Page 8 Loans, Grants And Jobs Students who wish to apply for National Direct Student Loans, College Work-Study Jobs and Sup plemental Educational Op portunity Grants for the 1976 Summer Term must file a separate Summer Penn State Financial Aid Application by March 15, 1976. If a 1975-76 Confidential Statement is not on file, a 1976-77 Confidential Statement should be filed by February 15, 1976. Parents’ Confi dential Statements for the 76-77 year and Affidavits of Self Support for independent students are now available in the Financial Aid Office in the Admissions and Place ment Building. The Penn State Summer 1976 Finan cial Aid Applications will be available after February 15, 1976. A separate application for Summer Term PHEAA Grants is also required. Students interested in grants for the 1976 Summer Term may pick up an application in the Financial Office after March 1, 1976. University Scholarships and Basic Education Oppor tunity Grants are not available for summer school. fir looks j*t> •FLASH" FltlMitf sMteftDoSa’ — Lobby For Penniless Penn University Park (PANS)— Student leaders were in formed recently of ways to participate in the issue of state appropriations at a meeting with four adminis tration representatives. At a press conference after the meeting, Penn State’s liaison in Harrisburg, Fred Ciletti, said, “We don’t know what (Governor Shapp) is going to recommend” for Penn State when he pro poses a budget plan for the state February 4. Ciletti suggested that sometime after Shapp’s announcement campus or ganization leaders travel to Harrisburg. Ciletti said he would introduce the stu dents to party leaders and chairmen on the education and appropriations commit tees in both houses. Student leaders could pre sent University needs and also become familiar with the concerns of legislators, he said. Ciletti stressed the ef fectiveness of lobbying efforts through representa tives of “bona fide” student organizations rather than mass student confrontation with the administration or legislators. Dio vr? cow? SPO6P?SMI£fc? He said “a negative backlash” resulted from the Harrisburg demonstration last May when more than 2,500 students traveled by bus to confront legislators. He said the action was not effective in the capital. Ciletti would not com ment on the effect of campus demonstrations last May. but he reportedly said during the meeting that statewide publicity of such an incident or the picketing of University Trustee Board meetings harms University attempts to present a good image in Harrisburg. Vicki Spagnol, president of the Organization of Town Independent Students said, "Nothing loud is going to make (the legislators) reach or sympathize” with the University’s request for state funds. “Harrisburg is under pressure from all sides, but the legislature doesn’t have the money,” she said. At the press conference, USG Treasurer Bruce Dag gers suggested student leaders present a unified front on the appropriations request. Speaking for the nine-member Executive Council, Daggers said at the press conference, “We’re willing to work with Ciletti and the (University) admin istration to get the bottom line” (the University's re quest for $118,711,000 from the state). WlW' Ad Forms Available in W-129 and W-110. Free for students, faculty and staff. Classifieds not accepted for commercial products. Nikon F 2 photomatic standard F 2 lens (50mm) and 35mm 2.8 wide angle. Like new. Call 566-8568 between 4-6:00 p.m. Ask for Pat. Thoreus TDI6O turntable with Stanton 681 EE cartridge $230.00. Sanyo auto reverse car cassette tape player plus extra for parts $BO.OO. Homemade speakers. Will handle 60 w/rms. Includes LCR crossover, Phillips Dome, Midrange Phillips Dome, Tweeter, 12 inch UTAH woofer. Well built $280.00. Call Dave Cresswell 944-0621. Woman’s bicycle 3-speed. Brand new. Used only six times. Side baskets and lock included. Price $65.00. call 534-8912. Ask for Leah Petrokubi. Wheels, excellent condition Call 787-7739 weekdays. Asking $30.00. Harmon-Kardon stereo components, Garrard turn table, FM receiver, two H.-K. speakers. Just given complete overhaul, new needle all functions checked and like new. Great sound. Automatic power-off. Jacks for earphones and two speaker systems. All for $135. Call Stan at 534-1894. For sale: Man’s 26” and Woman’s 24” 10-speed bike. Excellent condition. Best offer. Call 944-2491 after 5:30 p.m. or anytime during weekends. C.C. Reader Reader Classifieds For Sale Another means of stu dent participation offered by Ciletti is writing letters to legislators. Ciletti said letters would be more effective if the students are registered to vote in their home areas. “We have students from all state counties.” Through students, Ciletti said, each state legislator could be reached. According to one student present at the meeting, Ciletti suggested the state wide effort as a counter balance to the Harrisburg voting strength of Philadel phia and Pittsburgh. Of 273 legislators, a combined total of 78 state office holders are sent to the capital from those areas. Ciletti said students could also “utilize their families” to write letters, although he reportedly cau tioned students at the meeting about the need to consider a tax increase in their comments to legisla tors. The administration rep resentatives would not speculate on the status of the budget request in Harrisburg or the possibility of a 1975-76 spending deficit One pair E7B-14 snow tires mounted on Chevrolet wheels, excellent condition. Call 787-7739 weekdays. Asking $30.00. 67 Buick Skylark con vertible, automatic trans mission, power steering, power brakes. Two snow tires included. Good condition. Call Alfredo after 10 P.M. 944-0555. Queen size water bed includes matress, liner, heater, frame. Used only two terms. $75.00 must sell. Call 944-6832. Four S.S. Gragar Mags for sale or trade for Chrome reverse, 14 in., to fit GM cars. Call Jensen at 944-0355. Calculators. TI-SR-50. One year old. $65. XAM-899 with full function including trig, inverse trig, e-x, natural log, log base 10, square root, memory, memory exchange, memory add, display recall, constant operator function, PI, 1/x, x-y, power function charger. $5O. Call Phil Murphy at 944-4393. 1970 Mercury Cougar 351-2 Blue. Body in good cond ition. Motor fair. Four new E-78-14 tires. Two snow tires. One new. Best offer. Call after 9:00 P.M. 944-3189. Lost Business Law text w/ plastic cover. Desperate. Student will reward w/a 6 pack & gratefullness. Call 234-8512. February 5, 1976 (more than $5 million last year). . Last March Governor Shapp recommended a $12.8 million cut in the Universi ty’s request for 1975-76, but $BOO,OOO was restored when the annual amount of state support for Penn State was decided in the legislature. University Controller Steve Garbqn said the University will “continue to pursue our budget (without provisions for a tuition increase) in Harrisburg.” University President John W. Oswald will defend Penn State’s budget request in April before education and appropriation committees in both houses. After the press confer ence Daggers said,“lf the request isn’t appropriated, the University will have to cut spending to satisfy the legislators of raise tuition or both.” Daggers said the Univer sity representatives told students at the meeting that the administration has con tingency revenue and spending plans. However, the plans will not be revealed unless necessitated when the legislature decides on University funding in June. Services Typing. Low rates 944-0300 Wanted Texas Instrument SRIO or SRII calculator. Call William Lupton 944-0689 Garage wanted to rent for storage of Classic car. Should be in Middletown area. Call Jensen at 944-0355 Honda ATC 90’s in any shape. Contact Sludge at 232-7084. Riders wanted every Friday to Pittsburgh. Contact Tom, 130 Church Hall. Honda ATC 90’s in any shape. Contact Sludge at 232-7084. Assistant Food Super visor. part-time to supervise preparation of foods and service of Campus Snack Bar. Hours 9a.m. to 3p.m., Monday thru Friday. Salary $4.10 per hour. Minimum qualifications: 2 years associate or trade school degree in food related curriculum, plus one .year experience in food super vision. Call 787-7758 for appointment. Department of Housing and Food Service, The Pennsylvania State University, The Capitol Campus, Middletown, Pa. 17057. The Pennsylvania State University is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer.
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