C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, February 03, 1977, Image 4
Page 4 Whopper and Fries From pg. Z and motor oil. Why Jimmy Carter smiles so much. Why talented writers actually do this. Is there such a thing as a good war? A cheap laugh? Can one actually catch VD from a toilet seat?... Do people really care about each other?... •••patpo pus hogs a.nra At what price?... Help wanted for practicing English conversation with a new foreign student. Would be happy to meet you anyplace (school? home?) at any mutually convenient time. Please call 944-1951. The Q4#ll HALLMARK CARDS STATIONERY GIFTS CANDLES PLANT HANGERS WOODEN WARE Open Thur. 8 Fri. Eve Opposite The Post Office Middletown Come see McDonald' in a different light. At McDonald's we like to do everything we can for you. That's why every Monday night in February from 5 p.m. til 8 p.m. McDonald's proudly presents Live Musical Entertainment and Candlelight Dinner for your dining enjoyment. So please come and enjoy our world-famous food with all Punxsutawney Phil From Pg. King Phillip, or with visiting dignitaries from it to take in the closest native Punxsutawney Phil, as he is all over the state; thus making relative, the ground hog or affectionately known in the Groung Hog's Day the probable woodchuck. area, "The world's only true high point in the town's yearly Thus these immigrants,: weather prognosticating calendar. whether knowingly or not, have, ground hog", surfaced to give The actual celebration of ,caused the indelible etching of his predication on his day of Ground Hog's Day dates back the name Punxsutawney and, glory, Groung Hog's Day. This to the early settling of the Ground Hog's Day together in day is an annual event in the United States. Immigrants the minds of Pennsylvania for a town of Punxsutawney, Pa., a from Great Britian and long time to come. The only' town of about 8,800 people Germany brought this custom comment that obviously needs located on the western edge of with them from their home- to be made here, with the gas Jefferson County. lands (where the badger is the shortage upon us, is, "Phil, why This event is a gala affair, . traditional symbol) and adapted are you afraid of your shadow?' Threestandard.L 5 bolt aircli - Also included is a Special Gift for your children. the romance of candlelight and entertainment. We do it all foe you mcDonsurs ■ I. 2270 West Harrisburg Pike C.C. Reader '74 or newer Volvo wagon, wheels , must have 4 spd., call 787-4212 with your details. Ti I I I I I I E 11 Visit The Antal STORE' MAN AMR LONDON PN "Clothing the Men In This Area Since 1095" loom owl _ • n - STORE. Union St. - Next to Post Office Open Thur. a Fri. Till .9:00 Ong . book our typieNtisr, you fuck, Your Complete Family Drug Store RUSSELL STOVER CANDIES HALLMARK CARDS Bankes Pharmacy 3 E. Water St. At Union Middletown Harrisburg REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES 100 Chestnut Street • Harrisburg, PA 17101 BIRTH CONTROL PREGNANCY TESTING VD SCREENING ABORTION COUNSELING 1417-2324794 A SALTY DAWG DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS MONDAY-FRIDAY 0 - Stk ) ) REUEL RYMAN SUN. NIGHTS MIR Oa Itp fit alin OPEN: 11-2 AM MONDAY-SATURDAY 1-2 AM SUNDAY Age I.D. Required Park Village Plaza, Hummelstown 566-3777 February 3, 1977 Childhood The Early Childhood Devel opment Program at Capitol recently won approval for certification of nursery and kindergarten teachers. The State Board of Private Aca demic Schools, which is part of the Department of Education, granted approval on Fri., Jan. 21, 1977. According to M.E. Mumma, instructor of the Early Child hood Education Program here, "many Elementary Education students had expressed the desire for certification as teachers in private nursery school and kindergarden set tings." Because of the recent approval Capitol Campus, stu dents and other interested persons will be able to obtain this certification. - The Early Childhood Edu cation Program runs a Child Development Center, in which Capitol students gain experi ence through a supervised field practicum. This field practicum is part of the required course work for this newly approved certification. The Child Development Center is open to children three to five years of age, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. STROMBOLI, SUBS, BEER-TO-GO, LUNCHEON SALAD BAR, CLAMS, PIZZA MONDAY NIGHTS-- TEQUILA SUNRISE THURSDAY NIGHTS STROMBOLI SPECIAL