The silence of the University Administration about the Nuclear Accident at Three Mile Island is startling. Wcame back to classes Monday, April 9, after the chaotic dispersal on Friday, March 30, expecting public outcry from the University against the nuclear fiasco. There was nothing! There were no meetings called to decry the idea of humans being used as guineapigs -- There were no bulletins issued to explain truthfully what dangers lie in the months ahead as the Metropolitan Edison Company is trying to dispose of its nuclear waste; this being the most insidious problem of nuclear energy. To date there is still nothing, only silence! Wiy are there no reactions from the administration? The only signs of public abhorrence to this bizarre affair have been from students and professors. Is the university not going to help call a halt to the outrageous shenanigans going on at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant? Is the university not going to insist that the complex be closed? W hat is the stand of the university toward the problem? Is there a spokesman who can clarify the matter, or are we to deduce from the silence that the university is going to be as wishy-washy as the majority of officials that has editor Tfefi atrt Inv Editor As the weather breaks and people take to the courts, the residents of the University A partments would like to remind all persons using the playing courts that the parking lot in front of the apartment building is for the residents and their guests only. Parking is prov ided for court users in the rear of the Multi-Purpose Building. Avoid hassles and tickets. Thank you, Residents of University Apts, c/o James F. Kravitz Jr. M* Editor: Concerning the article enti titled “Elvis is King.” Elvis Costello has as much talent as a seal with a broken nose. This is obvious the pervert can’t scrape Up enough ‘John Len non'cords or‘Bob Dylan’ lyrics for more th«a a tbrUb ppnute feedback Mur. Not only is Elvis a pervert and an importer of musical taste, but he should be, shot behind the oyrs and do the world a r * v -- Kurt Lambert 7th term BCT e.c: ieudsr ■ jir/ ofdn * pMaa^MufesrttombMrtty editor lyda baker business manager bob manley feature editor sue girolami sports editor mike cocdardi photography editor bob foster copy editor louisa baskin type setter me cartoonist joe horvath staff joan klein jeff drinnan gayle greenwahl tony gladfelter adviser candy williams Editor: I applaud your March 2 editorial on the J.P. Stevens Boycott. As responsible consu mers we need to recognize unethical business practices and to participate in boycotts against corrupt companies. Let me bring to your atten tion another injustice that is currently bring fought-the Nestles Boycott. Why are thoaamadm or people refusing to buy one of our favorite choco late candies? Because Nestles is killing babies. The Swiss based parent corporation is a primary manu facturer of infant milk formula being sold in Third World cou ntries. Illiterate families are told by Nestle employees and through Nestle advertising that the Western bottle baby is better nourished than breast IBHI fed babies. Mothers, wanting the best for their children, buy (aster's Choice the milk products they cannot Nescafe afford and do not have the JJeCa' facilities or education to mix “^ riSB C®"” properly. As a result, the dilu- ted and impure “milk" is pois- Choco-Chiit oning an estimated 10 million Nestle Chocolate . Y babies in poor countries. crunch ' v f Nestea Souptime -T , tAJ Meogi products Dear Editor: Svies Knight cheese There are about 648 ■■■ stoidter products spaces in the rear lot. Of those ■■■ Stoidter iwtaurents i hows 643 spaces, two are reserved •Ak .owutper Bros, sines Th.fn .rn . ' to* Hermanos wines ftw nmorcydea. Tpere are a , m g -lUttn a lintm. Mcwh nm