C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, April 19, 1979, Image 3
name-Joseph Horvath term-Bth major-Social Science response-You're not safe any where. Probably, because I don’t have anything to hold me down, I don’t really care about TMI; I see it as a necessary evil. Opinions at name-Frank Cas ini term-Bth major-Business response-Yes, I feel safe at the, § resent. However, the aspect of anger is constantly with us in everyday life. No matter if it is Nuclear Radiation or chemical spills. I am tired of the formaldehyde taste of the morning, i am most heartily tired, I am tired of pissing blood after each overdose, i am most heartily tired, I am tired of using women I cannot touch, I am most heartily tired, I am tired of afternoon bars with broken lives, I am most heartily tired, I am weary of the distance that keeps me alone, I am most heartily weary, I am tired of the guilt. I am tired of the fear. I am tired of the frustration I am tired because 1 cannot pray name-Kandace Myers term-12th major-Accounting/General Business Response-Yes. The atmosphere contains particles which are pollutants to people. The addi tional radiation I am absorbing doesn’t frighten me. (Besides my film in the darkroom room hasn’t fogged-yet.) 9 glance name-Jim Kravitz Jr. term-12th major-EDET response-Yes, the levels I mea sured around the University Apartments are quite minimal and the biggest danger was over before anyone was notified anyway. Litany of the Soul Excerpted from: This Ritual name-Sheryl Simmons term-12th major-Accounting response-Yes. Since I live with in a ten-mile radius of the plant, I don’t feel in any more danger coming to the campus. The rasiation being emitted now is minimal in comparison to what I’ve already been subjected to, so it's a little late to worry. by Bob Foster name-Phil Murphey term-12th major-MDET response-I feel more intimid ated by some of the faculty and staff than by Three Mile Island. name-Peg Rothenberger visitor response-From what I have learned and heard I don’t feel I am in any immediate, potential danger from being exposed to such small amounts of radia tion, considerably less than the average person might be expo sed to from other sources over their lifetime. In light of the recent accident at Three Mile Island—from which radiation is still being emitted—do you feel safe here at Capitol Campus? name-Rod Mastauskas term-12th major-EDET response-Yes, I feel safe. I also feel safe driving down the Schuykill Expressway at 5 p.m. on Friday afternoons. name-Jeff Drinnan term-9th major-Humanities/M-M response-I don’t feel completely safe. The danger isn’t over and won’t be over until the monster is back under lock and key-a cold shutdown. I also don’t know how the people respons ible will get the lethal material out of a dangerous area and put it in a safe place. If I hear of another outburst of radiation like the one on Friday, a week ago. I’ll make a beelme to my car and do a three minute mile, if needed. name-Jerry Gull spokesman-3 mile island response-As we have stated, radiation levels are minimal and well below the safety level. In fact. I’ve been on the scene since the accident and have been exposed to the low levels all along and I feel fine! VOTE! ■lections ‘ for officers and senators Vote in the main lobby Mon., April 23