Page 8 Quitting Up College students, according to a Princeton University survey, apparently are smoking less. At Princeton, only about 7% of the 4,500 undergraduates this year are smokers, com pared with 45% eight years ago. In this year's freshman class at Harvard, there were only 27 smokers out of 1,624 students. A Yale spokesman says: "We don't keep statistics, but there definitely has been a decline." At Dartmouth, a spokesman says, "it's the exceptional student who smokes now." Dr. Louis Pyle, Princeton's director of health services (and a nonsmoker), cites several reasons for the drop in student smoking. "Students in a place CLASSIFIEDS Reader classifieds are published free as a service to the students of Capitol Campus. Classifieds should be left at the Reader office (W-129) or in the mailbox in the S.G.A. office (W-110). Lost: Beige cigarette case with black lettering. If found, please call Wina at 944-9216. LOST - Ti 30 calculator "Texas Instrument". Left in Room 231, sth period 1/24/78, would appreciate its return, please call 944-5868. FOR SALE: 1 pair F7B x 14 snow tires mounted and balanced on chevy rims; 1 pair 14 x 7 keystone slotted mags; 1 wooden drink tray for '76 on Ford Vans, call Craig at 533-6650. ROOM FOR RENT: 20 minutes from school, furnished, $67 month, call Howie or Mike at 234.9147 or check in Student Affairs office. FOR SALE: Triplett 310 F.E.T. VOM with leads (hand held unit) was $92 asking $6O. Call 367-4403. FOR SALE: All chrome trailer hitch for V.W. Bolts on to frame, hardly used...s2o. Call 367-4403. FOR SALE: Ski boots, Caber 11-11V2, call Don at 944-3793. Ski lessons, private lessons , or group rates, skis sharpened and hot waxed, fees are very reasonable, call 944-0012, Rich. like this are used to evaluating information and acting on it," he says. "They're aware of the long-term dangers of smoking, and even if they started smoking in high school, they've usually quit by the time they get here." Also, they don't need smoking as a social crutch or something to give them status, he adds. Among high school stu dents, the trend is mixed. Smoking by boys dropped to 30 % from 31 % in the 1969-75 period, but increased among girls to 27% from 22%. This article was taken from the Wall ST. Journal of Dec. 15, 1977 and was submitted by a concerned individual. rstl estah witio of ii iiiliii , , i • ...._ //i/iIIIIII‘\ OOPS I. 1 GUESS IT'S TIME To Go TO CLA SS ! Found: Beer mug, at Phi Beta Lambda Social Friday, January 27th. Call Wina at 944-9216. FOR SALE: Craig Pioneer 8 track Tapeplayer for home; tape deck and 2 speakers, $35 Call 367-4403. For Rent: Looking for a home away from home? Share a large three story home in the suburbs. Own furnished room with full use of all home facilities. Ideal for person not wishing to live alone but desiring some privacy. Excel lent location, for Capitol Campus student, out door animals excepted. Good envi ronment with a class A, small singular family. Reasonable rent for right person. Female preferred. For further details call 566-8596. FOR SALE : XL 100 Bomar Brain calculator, eight digit, 20 function, with memory and recharger, never used, $17.00. Call 367-4403. For Sale; Scotch Classic 45 minute 8 track tapes, still in store bought condition. Low prices. call Bob at 944-2327 For Sale: Firewood, fourty dollars a truckload call 561-2698 after spm if no answer call 545-3356 C.C. Reactor SGA News By Dave Nikoloff The SGA finance committee is now surveying our budget and finance system. We would like to find out what the clubs have done and what they plan to do. The officers of each club should pick up and fill out a short form that will help us review their financial situation. They can find these forms in their mailboxes located in W-110. Please fill them out and return them by Feb. 15th. Anyone interested inform ing a campus charter of the Young Democrats or Young Republicans should contact David Nikoloff in the SGA Office. Currently we do not have an active chapter of the Young Democrats and the Young Republicans have not had a charter approved. Two clubs have had their charters approved this year. Last term Phi Beta Lambda was recognized by the SGA and last Tuesday another group, the Society of Planning Students; was approved by the Senate. Any student interested in becoming a member of a student organization can come to the SGA office for details. (It has come to the attention of SGA that high school students may be attending organization keg gars. If this is so, it is highly desirable that all clubs apply a heavier emphasis on age identification at the entrance to any keggars.) Harrisburg REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES 100 Chestnut Street • Harrisburg, PA 1710/ Across from the Harrisburg hospital BIRTH CONTROL PREGNANCY TESTING VD SCREENING ABORTION COUNSELING 1-717-232-9794 C Xaratella I6 R H E S sp r itt A e tißA pL. N i; T z.4 cLereSs 4rorn McDonadois PRESENTS STE Ve KAROL sot4G,VVRATER YEKSATILE E.w - reKriktmElk ENJOY Flo taut CogiitedirS W THIS FRI.+ SAT February 2, 1978 NITE 1•In
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