Dialectic of feminism In this column I will be describing some feminist prin ciples that you many not have thought about before this time. If you are shocked or uncomfortable about these be liefs, please remember that you have been indoctrinated into a patriarchal society with all its set male-identified rules, laws, morals, customs, assumptions, ect. If you con sider yourself a ‘liberal’ don’t think you can sit back and rest on your‘human liberation’laur els. This society and most of the world opress women. As the cliche cigarette ad reads, “We’ve come a long way ba by!” but they don’t tell you that we have much, much further to go before women will be considered equal. This country that stands for freedom and justice keeps 51 per cent of its citizens in a second-class status. Women don’t even have the Equal Rights Amendment ratified. Not that the ERA will stop businessmen from making sexist remarks to their female business partners, but the ERA can help the number of female business people to gain equal footing with male business people by providing legal backup to assure bus inesses adhere to extablished equal right laws. For those women who are so demoralized by the patri archal system that they don’t have the strength to fight, the ERA is not going to heip them. That takes me hack to the first sentence in the second para graph -- this society and most of the world oppress women. There was a famous study documented on film that proved that if a group of people are told they cannot achieve past a certain point, most will not. If the same group of people are told they can achieve much more than previously believed, then most Students can pick-up 79 yearbooks Mi., Sept. 24 thru Fri., Sept. 28 at the C G. Reader/Capitolite of fice during 4th period twelve fifteen to one thirty. THROUGH THE EFFORTS OF MIKE SHELDON* PRES IDENT OF SGA.THE JUKE BOX MUSIC STORE AT THE UNION DEPOSIT MALL IS OFFERING AH PER CENT DISCOUNT ON EVERY ITEM IN THE STORE TO STUDENTS WITH A VALID PSU I.D. will achieve accordingly. It all depends upon who is in power to decide who will achieve. White men have been in the power position for centuries so white men achieve more of the things they want. Now, just think of the times you’ve heard people say they want to have sons to carry on their name. A baby boy is wanted first then a girl child will be welcomed. Why? People usually want things in the order of their importance. People are teaching girl chil dren that they are second choice,second-class. If people were only worried about their names being car ried on, the problem could be corrected by changing the custom of a woman taking on the name of a man’s if she chooses to marry. Many women are now choosing to do just that, but the old custom is dying slow ly. How will we know who owns who? CAT on campus Signs announce that the CAT will be stopping at campus on its daily rounds. by carol eveschild No, I don’t think parents are more eager to have a boy as their first child because of the name being carried on. It is obvious from our laws and customs that females are con sidered second-class. If you laugh at that idea, than ques tion why laws don’t even give equal protection to women. (Slaves were not given protec tion under the laws -- the owners were protected in stead). Women are to be owned by men. Fathers show their own ership by giving their names to their wives. If children don’t have their father's name, they are considered illegitimate. If women don’t use their hus band’s name, they are consi dered ‘loose’ or ‘uppity’ women. The titles Miss and Mrs. show if a woman is owned by her father or her husband. A lot of women even loose their first names in business and photo by bob foster social transactions. Mrs. John Doe used to be Sue Smith, but now, she is John Doe’s prop erty. It may be a romantic idea to some people to say that upon marriage, the happy couple becomes one. Why does the ‘one’ usually mean the male identity? if you think this is not true, ask any man if he would give up his name to assume the identity of his marriage partner. It seems ludicrous in the op posite. It is ‘customary’ for the woman to lose in patriarchal society. For those women who wish to determine their own names if they chose to marry, The Center For A Woman’s Own Name, 261 Kimberley St., Barrington, Illinois, 60010; has lots of information that will help you do just that. Beginning Sept. 17 Capitol Area Transit (CAT) buses will arrive and depart, Monday thru Friday, at the front entrance of the Main Building. The first arriving bus will leave Market Square in Harrisburg at 7:10 a.m. and arrive here at 7:45 a.m. in time for the first period class. The second campus bound bus will leave Market Square at 12:10 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.. Buses from campus to Harrisburg will leave at 12:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Ticket books of 40 coupons, costing 14 dollars, can be pur- chased in the Student Affairs Office and the Records Office.
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