C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, October 19, 1978, Image 4

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Meade Heights Board of
Governors met Wednesday,
October 11 to complete final
preparations for the upcoming
Road Rally, and to discuss
future events.
The Road Rally will be held
this Saturday, October 21 start
ing at 11 am. Time, gas, and the
skill of reading and following
directions will be the highlights
of the rally. Trophies will be
awarded to those who place in
certain categories.
Also discussed at our meet
ing was the upcoming Hallo
ween dance. This dance will be
co-sponsored by the Phiu Beta
Lambda and PSPE on Tuesday,
October 31. Booths sponsored
by other clubs, music, and
talents are planned into the
November 20 will be the
date to keep in mind; it's the
Traditional Thanksgiving Din
ner. Provisions and committees
have been set up to get things
ready. Keep these dates in
The MHBOG is an open
organization that is working
together to add a spice of
entertainment to the campus.
Our membership is open and
we welcome anyone. If you're
looking for a place to suggest
ideas, meet new friends, or just
want to get involved in some
thing extra besides homework;
give MHBOG a try.
Barb Brewer
On Thursday, October 26, at
2:00p.m. Dr. Ken Masters will
be lecturing on his U.N./Niger
ian experience on behalf of the
Black Student Union.
This lecture will be the
second in a series sponsored by
t. he BSU to run during the fall
term on the Black experience.
They are scheduled for Tues
days or Thursdays at 2:00 p.m.
in the BCAC W-134.
The first was held on Tues
day, Oct. 17. This was titled
"Rediscover Oliver Cox" with
Dr. Herbert Hunter. Dr. Hunt
er's lecture focused on Dr.
Oliver Cox, sociologist, work
"Caste Class and Race" written
in 1948. This work exemplifies
Dr. Cox's contribution to the
discipline of sociology. "Caste
Class and Race" is basically an
analogy of the class struggle
and capitolism in the 40's. His
works espouse Marxist ideol
ogy/capitolisn but he was op-.
posed to nationalism and plur
On Thurs., November 9, Dr.
Mahar will be lecturing and Dr.
Clem Gilpin is also scheduled
for November.
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Penn State NORML
There was a good response
last week from several students
interested in starting a Capitol
Campus branch of the National
Organization for the Reform of
Marijuana Laws. Many excel
lent ideas were brought up
concerning future activities
which would benefit students,
faculty, and the local commun
ity. Possibilities include: spon
soring guest speakers from
state and national organiza
tions, and from medical re
search institutions; providing
legal and medical information
through literature and discus
sion groups; and showing edu
cational films dealing with the
facts about marijuana.
Those students involved in
the organization will have the
opportunity to attend state and
national NORML conferences,
support activities in Washing
ton D.C. and throughout Penn
sylvania, and to take an active
part in communicating with
congressmen and senators.
The most immediate con
cern is for Capitol Campus
Organization for the Reform of
Marijuana Laws (CCORML) to
become a chartered organiza
tion of the University. This
means having a faculty advisor,
drawing up a budget, electing
officers, and meeting the ap
proval of the University and
the SGA. This may sound like a
lot of work, and it will be, but
the results will be well worth
the effort.
Stop by at our meetings
every Thursday in the Middle
Earth Coffee House, 946 Kirt
land Ave. at 7 pm. We are open
to any suggestions and new
ideas you may have.
William R. Douglas
Accounting Club
Accounting Club will have a
keggar next Tuesday night
9:00 to 2:00. The entertain
ment will be provided by
Smoke City, a local five piece
band. Admission price will be
On Sunday, October 8, the
Philadelphia Chapter of the
Society of Automotive Engi
neers held "student's day at the
races" at Poconos International
Raceway. The days activities
included a pit pass, a tour of the
racetrack and a four hour en
durance race. Fourteen student
members from Capitol were in
The next meeting' will be
held on Monday, October 23 at
7 pm in the Engineering Lab
C.C. Reader
On Sat. October 28
At the Student Center
DISCO: 9 pm--2 am
MOVIES: 2 am--7 am
PRICE: $2.50
Dress with or without costume
The Most Original Costume
The Best Costume
The Worst Costume
Come to our disco from Phila
It's gonna be a groovy night
State - Capitol Campus Office of
Continuing Education, in co
operation with Carlisle IMC,
will offer a Time Management
Seminar for Management on
Fri., Nov. 3 from 8:30 a.m. to 4
p.m. at the Embers Restaurant,
1700 Harrisburg Pike, Carlisle,
This seminar is designed for
those who plan, organize,and
manage projects and for the
executives to whom they re
port. Its purpose is to co-ordi
nate the latest ideas on time
'management enabling each par
ticipant to subsatantially in
crease his or her job perfor
Alfred R. Schaub, Asso
ciate Professor of Business
Administration, Penn State Un
iversity, will conduct the semi
nar. Professor Schaub has held
many supervisory and mana
gerial positions in business,
government, and service organ
The workshop fee of $22.
includes the cost of instruction,
course materials, and lunch.
Registration will end Fri., Oct.
For further information,
contact the Office for Continu
ing Education, Penn State--
Capitol Campus, Middletown.
Management Seminar
seminar on Material Manage
ment concerning purchasing,
inventories, and transporta
tion, will be held on Tuesday,
November 7, beginning at 8:30
a.m. The purpose of this
seminar is to bring together the
most important research find
ings of materials management
and to present all the interface
relationships among its three
Classified ads are published as a free service to the Capitol
Campus community. Other advertisers will be charged $l.OO per
ad. Submit ads to staff members at the READER office, W-129;
or call 944-4970. Deadline is Tuesday at 5 pm.
For Sale--Olympia Portable
(manual) Typewriter. Recently
overhauled. $25 Call 564-2357.
FOR SALE: Marshall 100 watt
amplifier head with cover. Good
condition. $350 Call Dino a
round 6:00 737-4696.
FOR SALE-'7l Chevy Impala,
new brakes and exhaust sys
tem, 2 new tires, 2 tires in
excellent condition, 2 extra
wheels, automatic, radio, 94,000
miles. $650, or best offer. Call
Send $l.OO for your 256-page,
mail order catalog of Collegiate
Research. 10,250 topics listed.
Prompt Delivery. Box 25907-B,
Los Angeles, Calif. 90025. (213)
Over 10,000 listings! All subjects.
Send NOW for this FREE catalog.
(offer expires Dec. 31, 1978)
P.O. Box 84396, Los Angeles, CA. 90073
October 19, 1978
major functions--purchasing, in
ventories and transportation.
The seminar will be conduc
ted on campus in the Multi-Pur
pose Building. Registration
deadline is Wednesday, Novem
ber 1. The fee for the seminar is
For further details and infor
mation contact: Continuing Ed
cation Office, Penn State Capi
tol Campus, Middletown, PA
17057, or phone 787-7783.
FOR SALE: women's stylish
brown leather boots, 6 1/28.
Worn only once, $25. Call 939-
[290 evenings.
Environmental action and the
Environmental action Found
ation are seeking interns to
assist with research and writ
ing in several areas. Further
info: Ms. Annette Woolson, In
tern Coordinator, Environmen
tal Action Foundation, 724 Du
pont Circle Bldg., Wash. DC
EARN $6B to $lOO per
month for four hours of your
time per week. Donate Plasma
at Sera Tec Biologicals. Open
Monday thru Thursday from
9:30 to 5:30 and Friday from
8:00 to 3:00. Stop in at 260
Reily St. or call for information
at 232-1901.