C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, March 03, 1977, Image 5

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    March 3, 1977
Capitol Campus News Briefs
A.M.E. Church, Market and McCarthy
Wiseman Lincoln Streets; Evangelist
Prof. R.H. Heindel's class in
The next film in the United Methodist Church,
U.S. Diplomatic History issues
Frederick Wiseman Film Series Spruce and Water Streets; St.
will be presented in the Peter's Lutheran Church, an invitation to hear Gee.
Joseph E. McCarthy discuss
auditorium next week. Spring and Union Streets; and „
On Mon., March 7, at 12:15 Wesley United Methodist Vietnam in Perspective,"
Friday, March 11, 12:15 p.m.,
P.M. and 8:00 P.M. the film, Church, - Ann and Catherine Gallery Lounge. Gen. McCarthy,
"Basic Training", will be shown. Streets.
who has a Ph.D. from the
In his review in "The San If you would like to arrange
University of Maryland, had
Francisco Chronicle", Terrence for a Friends member to pick
two tours of duty in Vietnam.
O'Flaherty said, "On the up books at your home for
He is the author of "Illusion of
surface it was a training film for donation to the sale, contact
Power: American Policy To
wer. But for the sensitive and one of the following persona:
Ward Vietnam, 1954-1966."
intelligent it was a screaming -Pineford Village residents may
cry for peace..." ' call George' Sinatra, 9444720. SGA
The S GA is preparing for
The fi lm festival, which is -Shopes Garden residents may
free to the public, is sponsored mil Linda Bennett , 9894517. the Spr ing Elect ions.
. The
through the combined e ff orts of -Middletown Middletown and area residents tentative
.schedule am . .
may call c ar d m en . 944_1965. Much 1 - Petitions available in
the student activities office, the
academic programs , the social -Or you may call the library, 50 4 o ffice (W-110)
committee and the Black 9444412. March 1 through April 8 -
Student Union. All are cordially All categories of books will Screening Period.
invited. be accepted, including fiction, April 6 - Deadline for petitions
ACES Readers Digest condensed
to be returned.
books, children's, youth, re-
April 12 - Election Day.
On Tuesday, February 22, ference and text books, and all April 13 - Swearing in of new
the students of Bus 361, the various divisions of officer&
"Operations Management," nonfiction; also, National Datefinders
were addressed by Larry Geographies and phonograph Datefinders is an organiza-
DiLoreto, General Operations records. Lion whose objective is to
Manager of the Olivetti This is the time to sort introduce you to others who
Corporation plant located near through your books for share your interests and
Harrisburg. Mr. DiLoreto donations. outlook on life.
described the Production pro. - Then tin Friday, April 22, or Commercial dating is na
cess at the plant and also Saturdiy, April 23, come to the tionwide and growing at a
covered a wide range of other sale and find some new ones to tremendous rate. Presently,
business topics. The local plant read.
there are over a thousand
manufactures 'typewriters, cal- Proceeds from the sale dating services of all kinds
culators, and information pro- benefit the Library Building using radio, newspapers, and
ceasing equipment. Olivetti is a Fund. national television networks to
multinational corporation and Antiques
has a world-wide market.
The social science program
Ralph C. Aymin, Instructor
will conduct a six week course
of Management, presented Mr.
entitled "American Antiques".
DiLoreto with a framed
The course, designed pri
certificate of appreciation
warily for the interested
signed by Provost McDermott.
beginner, will cover such topics
Arrangements for Mr.
as: what an antique really is
DiLoreto's presentation were
and what the connoisseur looks
coordinated through ACES,
for; and how to identify antique
Americans for a Competitive
American furniture, paintings,
Enterprise System. glass, ceramics, metals, floor
Friends coverings, textiles, and bas
Book donations are now Dr. Irwin Richman will be
being accepted for the the instructor. He is the author
Middletown Friend; of the of books, articles and pam-
Library 3rd annual book sale, plilets on Pennsylvania and
April 22-23. American history. Richman
Books may be left at the also served as curator of
library itself, 7 South Union history at the William Penn
Street, Middletown. Library Memorial Museum, and as
hours are 11:00 A.M. - 2:00 special projects assistant to the
P.M. and 6:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. Executive Director of the
weekdays, and 9:00 A.M. - 1:00 Pennsylvania Historical and
P.M. Saturdays. Museum Commission.
Stailents, faculty, and staff The course will be held 7:00
may leave book donations with to 9:00 p.m. beginning March 31
Leonard Brewster, Room and will run for six weeks. The
W-161 (Humanities Dept.). fee for the course is $4O which
Books may also be left at the includes all educational mater
following churches: Ebenezer Les,
C.C. Reader
publicize their services.
Datefinders cannot guaran
tee a perfect match nor can we
conduct the courtship, but we
do guarantee personal service
in a sometimes impersonal
Our membership standards
are high, for your protection.
Applicants are turned down if
we feel that the needs and
interests of the applicant
cannot be served. This selec
tivity gives you the opportunity
to meet not just people, but
people who are right for you
because they have been
carefully selected especially for
Regular non-profit social
events will be another facet to
be introduced to club members
and the public in the future.
Other events will also be
sponsored in accordance with
Datefinders is presently
opened to the public for
membership. This will be your
club. Its success will depend on
you! Why not give it a try? Call
Datefinders at 533-6126.
Model U.N.
By George Crowell
The International Affairs
Association and Professor Clem
Gilpin, on February 24th,
hosted the Capitol Campus high
school model U.N..
Senior high school students
from the central Pennsylvania
area participated each repre
senting a given country. In this
exercise the students were to
Paul Sartain as he addresses the hi g h w h o a model U.N.
study their country, become Model U.N. in New York this
familiar with its domestic and April.
foreign policy and be prepared The events opened Thursday
to propose various resolutions afternoon with the arrival of
presently being considered by the junior delegates. Meetings
the United Nations in New were held from Thursday
York. through Saturday afternoon.
Topics discussed included The ceremonies ended the
the question of majority rule in session that evening. A dance
Rhodesia, aparthied in South in Vendorville followed.
Other Things Besides
By Karen Pickens
Reggers are the xGrs main The XGIs spent about 3
claim to fame here at Capitol hours socializing with lonely
Campus, but they do other men, there for 90 days of drying
things besides drink. Last out in the wing for alcoholics
Friday the fraternity sponsored and drug addicts. Two people
a trip to . ' the Coatesville brought, guitars; the others
Veterans Hospital. played checkers and pool.
"We're veterans and they're "We enjoyed it," the XGI
veterans," one XGI said. "They said. "It was worthwhile."
At Capitol
Africa, nuclear limitation, the
P.L.O. and the question of the
Panama Canal.
The exercise served to
familiarize the students with
contemporary problems in the
world and possible solutions.
The exercise also served as a
test run for those Capitol
Campus students who will take
part in the National College
needed some cheering up."
"111. GIVE
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