OCIDBER 20, 1977 Beautifying Capitol Campus By Rick Haythornthwaite Staff Writer Students, are you tired of gaping at bare walls while standing in the hall waiting for class to start? The new designs in the hallways on the third floor are there to add some color to the Campus' Main Building. The geometric patterns which are the innovations of Neil Conway of Pittsburgh and Joe Springman of Bloomsburg, were chosen out of a number of projects that were assigned for an architectural design course given at University Park last year. There will be an exhibit of the class projects in the gallery lounge until Oct. 24. The Campus Beautification Committee chose the design and planned the painting; the Maintenance Department sup plied the paint and tools. Ms. Barbara Bleau, head of the Campus Beautification Committee and Assistant Professor of Mathematics, said that the idea behind choosing a design was to find one "that would appeal to the majority of students." According to Ms. Bleau, two work-study stu dents, Dave Osborne and Diane Porter, will finish the painting soon. The third floor patterns in the halls are only part of a growing concern of the Beautification Committee to brighten up Capitol Campus and to improve its looks. Besides the third floor work, three buildings have been painted in rousing solid colors, with three others soon to be done. In addition, four trees have been planted behind the Main Building, and about 2,000 ft. of military chain-link fence has been removed from the campus. Joseph Kemp, Physical Plant Maintenance Engineer Available at: CAPITOL CAMPUS BOOKSTORE C.C. READER and member of the Campus Beautification Committee, said that in time other floors in the Main Building will be decorated in a similar manner as the third floor. However, as long as funds are lacking, progress will be slow. sssssssssss The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency has just announced that they will give special consideration for 1977-78 grants to students whose faMilies suffered a loss of income or property due to the July 1977 flood. Reconsidera tion of previously filed applica tions is also possible. Special consideration is limited to residents of the eight Pa. counties declared disaster areas. Flood loss forms and grant applications are now available in the Financial Aid Office. CLASSIFIEDS Writers: You can win $100; $5O; or $25 in cash and book prizes for best short story, humorous essay, or other short pieces between 250 and 1000 words--with free copy of winning college Contempora ries Magazine for all--if you enter the Collegiate Creative Writing Contest whose dead line is November 5. For rules and official entry form, send self-addressed, stamped enve lope to: International Publica tions, 4747 Fountain Ave, Dept. C-3, Los Angeles, CA. 90029. WOULD YOU LIKE TO VISIT EL SALVADOR, CENTRAL AMERICA? A lifetime opportunity!!! I am driving to El Salvador over the Christmas holidays, leaving December 2, 1977, need a companion for driving and sharing expenses. Interested person call Hector Molina at 944-2188 or leave your name at the Student Affairs Office. Faculty members and stu dents wishing a complete set of instructions for "meditation" together with a list of "secret" mantras and a description of how they are assigned can obtain them without obligation of any kind by sending a stamped self-addressed enve lope (preferably about 10 inches wide) to: Meditation, Webster College, St. Louis, Missouri 63119. Found: one Instruments SR-50 calculator Check with Lost and Found Must identify! The Maranatha Bible Study will meet each Wednesday in W-135 from 12:00 - 1:00 P.M. All desiring to learn what the Bible has to say to the modern christian are invited to attend. Salvation, the diety of Jesus, God's plan for the future, and many other topics will be discussed. For further informa tion contact the Student Activities Office. SPS SEEKS RECOGNITION Preliminary meetings have been held by full-and part-time graduate students in the Urban and Regional Planing Program with the purpose of forming an educational organization. The organization would encourage professional development and student-community contact through various educational and social functions. It would also invite speakers familiar with the role of planned in society and hold workshops. The organization would be open to all full-time and part-time students who are interested in preparing for planning careers. At the October 13 meeting, a steering community consisted a steering committee consisting of four full-time members was choosen, and The Society of Plannning Students (SPS) was adopted as the name of the proposed organization. The next meeting will consist of finalizing the constitution and all interested students are invited to attend and put forth their ideas. contact the Planning Studio the date of the meetin•. PAGE 7 Texas
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