Page 4 Rec-Ath News Cross Country Capitol’s Cross Country team ended its season Satur day, October 30th, with a double loss to Uhsinus College (17--46) and Albright College (20—40). Hie team’s final record stands at three wins and nine losses. Hats off to Capitol's #1 runner, “Dink” Cecconi, as he won the contest against Elizabethtown College with a time of a little better that 30 minutes over the 5.1 mile course. Hie final score was 26-29, Elizabethtown the vic tor. Other runners who have turned in a good season for Capitol and have helped make the cross country team a success for this season are Bob Rhinier; Steve Staugh; Lloyd Sager, Dale Myers; Ruth McGreehan; RichLarmour; and Coach John Schwanger. Bowling Wednesday, October 27 High Games: Mike Pavlishin- 243 Bob Braun- 228 Mike Gajdowski- 221 Bob Long- 221 Pat Laurie-167 Sandy Lade-169 Vanity Basketball Now that the month of November is at hand our varsity basketball program will begin. Fred Baker of Harrisburg has again accepted the position of again accepted the position as coach, and will be assisted by Jim Bakerfno relation), of Harrisburg, also, and a Capitol Campus graduate. Jim was a member of our varsity squad for two yean and broke all scoring records for Capitol. The coaches report the team is looking very good and we anticipate another good season. Returning senion for this year 3920 Jonestown Road, Harrisburg, Pa OLDIES BUT GOODIES DISCO Folk/Rock-THURSDAY-Bluegrass with Grass Express OPEN SUNDAYS e JUMP pnm^ IN THE rUUL The Barbers, Hairstyling for Men and Women is forming a “Model Pool.” The Barbers regularly schedule m advanced hair design demonstrations and we need models. For a free hair style # plus good grooming tips gjj on how to care for your hair call The Barbers and /IF# 7*5? register in the “Model Pool”. 737-4544 Jm\ Hairstyling for Men and Women. ” Sa h are: Scott Kurtz; Bill Morrell; Bill Schule; Mike Pavdishin; Rick Klotz; Tony Prudente; John Messer, and Kirby Jenkins. Juniors who are new members are: Howard Majzlik; Virgil Jules; Wayne Spitzner, Gordon Jackson; Gerry Hoover, Dean Lombardo; and Gary Owens. The first game is scheduled for home and will be played in the Middletown Main Street Gym on Friday, Novem ber 19, 7:30 p.m., against Williamsport Area Community College. Make a note of this time and date and come out, support your team-—Let them know you care!!!! Women’s Basketball November will also see the beginning of the women’s basketball season. There is a scrimmage game scheduled for Monday, November 22, 7:30 p.m., in the Base Gym against Messiah College. There are 12 females on this team, coached by Rodney Metzger, a Capitol Campus graduate. The ice hockey team, coached by Dr. Richard Ammon, has approximately 20 team members, and a total of 21 games scheduled for the 1976-77 season. All games are played in the Hershey Outdoor Rink with the first game scheduled for Tuesday, Novem ber 2, at 8:30 p.m.; then Thursday, November 4, 7:15 p.m.; Tuesday, November 9 at ,6:45 p.m.; Tuesday, November 16, 6:45 p.m.; Sunday, November 21, 5:00 p.m.; and Sunday, Decembers, 6:45 p.m. The season schedule is posted on the bulletin board in the Rec/Ath Building. K you enjoy the game of hockey, you might like to attend some of these exciting games!!! Ice Hockey MPORTED BEERS C.C. Reader Kickers By Diane Lewis Injuries hurt the Capitol Campus Soccer Club last week when they dropped their last two home games of the season. Center halfback Tom Plank and Goalies Ron Sturgeon and Rich Herschaft were on the Hayride Coming Soon The Outdoor Club will sponsor an hour long hayride, in a horse drawn wagon, on Friday, November 12. Trans portation will not be provided, but cats are leaving the dorms at 5:00 p.m., the hayride and other activities are scheduled from 6:00 p.m. till midnight There is a five dollar charge which includes all the beer and food you can eat or drink. Food includes hot dogs, sauerkraut knockwurst, potato chips, pretzels and cheese. Music will also be provided. An advance payment of $2.50 is required and must be paid to Melanie, in the Student Affairs Office, W-105. Weather Days If you ate wondering if a particularclass is cancelled due to severe weather conditions, call the public information office, which is also the “Weather Day Center.” The center will be operational from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on weather days.' The number is Chilled At Home bench Tuesday, October 26, when Franklin and Marshall blanked the Capitolites 4-0. It was a totally defensive game for Capitol’s kickers in sub-freezing temperatures. Asluggish Capitol team was no match for the strong offensive play of Spring Garden f CLASSIFIEDS j For Sale Olin Mark 1 Skis. Never been used. Call Terry 944-3895 after 5:15. Kawasaki A-l 250 c.c. excellent condition. Clean, economical and very dependa ble. SAC. $350.00. Call Steve Wasser at 944-4947 or stop by and see it at 833 B Nelson Dr. Meade Hgts. Jeep, '73, CJS, renegade blue with matching blue Levi’s top, Bxls white spoke wheels, 10x15 off-road tires, V-8, roll bar, like new condition through out. Call 737-4212 for more details. ’72 or ’73 Volvo Model 142£ with four speed. Must be fuel injected model. Also wanted any parts to fit ’73 or newer Volvo, any model. Phone 737-4212 with your details. 1973 Challenger trailer. Elizabethtown. Completely furnished; set up, skirting, storage shed. Call 944-3551. Lost and Foun< There are six jackets in various states of virgin disrepair to be reclaimed by their (the jackets) original owners. These jackets, if not reclaimed by the original owners, which will be difficult to verify in the first place, will probably be given to whomever has enough interest in keeping themselves warm and goes to the Business Office in 114, the site of the lost and found. 275 he HALLMARK CARDS STATIONERY GIFTS CANDLES PLANT HANGERS WOODEN WARE Open Thur. & Fri. Eve Opposite The Post Office Middletown Oil A If ICC tha aama that ft tha *n**— sfamf of SHAKLEE IS A LINE OF ORGANIC PRODUCTS INCLUDING: FOOD SUPPLEMENTS PET CARE HOUSEHOLD CLEANERS (Industrial sizes available) (100 percent biodegradable) BABY CARE NEEDS COSMETICS MENS & WOMENS TOILETRIES For Further Information Call: 238-5692 or 944-5435 November 4, 1976 on Saturday, October 29, when Spring Garden ran over the Capitolites weakened defense 10-3. John Harris scored two goals for Capitol and Omar Bakar completed another pen alty kick bringing his total goals scored to eight 1975 Kawasaki 400 c.c. streetbike. Good condition. Engine very good. Current inspection. Call Joe at 939-7676 after 4 p.m. 360 Yamaha Enduro. Excellent condition, extras. !too. 717-392-3887. Services Keypunching for research projects, masters or doctoral thesis work or whatever. Experienced. References avail able. After 5:00 pm call 944-0890. One rhythm guitar player for variety type band on campus. Must have equipment Only seriously minded people apply. Call 944-3378. Visit The Statrib ifflarttn STORE Pra Wash Jeans Print Shirts Painter Pants Faded Glory "Clothing the Men ■n This Area Since IMS" ©abiti ißarttn STORE Union St.-Next to Foot Office ♦ Open Thur. & Fri. Till y;oi
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