Dean of Student Affairs. South does not anticipate much inconvenience from the construction. The contractor Fall choral concert a treat It's official. Christmas is definitely on the way. Dr. Mahar's loyal and talented troupe pre sented its Fall Concert, "Have a Good Day," on Tuesday, November 27, in the auditorium. Twenty chorus members treated the audience of approximately 50 people to musical selections with emphasis on Christmas songs. Dr.Mahar asked for and got enthusiastic participation on several old favorites. The chorus, accompanied by Ms. Merle Millhimes, was presented in partial fulfillment of MUSIC 302 A. The audience was reminded that Chorus is open to all members of the Campus Community. will provide an alternate walk way to allow students to walk from the dorms to the Main Building. The special drain is be ing put in to improve the heating plant's energy effi cency. The water table has risen recently, bringing groundwater in contact with the steam line and drawing heat from the steam pipe. By draining the cooler water, less heat will be lost on its way to the dorms, South explained. page 3 caiii[3lk Mg EZU-ig
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