C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, November 09, 1978, Image 3

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    November 9, 1978
Campus Saviors
To the Editor,
I am appalled that anyone
would dare question the pol
icies and priorities of the cam
pus security force! Some people
are saying there is too much
devotion for giving parking
tickets and pulling some people,
over for speeding rather than
protecting students from van
dals and other relatively un
important matters.
With the acuity of an eagle,
they spy students illegally
parking within seconds and
swoop down and administer
justice in a single bounds, be
fore students can deviate from
culture norms. For an illegal
parker must be stopped before
he does something much more
serious like jaywalking. Fur
thermore, just the fact of
breaking the law shows stu
dents' lack of respect. It's
heresy and they must be chas
tized for it.
It's quite assuring that Sec
urity judiciously subscribes to
the philosophy "a bird in hand
is worth two in the bush" in
that they have decided that
protecting students property is
an unrealistic goal and ex
pecting to stop vandalism
would most likely be an un
founded leap of pure optimism.
Consequently, the security
force is adamant on ticketing
illegal parkers.
I've heard a rumor test
ifying just how adamant some
security officers can be. About
three o'clock in the morning, as
To the Editor,
There is a major problem
developing between the Stu
dent Center and the Continuing
Education Department.
The Continuing Education
Department is slowly but
surely taking over the Student
Center. Sure, Continuing
Education brings in a substan
tial amount of money to the
Campus and they do help a
minority of undergraduate stu
dents, but are we going to
sacrifice the only building, the
only hangout for the already
underhoused facilities for
The clubs and organizations
will be the ones to suffer the
most. If the Administration
feels that alcohol is becoming
too large a problem on campus,
then Continuing Education is
doing their sanctioned job.
Think about this.
Student Affairs and Con
tinuing Education spent
$lO,OOO for new furniture for
the Student Center, however,
none will be released for keg
gars and the like, according to
Continuing Education. In their
the story goes, a young man
was clocked at 36 mph while
driving in a 35 mph zone
through the campus. Faster
than odour on manure, a secur
ity officer turned on his siren
and flasher and put his foot to
the floor. After pursuing the
lawbreaker for about 60 feet, he
suddenly got a flat tire. The of
ficer jumped out of the car and
pursued the speeder on foot
towards the Olmsted plaza. Al
ter nearly passing out from
exhaustion (having run about
50 feet) the officer returned to
his car and filled out a report.
The next morning the of
ficer saw someone he suspected
to be the speeder while sitting
in his patrol car stationed in
front of the main building. He
watched the suspect walk along
the grass heading towards the
railroad tracks. With siren
sounding, lights flashing, rub
ber squealing, the officer was
off. He drove off the road and
onto the grass towards the
tracks but soon reached an
impasse. It just so happened a
train was coming, and in the
direction of the alleged law
breaker. The officer hopped the
train as it slowly headed to
ward the young man. Reaching
alongside the suspect, the of
ficer dove off, tackling the
young man. Later he discover
ed it was the wrong guy.
The campus security force is
indubiately the savior of Cap
itol Campus, with all their
redeeming qualities. No won
der so many rave about it.
eyes, this is a proper thing to do
and this course will be followed
Another point arose; what
about the growing population
at the campus? If this is so, then
a bigger hassle will occur some
where down the road when
Continuing Education and a
student organization both want
the Student Center either
on the same day or the follow
ing day. Even if the Continuing
Education Department has its
programs on the following day
and the organization does clean
the Student Center, the odor of
fermented beer will still be
quite prominent. What then?
Will we not be allowed to hold
keggars two days before the
Continuing Education Work
shops? Or three days before?
Who will determine? The stu
dents won't be able to, but
Continuing Education and Stu
dent Activities will determine
this major issue.
Don't let the only area for
recreation of clubs sponsoring
keggars be stolen from us.
Jeff Drinnan
Now that the weather has
changed I think we should start
a car-pool station in the heights.
The plan would be to use the
brick shelter on Weaver Ave
nue as a pick-up point for
people without cars.
Those people who are wil
ling to volunteer would drive
those needing rides to the main
building. If the system works
maybe we could get special
parking privledges.
In order to organize the plan
I ask all interested parties,
drivers and passengers, to drop
your name and departure time
in my mail box in the SGA
office. Also leave any sugges
tions you might have.
Michael V. Sopata
C.C. Reader
The Editor
To the Editor,
Last week there was a large
amount of destruction and van
dalism done to vehicles parked
in the dorm parking lot. I am
sitting here trying to figure out
some kind of motive to answer
the question why?
The only thing I can figure This term will end with a
out is the possibility that out- bang! The last graduating class
siders could have a vendeta of 1978 will have the thrill of
against PSU students for some receiving their degree at the
act of say, rowdiness or des- "sock hop" in the gym. This
truction a few students could graduating class has worked as
have done off campus. hard as any other graduating
A suggestion I would like to class of Capitol Campus. For
make is please don't get too, our hard work we will receive
rowdy when you're off campus. the penalty of having cere-
If you're at a bar, say one in monies in the gym? I wonder if
Middletown, don't start trouble most graduating students re
with anyone. If we put down alize the honor that has been
outsiders chances, are they imposed upon them! lamto be
going to retaliate and do some- a participant in this event and
thing against us? If we are all after two years at Capitol I feel
aware of this, and we all work receiving my degree in the gym
together, we may be able to is not only downgrading to me
stop some of this vandalism as a student, but also is a total
that is cropping up around disgrace to the whole gradu
Remember, the con- I
sequences always come back to I
you the student!
A concerned student
Car Pool
To the Editor,
C. Lament
To the Editor,
This letter is directed to any
organizations holding any social
activities open to the campus
residents. Please consider resi
dent students when advertising
for these affairs. If the adver
tisement states, "We never run
out of beer", I assume that you
have bought enough beer to
last the length of the activity. It
is my understanding that dis
tributors will buy back beer not
used. If however, you are buy
ing a limited amount, advertise-
Sock Hop In Gym
To the Editor,
The C.C. Reader is conduct
ing a survey of student opinion
concerning what should be done
to replace the Spring Concert.
Please fill in the ballot and
return it to the C.C. Reader
office, W 129, or put it in the
I A major band concert in the
1 Several smaller music & other
I cultural events throughout the
I year.
I ,
A Spring Weekend with sev
eral events such as a picnic,
sport tournaments, art festival,
club carnavals and live music.
I Comments
ment of this amount will re
solve any problems created by
running out, simply because the
advertised amount of beer has
been consumed.
Also, if by chance the band
will play an encore, if the "hat is
passed" through the crowd,
please do not hassle people not
contributing. I. personally con
sider this action inconsiderate
and low caliber. I hope these
few suggestions are considered
when planning future events.
ating process
I attended June's gradu
ation ceremonies at the Her
shey Community Theatre and
found them to be a rewarding
experience for the students. I
realize that fewer students will
be graduating this term and
funds may be a problem but the
gym is not the place for such a
I can just imagine inviting
parents, from such places as
Erie, Pa., and Pittsburgh, Pa.
and even New Jersey, to take
the long ride up for the cere
monies and then tell them to
take their shoes off and pull up
a bleacher.
Graduation? No! But thanks
for the sock hop.
C.C. Reader mail box in the I
SGA office, WllO. I
The deadline is November!
14. Results will be published. I
Five is highest personal in-I
terest; one is lowest. I
Page 3
Concerned Student
Maggie Smith
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