C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, January 19, 1978, Image 8

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    Gamma lota fraternity will
host another dance keggar.
This one will be at the
Student Center and will
begin at 9pm featuring the
band, Grand Slam. We were
unable to obtain the use of
the Middletown Hunters'
and Anglers' Club this time
but arrangements are being
made to obtain the use of the
Hummelstown Anglers Club.
But due to reservations this
will be months away so our
next keggar will also be in
the Student Center on
February 25.
Anyway, we are now in
the process of organizing
our volleyball and basketball
teams for the coming
intramural seasons. Anybody
that wants to play should
see me or Craig Hocker or
PBL Reporter
Hi! I'm sure by now
you've heard or read about
the newest addition to
Capitol Campus. Phi Beta
Lambda, a business organi
zation, is getting off the
ground. I'll be writing from
time to time to bring you the
latest events and explain
how the club functions. Phi
Beta Lambda meets every
Mmday at 3 p.m. in Room,
216. New members are
welcome. On January 16th,
officers were elected,
Congratulations go out to
Shier f&Caffr -Pr Went
students of Capitol Campus. Classifieds should be left at the
Reader office (W-129) or in the mailbox in the S.G.A. office
The Reader needs photo
graphs. Drop off your photos
for publication every Monday in
Room W-129.
For Sale: Firewood, fourty
dollars a truckload call
561-2698 after spm if no
answer call 545-3356
For Sale; Scotch Classic 45
minute 8 track tapes, still in
store bought condition. Low
prices. call Bob at 944-2327
Lost: one pair navy blue
mittens on west 3rd floor of
the main;also one gold loop
pierced earring at the
Student Center or nearby
area. If found please contact
Peggy Hartzell phone
100 Chestnut Street • Harrisburg. PA 17101.
Across from the Harrisburg hospital
also need bowlers for the
league bowling in Middle
We are currently looking
for new members, especially
juniors, so that the transfer
of leadership in March will
be smooth and secure. We
are also planning a 10th
anniversary celebration of
Chi Gamma lota's existence
at Capitol Campus tentative
ly on March 4th. We will
announce more details as
they become definite.
Yes, ten years.
As for new members;
you don't have to be an
ex-member of the Salvation
Army to join our 'fraternity'
we do have female members
and actively encourage their
Wina Haring-Vice President;
Betty Via-Secretary; and
Don Brill-Treasurer. We wish
them the best of luck for a
new club in the new year. If
you cannot attend the
meeting, but are interested
in Phi Beta Lambda, stop by
the ticket sales table
Thursday or Friday, January
26 and 27th, contact me at
944-7967, or any of the other
members. Don't forget,
Friday, January 27th, Phi
Beta Lambda's first keggar,
and we promise we'll be
Spanish speaking people
needed to help Mexican
exchange visitors of the
Friendship Force. Contact Prof.
Clem Gilpin in Room W-154.
The scope of the arts is
unlimited in its potential. You
can help us realize this
potential. Have you been to a
movie, play, art exhibit, or
concert that was so good ]or
bad] that you'd be inspired to
write about it? Well, then write
about it, and submit it to the
Arts and Culture page of the
C.C. Reader
Preliminary meetings
have been held by full-and
part-time graduate students
in the Urban and Regional
Planning Program with the
purpose of forming an
educational organization.
The organization would
encourage professional de
velopment and student-com
munity contact through
various educational and
social functions. It would
also invite speakers familiar
with the role of planning in
society and hold workshops.
The organization would
be open to all full-time and
part-time students who are
interested in preparing ca
At the October 13
meeting,a steering commit
tee consisting of four
full-time members was cho
sen,and The Society of
Planning Students(SPS) was
adopted as the name of the
proposed organization.
At the last meeting we
finalized the constitution.
Contact the Planning Studio
for the date of the next
Answer to Pus:l•
Ivory Coast, a popular
local group, will be featured
at the Phi Beta Lambda
keggar on Friday, January 27
in the Student Center from 9
p.m. to 1 a.m. Tickets are
$2.50 in advance or $3.00 at
the door. See club members
or stop by the Phi Beta
Lambda table Thursday and
Friday January 26 and 27
periods 1-4. There will be a
dance contest and prizes for
the winners. For all you
non-beer drinkers, Phi Beta
Lambda will have a special
drink along with Gennie
Cream Ale. Come and see
what's happening with the
newest club on campus!
lAA Reporter
As most of you know by
now, the trip to Washington,
D.C. was cancelled last week
due to the snowstorm, but
take heart all of you
intellectually starved lem
mings, because the Interna
tional Arts Tour to Washing
ton is on again for
Saturday,January 21.
The Arts tour will include
a tour of the National Gallery
of Art, the bteum of African
Art, the Freer Gallery of
Oriental Art, the Hirshhorn
Gallery and Sculpture Gar
den, and the National
History Museum. Afterwards
we will eat at a Cuban
restaurant. It should be a
very full day indeed.
Please meet at the rear
parking lot of the main
building by Bam. We will
leave by carpool, and all
indications are that we will
have plenty of cars to
accomdate riders. Anyone
who wants to go should sign
up at Professor Clem
Gilpin's office at w 154. The
sign-up sheet is posted on
the door, but anyone who
makes up his mind on Friday
evening may call me at
On January 26, Col.
Norman Smith of the Army
War College at Carlisle will
be a guest speaker at the
Gallery Lounge. His lecture
will commence at 10:50am
and the subject will be Latin
On February 14, our
guest speaker will be Col.
John Coon. His lecture will
be on the subject of China.
The time will be announced
in this column at a later date.
On April 4, again at the
Gallery Lounge, our guest
speaker will be Col. Cariby
Alton who will lecture on the
subject of South Africa.
Efforts are underway to
get other speakers, so keep
tuned to this paper for more
On February 23,24,and
25, the International Affairs
Association will be sponser
ing its fifth Capitol Campus
?Adel United Nations. At
this time delegations from
high schools will represent
different countries and par
ticipate In a model session
ea4e *eta Seta ',Pea
fade are q‘a4e4l7
Your time is valuable. You can make it more val
uable by studying in a Boner chair at Sera-Tec. The
90 minutes you spend at your dorm or apartment
could be spent making a donation of plasma that can
earn from $6O to $lOO. per month. The contour chairs
are comfortable, the lighting is excellent, the "work"
is effortless and the lives you save are irreplacable.
For Details Call: 232-1901
Seri-Tec lielsilcals
January 19, 1978
the participating high
schools are in central
Pennsylvania, but some are
represented from as far away
as New York.
With so many students
coming at once we want to
avoid any logistical night
mares that may crop up
during undertakings such as
this. Therefore we are
desperately asking for help
from anyone who has time
during these three days.
Please sign up or at least
inquire about helping. You
may contact Prof. Gilpin at
w 154 or call me at 944-0106.
Some of the committees
which need volunteers are:
1) recruitment and publicity,
2) resolutions and publica
tions, 3) registration,cere
monies, and entertainment,
and 4) food and housing.
Other plans are to have
another foriegn film festival
this term. This year's film
will be even better than last
year's. We anticipate packed
houses for this year's
showings. As soon as more
details are available I will
inform you through this
Linda Weaver(944-4966)
is currently compiling a list
of faculty and staff members
who have worked or studied
in other countries. If you are
one of those people or know
someone who is, please give
your/their name to her.
We are also looking for
new members, especially
juniors, to help keep our
activities going. There are no
dues in our association, nor
are there any pledges to
take. We just need your
presence and promise to
help. Our membership, more
than other clubs, is evenly
divided between women and
men, and tends to be divided
between all majors. We are
closely knit, and we do have
a lot of fun.
The I.A.A. is currently
getting together recipes for
an upcoming international
cookbook. If you are a
closet-chef and/or have a
favorite recipe your mother
would swear by, or if you
just want to see your name
in print, please share your
recipe with us.