C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, February 10, 1977, Image 6
Page 6 "Purl ie Victorious" By Ann Clark Dinner theater came to Capitol Campus last Saturday night, February 5, at the Student Center. The event, sponsored by the Black Student Union, was one of the many activities scheduled for Black History Month. Over 100 people enjoyed a traditional Southern dinner followed by the Harrisburg Community Theater's production of "Purlie Victorious." Ossie Davis' comedy takes cliches about black and white roles and relationships and manages to make them humorous. The story centers around the efforts of Purlie Victorious Judson, a black Anyone Can Learn By Peter Miller There is a mythical belief that skiing is a rich man's sport, affordable only by the most affluent members of society. Let's set the record straight. Most skiers are not wealthy. Far from it. They come from different walks of life and different economic back grounds, ranging from students who are still in school or struggling to meet next semester's tuition to retired people living on fixed income. The simple fact is that you can learn to ski in a week and enjoy a vacation and do it for as little as $lOO, and that you can continue to ski for less than you would ever believe possible. A random approach to learning to ski can cost both time and money, but if you follow a few basic rules you'll enjoy lots of inexpensive good times on the slopes in the years to come. The new skier should not buy any ski equipment until he knows what types of skis best suit him, what boots are most comfortable, what ski poles are the right length. Gerontology Center Gets Grant U.P., Pa.-- The Gerontology Center, College of Human Development, at The Pennsylvania State University has received a major opera tional grant from the Administration on Aging of the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. According to Dr. Joseph H. Britton, professor of human development and chairman of the Center, the University was among seven funded in the first of operational grants made under the Older Americans Act which provides for establishing or supporting multidisciplinary centers of gerontology. "The $185,255 grant," he said, "accords national recogni tion to Penn State's work and reputation in gerontology and places keen responsibility on Penn State faculty members." By providing support for the maintenance and further development of the Gerontology Center, Dr. Britton added, the grant significantly enhances the Center's ability to carry out its mission of stimulating and facilitating the work of geron tologists and supporting speci fic projects carried out by gerontologists throughout the University. preacher, to trick Cap'n Cotchipee, the plantation own er, out of $5OO with which to buy a church. John Henry Perry, Jr. was outstanding as the fast-talking conniving preacher. Tony Alexander was especially entertaining as Gitlow, an Uncle Tom stereo type who tries to help Judson in his own way. The production was well-paced, lively, and entertaining. The week of February 13 to 19 is Black Art Festival Week at Capitol Campus. Many events, free or at a nominal price, are scheduled. Monday, February 14, Mr. Clem Gilpin, a Social Science instructor, will speak on South Rent your equipment pre- ferably at a ski area that knows what kind of skier you are. You should be outfitted with equipment designed specifically to make it easier to learn to ski. If you rent from a ski school that specializes in teaching beginners, the chances are the rental fee will be part of the instruction cost, and that saves you money. Don't start by buying fancy clothes. You don't need them. Fashionable ski wear comes later, after you have earned the right to wear it by learning to ski. When you go skiing for the first time, try to go skiing for a week, Monday through Friday, at one resort on a ski vacation package; not a weekend if you can help it, but for four or five days mid-week. Select a resort that offers a ski vacation package designed for begin ners. The most complete ski vacation packages will include: 1) A week of ski lessons- two hours or more a day for five days, and sometimes using helpful video-tape reviews. 2) Ski tickets for five days, good One project, directed by Dr. Britton, is aimed at developing a model approach for instruc tional and research capacity in gerontology in a university. This approach will make available funds to selected faculty members through their respective academic units for developmental projects-- in research, instruction, or com munity service. Additional incentives in the form of long term benefits of enhanced faculty competence and broadened curricula will be stressed. Also involved is the planning of a multi-generational summer series on aging to be conducted during the Summer of 1977. A second project will focus on improvement of the capacity of area agencies on aging, counties, regional offices, and the state agency in inter government planning and im plementation of aging pro grams. It will utilize both research conducted by the Gerontology Center within the last year and relationships established with organizations concerned with administration of aging pro• grams. C.C. Reader Kicks Off Black Arts Africa and introduce two films. "Soweto" presents the plight of black workers in Johannesburg who return home each night to the South Western Townships - 27 towns crowded into 34 square miles of one-story brick boxes. "On The Mines" examines the lives of black and white gold miners in South Africa. The films are about 15 minutes each, at 12:15 P.M. held in the Auditorium. Edward W. Robinson, Jr. Commissioner of the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs, will speak on "Black Psychocybernetics." Psychocy bernetics focuses on the power of the mind to direct and control goal-achievement. It o Ski For on all lifts 3) Rental of the ski equipment (if you need it, and if you do, short skis probably). 4) Lodging and meals. 5) Most ski resorts even throw in free evening parties and other fun. Next, look at the price. A ski week can be purchased for as little as $lOO at small or medium-sized areas, higher at areas with more facilities. You really can learn to ski for $lOO. That means $20.00 a day for five days. Don't forget the ski resorts that are close to you. The chances are there is a ski area nearby that has a very good ski school and will teach you quickly and efficiently. You might even decide to commute to avoid lodging expense. Driving is cheaper than flying. So are the bus and the train. Two can often ski cheaper than one. Four can ski for less than two, etc. One trick is to rent a condominium, with beds for eight, for five days which can cost as little as $B.OO a day per person. You cook your own meals, eating what The two-year project, under the direction of Dr. Larry D. Gamm, assistant professor of community development, will produce a series of reports and newsletters which will contri bute to University staff-agency interaction in problem identifi cation and in problem solving strategies. The final project conducted under the federal grant concerns the problem of crime against older Americans and the fear of crime among this age group. Dr. Arthur H. Patterson, assistant professor of man enviroment relations, who is directing the project, said the objectives of the research are to investigate how aspects of the physical and social enviro ments of the elderly are related to victimization and fear of crime among this age group, and how interventions in those enviroments might result in alleviation of fear among and reduction of crime against the elderly. On the basis of study findings, recommendations will be made regarding actions which can be taken to implement such interventions. means "automatic steering by the mind." Mr. Robinson will explain how this method can be used for achieving success, held 8:00 P.M. in the Auditorium. On Tuesday, February 15, Frederick Wiseman. film mak er, will speak and present his documentary film, "Law & Order." The film centers around the daily life of policeman in a large American city. The film won an Emmy award as the Best News Documentary in 1969, and will be shown 12:15 P.M. in the Auditorium. "Latent Image" will provide music for dancing_ at a Wine and Cheese Coffeehouse. Also appearing will be poetess-- As Little As $100!! you what, when you want, and saving a bit too. Mind you lunch and after-ski costs. A cafeteria lunch at a ski resort for a family of four can run at least $5.00. A lunch of homemade sandwiches, a ther mos of soup or hot chocolate can save more than half of that. As to after-ski: if you have a beautiful clothes, and be one of condominium, you can save the beautiful people. But money in entertainment. And chances are, you'll end up like don't forget the free parties- most of us... skiing joyfully and offered to skiers by the ski inexpensively. State Civil Service Commission Representatives from the State Civil Service Commission will be on campus on Thursday, Febraury 17, 1977 to alert prospective graduates to civil service opportunities with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Staff from the Commission's recruitment office will present a brief slide-and-tape talk, "Effecting Responsive Govern ment." Following the talk, information about current examination programs will be This is recreation hour for young Boris Godunov who has been held captive in the Wrisberg basement. February 10, 1977 Festival Marilyn Carmen accompanied by Tom Waters, saxophonist. Admission is $2.50, at 8:00 P.M., in the Student Center. On Wednesday, February 16, the Sidney Poitier film, "A Warm December" will be shown. Esther Anderson is his co-star in this love story. Admission is $.50, at 8:00 P.M., in the Auditorium. On Thursday, February 17, the Honorable C. Delores Tucker, Secretary of the Commonwealth, will speak on "The Role of Women in the Political System," at 12:15 P.M., in the Auditorium. Watch next week's C.C. Reader for more events in Black Art Festival Week. The family, couple or single who wants to learn to ski should follow these rules until they know for sure whether they really like skiing. Then they can buy the fancy, bright colored, high performing, ex citing skis and boots, the available. Questions about state job requirements, starting salaries, and employment op portunities will be answered. Sessions will be held at 9:00, 10:00, and 11:00 a.m., with a career counseling session at 1:00 p.m. for freshmen and sophomores in behavioral sci ences. Students interested in state government opportunities may obtain applications and further information at the college placement office.