C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, January 25, 1979, Image 1

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    Pennsylvania State University at Capitol Campus
■ ■re al
Vol. 8 No. 10
)I•Mi. 0 4111=10 41o , • 411=1. 011••• ( )IMM. 0 4lnb. AIM.< ) 4MMIw.O 4111 NO. iMMEIr• o 4.1111bq ).011,01=111. 4•111. 0 4WD. 41OMM. 41M110. )4INM , ANNi( )411.1.0. Immo. Vamp o
The Study Lounge in the
Student Center is open twenty
four hours.
If for any reason anyone
finds the center closed during
hours when it should be open,
please report this to Student
Activities -w-104, or call 787 -
by sue middleton
Marilyn Carmen, a Capitol
Campus senior, has received an
award from the International
Publications of Los Angeles,
California for her poem "Life's
"Life Schooldays" will be
published in the "American Co
llegiate Poets."
In the fall of 1978, Carmen
had another of her poems pub
lished in Poet Lore, Washing
ton D.C. The poem was entitled
"For. Birdsake."
She is currently working
on a somewhat autobiograph
ical work entitled "Spider
Web." The novel is centered
around a women lying and
dying on the floor.
As she stare at a bug upon
the wall , she reflects on the way
she lived her life.
The first thing Carmen ever
had published was in the Poet's
Corner of the Patriot News
back in 1975. She recalls that
the first time she saw one of her
poems in print, "it was a great
feeling to see something I've
written in print."
Carmen's writing career
began over three years ago
A police officer doesn't have
to wittness an incident in which
a vehicle operator doesn't yield
the right-of-way to pedestrans
at a crosswalk.
A ped. can turn in the
licence numbers of cars, therby
making them face Police Ser
Poem Publ
when she decided to go to
college. She was taking a
composition course and her
teachers inspired her to begin
After awhile Carmen began
to subscribe to "Reading Mark
et Magazine for Poetry."
Through exposure she became
familiar with the publishing
companies. She sent a few of
her works out and as a result
she has had two of her poems
When asked how she choos
es her subjects Carmen replied,
"If I have a feeling about
something my way of expres
sing it is through a poem."
Carmen, a native Harris
burger,is employed at the
Mechanicsburg Naval Depot as
a clerk. She says she's not the
athletic type but she does ex
cerises every morning and
meditates afterwards.
Reading is Carmen's favor
ite thing to do. An added bonus
is that it relaxes her. Classical
music is another one of her
pleasures along with rock or
disco if she's in a "sociable
As a basic non-conformist
"AN the news that fits we print"
New Provost
Dr. Theodore L. Gross, pro
fessor of English and former
Dean of Humanities at the City
College of New York, was ap
pointed Provost and Dean of
Penn State University's Capitol
Campus by the Board of Trust
ees at a meeting Saturday, Jan.
Dr. Gross's appointment
becomes effective Feb.l. He
will succeed Dr. Robert E.
McDermott who resigned to
return to teaching. Dr. Dauane
R. Smith will serve as acting
Provost until Dr. Gross takes
While at CCNY, Dr. Gross
brought about major curricu
lum changes in The College of
Liberal Arts, including the in
stitution of a Bachelor of Fine
Jan. •24 - 26 Pass-fail option
form and also Course Repeat
form. Course Repeat has a fee
of $3.
Any student driving a sub
stitute vehicle --one which is
not registered' with the Uni
versity— must sign the vehicle
sub book located at the round
Carmen refuses to buy a couch
for her new house. At first it
was just a game between her
and her four chlidren. Now it
has become a matter of princi
pal. She feels books and learn
ing are more important than
couches, she doesn't want to
take the time to bother getting
Although she is enrolled in
the social program, Carmen is
now taking two art courses
including pottery. She says,
"the pottery course ... is re
warding because I'm able to do
something to make a product. It
completely changed my life."
Carmen is instructing two
classes in creative writing at
the YWCA. In Feb. she will be
teaching at Cumberland Valley
High School:
Next semester Carmen will
read for Ed MacArthur's Liter
ature for Enjoyment" class at
In .August . Carmen will
graduate but she wishes to
continue on to receive her Mas
ters Degree.
Arts degree, establishment of
programs in mass communica
tions and public policy and
development of the core curric
ulum in Liberal Arts and
Sciences. As Dean of Humani
ties, he was responsible for the
development of the Leonard
Davis Center for the Perform
ing Arts.
A specialist in 19th century
American literature, Dr. Gross
has authored four books, edited
seven other, and written num
erous essays. His newest work,
Open Admissions and Academ
ic Excellence: A Future for the
Humanities, will be published
by Doubleday/ Anchor this
year. He was editor of America
In Literature, a two-volume
text published in 1978. His
A student police officer engraves equipment using
Operation Identification.
See related story on page 4
editorial-bitch box
opinions at a glance
horvath comics
lifestyles-short story
sports-bowlers make comeback
January 25,1979
essays have appeared in num
erous periodicals, including
"The Saturday Review",
"Change" and "The Yale Re
Dr. Gross is a 1952 graduate
of the University of Maine. He
earned his M.A. and Ph.D.
Degrees from Columbia Uni
versity with highest honors. He
has been a faculty member
CCNY since 1958 and a full
professor since 1971. His pro
fessional honors include a
Rockefeller Grant, a New York
Council for the Humanities
Grant, and a Fulbright Schol
arship. On the invitation of the
U.S. State Department, he has
lectured in Austria, France.
Holland, Israel, Italy and Ni-
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