C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, October 05, 1978, Image 1

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    PSU Capitol Campus
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Vol. 8, No. 3
SGA Defeats Budget
All Funds Frozen
The SGA defeated the 1978-79
budget as presented by the Finance
Committee Tuesday night by a count of
four yes, five no, and four abstentions.
One of the reasons the budget failed
to pass was that some Senators ques
tioned whether the Finance Committee
followed the criteria established for
proposing the allocations. These Sen
ators felt that too much emphasis was
placed on the amount of money a club
generated last year, and not enough
was placed on the achievements of a
club through their activities.
• Peter Olayiwola, Senior Busi
ness Senator, then proposed to change
the name of the budget to the 1978-79
Tentative Budget as presented by the
Search Narrows
The first of the final candidates for
the Provost/Dean position at Capitol
Campus will be interviewed on campus.
Thursday, Oct. 5.
Dr. Benjamin M. Perles will be
meeting with the Administration and
staff, the Faculty staff and the Student
Government Association during specif
ic times throughout the day.
Dr. Perles is currently Dean of the
School of Business Administration at
Dominion University.
Through hours and hours of read
ing, researching, meetings and discus
sions, the Provost/Dean Search Com
mittee reviewed 120 applicants since
Out of the 120 applicants there
were about 10 women who applied.
This is the first time in Capitol Campus
Campus history that women have
applied for the position.
In its' reviewing procedure the
search committee prepared individual
charts on the candidates using criteria
consisting of the applicants administra
tive and budget personnel experience,
upperlevel teaching experience, schol
arship attainment and success at prog
arship attainment and success at pro
gram planning and community rela
Each committee member individu
ally evaluated the applicants.
After the applicants were reduced
to the top 20, they were again reviewed
by the same criteria. Out of these 20,
ten finalists were determined. Refer
ence checks were then made on the ten
candidates. Through more than 50
C.C. Read
Finance Committee. The Senate passed
the action by an 8-2-3 vote. It was felt
that there would be more flexibility to
reallocate money with this new title.
On Wednesday morning Craig
Hocker,SGA President, sent a notice to
all club presidents that their budgets
have been frozen. Until the budget is
passed no club or organization may
spend any of their allocated funds.
"As of right now clubs are spending
money which they don't have; there
fore the books are running in the red.
This leaves the President with no other
choice," was the explaination given by
Sandy Mancuso, SGA Secretary.
"The SGA must have control and
there is no control as it is now. Any
money spent as of the beginning of the
term will come out of their allocations.
phone calls, the committee eliminated
two candidates.
Last Friday, Saturday and Sunday
the search sub-committee interviewed
six of the eight remaining candidates in
seperate 2-8 hour screening sessions at
George Washington University(GWU).
Three of the six screened at GWU
were eliminated last Monday after the
committee approved a fourth fin'alist.
The search committee is still screening
three other canidates.
The remaining final candidates will
be on campus for interviews sometime
in the last two weeks of October.
"There has been an interesting and
varied array of applicants. Most have
been deans, vice-presidents and pro
vosts at other colleges and universities
throughout the country," Dr. Robert
Graham, Chairman of the search com
mittee said Wednesday.
The search committee members
are: Dr. Robert J. Graham, Chairper
son; Craig Hocker, Student Govem
ment President; Ritta G. Blatt, Asst.
Professor of Chemistry; Francis Fer
guson, Professor of Environmental De
Stanley N. Miller, Professor Social
Science and Ed. and Program Head,
Ed.; Eugene Kelley, Dean, College of
Business, Univ. Park; Benjamin W.
Niebel, Head, Indudtrial Engineering,
Univ. Park.
Provost/Dean Dr. Robert E. Mc-
Dermott announced his resignation last
April. McDermott's resignation goes.
into effect no later than January 1,
New Board Proposed
A proposal, aimed at instructing the
Social Committee in order to coordi
nate all co-curricular activities, manage
social events, and coordinate such
events sponsored by campus organiza
tions, was submitted to the SGA on
Tuesday night by Randy Goshert and
Scott Heller.
The number and type of activities
available to the students is a problem
to both students and student leaders.
The most frequent event on campus is
the keggar, yet it is currently disfa
vored by the students and administra
The lack of long-range planning,
overall coordination and de-centralized
way which social events are presented
to the students are seen as the reasons
for this.
Individual clubs and organizations
sponsor social activities as a means of
raising money which enables them to
meet the needs of their members. With
this basis for social activities, there is
duplication of events, limited funds,
little experimentation, and no long
range planning.
The proposal suggests that the
Social Committee become the Campus
Activities Planning Board (CAPB).
After Keggar
An act of vandalism was reported after
Ibesday night's keggar by hunk 'Williams,
assistant manager of housing and food
The investigation revealed that one of
the windshield wipers of food service's
Ik)dge truck was brolien. The other wiper
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The Capitol Campus Intramural Flag Football season kicked'off on Monday, October 2
Games will be played on the athletic fields on campus. Come out and enjoy the action
October 5, 1978
This board would provide a means of
planning, promoting, coordinating and
funding campus activities.
It was proposed that CAPB consist
of two bodies, the general membership
and an executive board. The general
membership would suggest ideas, e
valuate suggestions based upon suc
cess and student needs. This member
ship would consist of members of clubs,
and organizations, SGA, and students.
The executive board would select
worthwhile activities and arrange
funding. The CAPB would co-sponsor
the event and share the profits gener
ated. Any loss would be charged to
Heller and Goshert stress the fact
that clubs and organizations do not
have to plan activities through this
board. The board is a means of funding
activities and provides stability, inno
vation, incentive and long-term plan
The proposal was not presented in
finished form. It was hoped that it
would generate suggestions to further
advance the idea. It is currently under
going revision. An SGA vote will be
was bent forward away from the wind
shield and needs replacement.
Also, trash was dumped from a container
and littered on the grounds in front of the
Dining Hall between the dorms.
This act of vandalism could put future
beggars in jeopardy according to Craig
Hocker, SGA President.