C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, September 16, 1979, Image 9

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Attention students who want to
be involved.
The Student Court and The
Student Court Screening Com
mittee are seeking members
who desire to assist in the
smooth functioning of Student
Government, and enhance Stu
den t-Adm in istrat ion co
operation. Time is not a major
constraint to fullfill the duties
of these offices; however indi
vidual responsibility and self
discipline are required.
A special note to commuter
students. Commuters account
for a sizable percentage of the
student body, and as such are
faced with unique situations t
and problems. If representation
in the past for these situations
has seemed inadequate, ser
iously consider serving with the
Student Court.
For applications and details
contact Keith Yundt, Chtirch
Hall, 136, Joe Horvath, Church
Hall 129, or leave a memo in
the mailbox in the SGA office,
room W-110.
For the next scholastic year
this voice will be bringing you
the wit, wisdom and updates
from the Chi Gamma lota Ser
vice Fraternity. We remain bet
ter known on campus as the
XGl’s. And to fellow veterans,
I’m sure the introduction has
stirred many a pang of sorrow.
The XGl’s, operating from
W-114, are a service and social
organization open to all mem
bers of the student body. Space
does not allow for a detailed
explanation of all our functions
and activities, so why not stop
by W-114 and get the informa
tion first hand? Our members
are friendly and hardly ever over
By the time of publication of
this little introduction our first
meeting will have been held.
Missing ~ Onddtcha table
Last seen at 953 A Kirtland
Ave. on Sept. 8 at 5:30.
Anyone with info on re
turn of table to happy horn
please call 944-0847
EARN AT LEAST 868. pen
month for four hours of youij
time per week. Donate plasma
at Sera-Tec Biologicals. Open!
Monday thru Thursday from
8:45 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and
Friday from 8:45 a.m. to
4:00 p.m. Stop in at 260 Reily
Street, or call for information at
Why not join us on Tuesday,
Oct. 9, at the American Legion
Hall in Middletown. Meetings
start at 9 p.m.. If directions or
transportation are needed, stop
by W-114.
Student Aglow Fellowship
Student Aglow Fellowship
wants to give you a warm
welcome to Capitol Cam
pus. Student Aglow Fel
lowship is an organization
that offers fellowship in an
atmosphere that would
honor the Lord Jesus
Mtings are held once a
week at the conveniece of
attenders. At the meetings
there is singing, prayer,
sharing, friendship and
planning activities.
There are no dues or
strict membership rules. If
you have any questions
contact either Remy
Schone, 944-7585; or
Joyce Luppold, 84-5230.
Wow! here we are in a
nother year and its great to
be back.
This year the Board of
Bovernors is going all out
to expand campus spirit
not just for Mde Heights
but for the e'i'-'m campus
community. We want to
make eveyrones campus
life as enjoyable and excit
ing as possible.
We have a good ca
dar of events plani
Send $1 for your 306-page cat
alog of collegiate research.
10,250 topics listed. Box
25097 G, Los Angeles, Californ
ia, 90025. (213) 477-8226.
t W#
(things like the road rally,
grocery grab and the Hal
loween party) and would
like to add more but we
need your help. So come
get involved. Don’t sit back
and let the best part of
these short years we have
slip by without making a
contribution which will be
felt and appreciated by our
fellow students.
David Latanision, Pres.
Dave Crego, V- Pres
Peggy Weiss, Sec.
tofrtin Wasser, Treas.
Manantha Bible Study
Mranantha Bible
Study extends to you a
hearty welcome. The pur
pose of the fefranantha
Bible Study is to offer a
fundamental study of the
bible in an interesting and
meaningful manner.
hfetings are held every
Wed., from noon to 1 p.m.
in room W-135.
If you are interested in
the study of God’s Word,
please come. If you have
any more questions, con
tact Jonathan Jostler, 944-
7585, or Joyce Luppold,
The 1980 Capitol ite,
the yearbook of Capitol
Campus wants your help in
creating the best yearbook
ever published at Capitol
Stealing a
phone call
isn’t a
Photographers, artists,
page make-up designers,
writers, marketing students
and other aggresive stu
dents are needed to form a
Being part of a suc
cessful yearbook staff will
be a reference that future
employers will look upon
with favor. A member of an
aggressive yearbook staff
will show an employer that
they are capable of working
with a group to complete a
Putting together a year
book is no easy task, but
future employers will high
ly regard the effort. It will
be mutually rewarding to
you and that most impor
tant first employer.
If you are interested in
becoming a part of the 1980
Capitol ite, please contact
Fred Vereb in the Capitolite
office, room W-129, during
4th period or at 5:30 p.m.
on bh., Sept. 24. Interested
students can also contact
Fred during 4th period in
room W-129 any day except
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Bed of Pennsylvania
Lensman Bob Foster
works on another
photo assignment
for the Reader
join Bob on the staff
also sharpen photo
skills by joining the
Photo Club
The Capitol Capus
Chess Club will hold an
organizational meeting in
the Gallery Lounge on Fri.,
Oct. 5, at 3 p.m All
students, faculty and staff
are invited.
Most students play by the rules
when placing a long distance
call. They take advantage ot bar
gain rates and make their calls
during the discount periods. It
you're not sure when you can cal!
at discount rates, check your
phone book.
A tew students think it's O.K. to
break the rules by stealing their
telephone calls. They're not beat
ing the system, they're taking
advantage ot all ot us, because it
dnves up the cost ot providing
telephone service.
Students who break the rules also
run the risk ot paying a large tine.
Spending time in jail. And getting
themselves a permanent police
It's just not worth it!