Page 6 A Mime in Everyone Recently, there has been a great deal of wild speculation regarding the name of the Capitol Campus literaiy maga zine, TARNHELM One rumor has it that the annual collection of poetty, short fiction, plays, etc. was named after &ra Tamhelm, a Middletown native who achieved fame for his contribution to the sonnet form. It is true that in his slim volume entitled, “Musings On The Swatara Creek,” Mr. Tamhelm elevated the sonnet from a mere fourteen line poetical statement and resolu tion of a single theme to a sixteen line non-statement and non-resolution of no less than ten nor more than thirteen different themes. Mr. Tamhelm was an innovator, no doubt about it-a Igreat believer in variety being the spice and all that sort of thing. However, the geographic proximity of this poetical luminary must be regarded as purely coincidental and having no bearing on the name of Capitol’s literaiy magazine. It is also not true that TARNHELM is a condition similar to “ring around the collar'’ or “waxy yellow build Harrisburg Counseling Service The Hillcrest Abortion Clinic and Counseling Service, located at 2709 N. Front Street, Harrisburg, Pa., has expanded its medical services to include a comprehensive Family Planning Clinic. This Clinic will be open between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday, by appointment only. Family Planning services offered to women in the Most employers think twice about hiring people with criminal records. Phone fraud will result in a criminal record. (2) Bell of Pennsylvania up”, both of which result from the inattentiveness of house wives with slovenly personal habits. Neglecting to polish one’s HEIM, in other words, will not result in an embaras sing case of TARN. So, the mystery remains. What does TARNHELM mean? Quite simply, a TARNHELM is a hat It is a very special sort of hat not the tweedy kind you’d wear to tramp about the moors, nor the white cloth variety worn by house painters to protect their heads from too much sun and other things that fall from the sky. As a matter of fact you would be hard put to find a TARNHELM in any local haberdashery because... well, frankly a TARNHELM is a magic, golden helmet-type of hat resembling an inverted acorn with wings springing from each side. The original TARNHELM was fashioned by a mythical dwarf, a Nibelung if you will, named Mime, from a stolen treasure called the Rhinegold. The unique magical qualities of TARNHELM enflow the wearer with the ability to transform himself at will and travel anywhere in the world on Metropolitan Harrisburg com munity include: Pregnancy testing, Pap tests for cancer detection, Intrauterine devices (lUD), Diaphragm fittings, Birth Control Pill prescriptions, VD detection, Gynecologic exam inations and Contraceptive counseling. Hillcrest Clinic opened May, 1976 as the first free-standing' abortion facility in Harrisburg. Think twice. C.C. Reader a wish. None of this will seem surprising to anyone who enjoys opera and is familiar with the series of three works by Richard Wagner which combine to form the “Ring Of The Nibelung.” What is surprising however, is that we at Capitol Campus have the same magical oppor tunity through our own TARNHELM There is a Mime in every one of us waiting to find expression in a poem, an essay, a play, a photograph, a drawing, a short story, or whatever. Our hope for Capitol’s literaiy magazine is that you will take advantage of this chance to share the products of your creativity, your personal trans formations, and visions. We are accepting contributions now. Deposit your work in the TARNHELM can in the Human ities office, Room W-161. Be sure to include your name and address for return. If you feel shy or have never done this kind of thing before, please be assured that all works will be anonymously and impartially considered. Put on your wishing hat and lend a hand in forging a TARNHELM that’s better than ever for 1977. The addition of the Family Planning Clinic is designed to provide optimum care for patients who prefer the con venience of prompt appoint ments and reasonable fee schedules. Appointments and further information on services may be obtained by calling (717) 234-4994. 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.-Returning Women-Brown Bag Lunch-W-138. 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.-P.S.P.E. meeting-Speaker: George McMurty-Student Center. Nov. 12 Winter Term bills mailed. Due date-December 3. HACC-7:30 p.m.-Film-“Far From The Maddening Crowd”-A-106. NTE test. Movies-Clint Eastwood in “High Plains Drifter” and Paul Newman in “The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean”-Student Center-Sponsored by Residence Student Council-Admission: One Dollar. Nov. 14 7:00 p.m.-Mass-Student Center Lounge. 8:00 p.m.-Social-Student Center. 8:30 p.m.-Fireside Chats-Student Center. Nov. 15 7:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m.-Martial Arts-Rec/Ath Bldg. Nov. 15-Nov. 19-Preregistration for returning undergraduate students for Winter term. 6:00 p.m.-Aviation Club-AlM’s Quiz three-FAR’s and AlM’s-E-209. 8:00 p.m.-Wine &Cheese Social-Chi Rho-Student Center. BSU meeting-BCAC- (time to be announced). Nov. 17 12:00 noon-Maranatha Bible Study-W-135. 6:30 p.m.-Student Court-W-202. 7:00 p.m.-I.E.E.E. meeting (location to be announced) 7:30 p.m.-SGA meeting-Rm 211. 9:15 p.m.-Bowling-Middletown Lanes. Nov. 18 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.-Retuming Women-Brown Bag Lunch-W-138. 6:00 p.m.-Thanksgiving Communal Dinner-M.H.B O. G.-Student Center Workshop Series for Secretaries-Time Management: New Tool for Secretaries-for more information call 787-7753. HACC-11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.-Concert-featuring “White Rose”-Cafeteria. 7:30 p.m.-Film-“The Savage Messiah”-A-106. NOV. 20 8:00 a.m.-Aviation Club-National Air & Space Museum Trip-Big-M. 9:00 p.m.-XGI Keggar-featuring “Red Delicious”-Stu dent Center. Workshop-Restoring or Renovating Your Victorian or Edwardian House-Dr. Irwin Richman, Chairman and David Stacks, Architectural Consultant-for more information call 787-7753. Nov. 21 7:00 p.m.-Mass-Student Center Lounge. 8:00 p.m.-Social-Student Center. 8:30 p.m.-Fireside Chats-Student Center. Nov. 22 7:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m.-Martial Arts-Rec/Ath Bldg Nov. 23 10:55 a.m.-12:05 p.m.-NOW meeting-W-202 Nov. 24 12:00 noon-Maranatha Bible Study-W-135. 6:30 p.m.-President’s Council meeting-W-110 6:30 p.m.-Student Court-W-202. 9:15 p.m.-Bowling-Middletown Thanksgiving recess-no classes. OFF. Nov. 25 Thanksgiving-Closed. HACC-Thanksgiving Holiday-Library and Closed. N0v.28 Thanksgiving recess-no classes. OFF. HACC-Thanksgiving Holiday-Library and closed. Thanksgiving recess-no classes. NOV. 28 7:00 p.m.-Mass-Student Center Lounge. 8:00 p.m.-Social-Student Center. 8:30 p.m.-Fireside Chats-Student Center. November 11,1976 Hot loin Nov. 11 Nov. 13 Nov. 16 Nov. 18 OFF. Offices Offices
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