C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, February 13, 1979, Image 3

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    c.c. reader
Problems with student center
To The Editor:
Why do they call it a stu
dent center? When a building is
entitled “Student Center” it
would be safe to assume that it
is for sudents.
This is my second term here
at capitol campus and as far as
I can tell the activities office is
not much of an activities office,
as experienced this past week
Myself and a Mend wanted
to play pool at the student
center. As usual the activities
office and social committee had
nothing planned so Saturday
night proved naturally boring.
Then, we found out the student
center was locked. When we
requested the key at the R.A.
office in Wrisberg Hall we were
denied and told by the R.A. on
duty Saturday night, that some-
Bin Wyatt
Term 12
Luzerne County Community
I chose Capitol Campus because
of its close proximity to the
state Capitol and because I
grew somewhat weary of N.E.
Opinions at a glance
What are your reasons for coming to capitol campus? by foster
Temple University
Capitol is close to my home and
they have the reading specialist
course in which I am interested.
one had to be working there.
On occasions before, we
could get the key for an ex
change of our I.D. card, but this
was not so last Saturday night.
Is it going to be this way
every weekend, where
students who do stay on cam
pus don’t even have the use of
the student center?
Another Mend wanted to go
over to study and the R.A. still
wouldn’t give him the key or
offer to open it up.
Although the student center
doesn’t have much to offer it
still provides some recreation
for “Left-behind" students and
should be open.
Kevin Monroe
Term 8 MDET
Gregory K. Chubboz
Term 11
Ferrum College, Ferrum, VA
Tm attending Capitol because
my parents live in the area
making it cheaper, also because
Penn State has the eleventh
best business program in the
Term 8
York Campus
I liked the program in engin
eering technology offered here,
and the location saves on living
expenses by being able to com
mute. ■
to O
No choice
A sad situation has devel
oped in our Dept, of Housing
and Food Service. In our cafe
teria we have no choice but to
eat Tender Touch bread, which
is produced by a company
whose regular employees are
on strike.
We are also forced to sleep
Wayne Berkemeyer
Term 7
PSU Dela. Co. Campus
It offered the degree I wanted.
Bert Davino
Term 12
University of Conn.
University Park was too crow
ded....no place to live. Capitol is
on a more personal basis. The
ratio of guys to girls isn’t bad
here either!
on sheets produced by the J.P.
Stevens Co. which is the na
tions number one violator of the
National Labor Relations Act
and the subject of a nation wide
union boycott.
As a person raised in a decent
home, where I was taught to
respect the wishes of those who
are forced to strike in order to
achieve a livable wage and
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Mark Servinsky
Term 12
Williamsport Area Community
I like the smaller class size - I
think it’s much easier to learn
here than at university park.
Bob EUcker
Term 8
York Campus
I chose Capitol Campus because
of it’s location and the program
maintain human dignity, it
turns my stomach to think that
I am paying room and board to
support unscrupulous- busi
nessmen and their “scabs."
I am equally disappointed in
our Housing and Food Service
Manager, Mr. Norm Gautreau,
whose only reply to the prob
lem is “do you want to eat?”
-Gratz Washenik and WMC
Linda E. Padgett
Term 8
Psychosocial Science
Peirce Jr. College
Capitol accepted all of my cred
its. Also a previous teacher of
mine, who attended Capitol
Campus gave me a positive
impression of Capitol.
Oooooh. I heard about the male
female ratio.