C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, October 04, 1979, Image 4

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To My Fellow Students:
WHEW! Who said that
being President of the S.G.A.
was easy? Well, I guess I sort
of asked for it, didn’t I?
I want you to know that
I’m proud to represent you. I
think that as a Student Body,
we’ve got a lot of potential.
I’m not just saying that be
cause I’m President, but be
cause I really believe it. But
I’ve got a hell of a problem:
how do I get you to believe
I guess I could try a
pep-talk, but that wouldn’t
work unless you wanted to
listen - I’ve found that in the
majority of cases the people
I’ve talked to reflected my
own opinions, but only when
they were around me. When
they got back to their group,
the enthusiasm slowly waned
and soon became pessimism.
We can’t have that. Pessim
ism only divides us and that’s
something that we can't allow
to happen anymore. We can
not be effective if we are not
WE instead of being
that-girl-over-there or
that-guy-over-there. WE can
do an awful lot together but
only if we are together. You
want a problem solved? As
President, I can only do so
much, but as President with
the student body standing
firmly behind me, WE can be
heard! WE will be heard!
Well, at least that's off my
chest. Now to let you know
about what's been going on.
The Student Government
held its first meeting on Sept
ember 20th and there was a
pretty good turn-out of inter
ested students. At that meet
ing an integral problem was
solved. I’m referring to none
other that the Campus Activ
ities Planning Board(CAPB).
Prior to the meeting a great
deal of consideration was
given to how the board should
be organized as well as fund
ed. Some of our S.G.A.
senators had prepared
lengthy and complex argu
ments in favor of or against the
issue. However, Chief Justice
Keith Yundt (of the Student
Court) solved everyone’s pro
blems. It seems as though a
controversy existed as to
what version of the C.A.P.B.
proposal was voted on by the
student body when this be
came a part of the S.G.A.
constitution. Because of that
controversy, and because of
the inability to find a feasible
solution, Chief Justice Yundt
had no alternative but to
announce that the C.A.P.B.
was, as it is currently written
our constitution,
unconstitutional. What does
that mean to you? Well,no
thing really bad. Instead of
having a planning board, we
have a social committee. That
committee existed before the
C.A.P.B. came to life and its
duties are essentially the
same. It STILL is going to
need people that are interest
ed in doing something about
Just a few words
the social life here on campus.
Elections for that little baby
are coming up in the latter
part of this month. Also,
elections for S.G.A. will be
held later in this month. Qual
ifications are easy. You must
be a Junior who cares. Specific
requirements will be publish
ed by the Election Screening
Our second meeting (held
on September 24th) wasn’t
exactly a barn burner. Some
are, some aren’t. What can I
say? One issue that did come
up was whether or not to have
a yearbook. The S.G.A. was
presented with financial
figures and discussed the
matter. It had the potential to
become a hot issue but every
one pretty will kept his head.
To make a long story short,
Capitol Campus will have a
yearbook this year. I’m
hoping that more people will
buy yearbooks this year than
was the case last year. The
number of books purchased
this year may very well de
termine whether or not the
current Juniors will have o/p e
in their senior year. Please
keep that in mind, okay?
On Saturday, September
29th, I attended a Council of
Branch Campus Student
Government Associations
(C.0.8.5.G.A.) meeting at U
niversity Park. I’m going to
be honest with you. It stunk.
It was a farce and a travesty
of what a meeting such as that
should be. It was disorganized
and appeared to me to be a
means of recruiting Freshmen
and Sophomores for Univer
sity Park. Throughout the
entire meeting I heard no
thing but “when you come
here.” Big Deal! What about
Capitol! What about the
Juniors and Seniors who
AREN’T going to University
Park! Don’t get me wrong, I
didn’t sit idly by without
asking some questions. How
ever, the keen minds that
organized that joke of a meet
ing put the concerns of the
branch campuses last on the
agenda. By that time, every
one had the attention span of
an Alabama football player
and couldn't have cared less
about what was being said.
The whole meeting seemed to
reflect the attitude of “Who
gives a shit about branch
campuses?” Well, I guess we’ll
have to solve our own pro
blems. Speaking of which.. . .
What’s on YOUR mind!
Tired of paying ten dollars per
term for a parking fee! Did
you know that all of that
money allegedly goes to
U-Park where it is consolidat
ed with all other fees paid by
the other branch campuses? I
say allegedly because I’ve
found out something of inter
est. Up until Saturday, I
was suffering under the de
lusion that ALL parking fees
from ALL branch campuses
went to the same place. At
least, that’s the line I’ve been
fed by the people in charge of
feeding the animals. Poo-poo
on me for believing it. It
seems that at Mont Alton
campus, according to their
representative at the
C.0.8.5.G.A. meeting, some
goes for security guards. At
the McKeesport campus,a
portion goes for snow removal
and at Behrand, some goes for
lighting and general upkeep of
the parking losts. Now, I’m
really curious. Just where
does our parking fee go?
Hopefully, I’m going to find
out for sure. Keep your fin
gers crossed. I want to know
why it’s not reduced. How
’bout your own self? What do
you want to know?
By the way, the S.G.A., in
cooperation with Good
People’s Productions which is
under the fine direction of
John Brown ( the Graduate
Student representative), is
putting on a free concert for
you in Meade Heights at
People’s Park. Three bands
will be playing from two in the
afternoon until about eleven
at night. Hopefully, the noise
won’t disrupt the residents of
Middletown too much and the
Lower Swatara police won't
show up again to make us
close it down earlier than
planned. I must say though,
they waited until 11:30 last
time. If they do come this
time, I’m asking you to be cool
about it. We’re trying to start
something new here to re
place the Keggars. Please
don't screw it up for your
selves. I’ll be at the concert
too, so if you feel like rapping
for a while, look me up. I’ll
talk, provided that I’m co
herent enough to do so.
3 band MM-CMMrt
On Saturday, October 6,
1979 from 2 p.m. until 11 p.m.,
the Good People’s Production
of Capitol Campus will pre
sent their first concert for this
school year. The groups play
ing are, Leftover, Buffalo
Chipkickers, and Ambush.
Leftover plays a Fleetwood
Mack style music, while the
Buffalo Chipkickers are aßlue
grass style and Ambush a
The concert will be located
at People’s Park at Meade
Heights. Because of space and
security reasons people living
other than in the Heights are
being asked to park in the
Olmstead Plaza.
John Brown, GPP, com
mittee chairman, has inform
ed the C.C.Reader that the
GPP is planning for their next
concert to be within the next
month. Because of inclement
weather of future months Mr.
Brown says concerts will be
held in the gymnasium.
Mr. Brown says the only
limitation to having concerts
in the gym is, each student
will be limited to two guests.
Wow, this is really drag-
ging on!
Another item up for bids is
the book store. If you haven’t
read the article concerning it
in this issue of the Reader,
please do so. Their reporter
got in touch with me last
Friday and we jumped into it.
I think there’s more to the
“pricing” than you think there
is. There’s also more to the
solution than just cutting cost.
Read it, your mother will love
you for it.
As a matter of informa
tion, you can get records at
the Juke Box in the Union
Deposit plaza at a ten percent
discount just for being a Penn
State student. I talked with
the manager last term and
he’s willing to extend the
discount BUT you’ve got to
show your Penn State student
I.D. May not be much, but
what the heck. Ten percent is
ten percent and if you’re into
music but out of money (tell
me about it), check that place
out. Geez, I sound like a
commercial. And now ladies
and gentlemen
Well, I figure that’s all I’ve
got to talk with you about.
That’s enough, huh? Just
don’t forget. The Student
Government can be as Ef
fective or DEfective as you
wish it to be. Fifteen voices
can’t be heard as loudly as
Worid War II bhm§<l for nocksrtfauHon
by adrienne 1. zedaker
On Tues., Oct. 2 Socialist
Workers Party member Fred
Halstead spoke to an audience
with mixed reactions, in the
Gallery Lounge.
Halstead addressed the
moral question of nuclear
power. He said that the whole
nuclear problem arose as a
direct result of the corrupting
influence of World War H.
According to Halstead, “we
were suckered into nuclear
power and weapons by W.W.
H. The unquestioning attitude
of anything goes to win the
war has led us to where we
are now.”
Citing various facts and
Alcohol prohibited
The use of alcoholic bev
erages at university spon
sored events has been prohib
This decision was made by
Provost/Dean, Dr. Theodore
L. Gross, after conferring
with the Administrative
Council, Program Heads Fac
ulty council and the Provost
Advisory Staff.
The inital banning of
school-sponsored keggar e
vents was made last Spring.
“The problems created
were too great,” explained
Gross. He cited destruction of
fifteen hundred. Our meetings
are held weekly, in room
w-138, at 3:30 every Monday
afternoon this term. The door
is always open and you’re
alway free to come in and put
in your two cents. They may
not always be full of hot
debates: there may be no
debate at all. But, they are
free and they do concern you.
As I’ve told you before. The
Student Government cares a
hell of a lot about you, but if
you don’t join in how do you
expect us to get anything
done! We can only work so
far. That’s what this school
relies on. If we never get our
act together, they’ve got no
thing to worry about. Two
years here and you and I are'
gone with a new crop of
uninformed students coming
in. They rely on our confusion!
How about you and me get
ting together and throwing
them a curve?
Hey, till I get to talk with
you again
be yourself and go tor what
YOU want.
Michael J. Sheldon, President
Student Government
figures, Halstead urged his
audience to voice their protest
against nuclear power.
‘To proceed with this is to
play with the very existence
of life on this planet,” Hal
stead said. He continued to
say that he does not want to
leave the future a “legacy of
After Halstead’s lecture, a
brief question and answer
period ensued. Several ques
tions were asked, dealing with
both pro- and anti- nuclear
Following the questions,
Halstead showed slides of his
recent trip to Nicaragua.
property as the main problem
associated with alcoholic e-
Other problems include
complaints from the commun
ity and the liability of the
college for students drinking
The incident at a college
where the college was sued
because an underage drinker
was in an auto accident after a
campus-sponsored alchoholic
event, contributed to the de
cision to ban alcoholic activi
ties at Capitol, Gross said.
c c reader