May 29, 1975 Dr. Lesniak In Eastern ’Who’s Who’s Dr. Robert J. Lesniak, the behavioral sciences such associate professor of edu- as sociology and psycholof cation has been included in were having their heyday the 15th edition of “Who’s Now . the pendulum h; Who In The East,” which is swung, part of the “Who’s Who In During the present Spring America” series. Term, 20 percent more A faculty member at students signed up for basic Capitol Campus since 1969, courses in the field than Lesniak received his bache- enrolled last Spring, and the lor degree from Hope increase for both lower and College in Holland, Michi- upper level courses added up gan and his master and 1° 16 percent for thfe doctorate degrees from academic year. Syracuse University. Swelling the number of • A specialist in urban students in economics education and early child- classrooms has' been the hood learning, Lesniak has growth of the University’s written numerous articles on College of Business Admin teacher education and cur- istration, whose students riculum development. are required to take 12 He co-founded the Child credits in economics. The Development center at Capi- College has experienced a tol and has worked exten- growth rate of about 10 sively with Harrisburg area percent for each of the last schools. two years and is now 30 He has also worked as a percent larger than it was in consultant to The Child 1670- Development Project at the nCT T -rr University of Michigan, to DoU lVCgg£U* the Urban Teaching Program ?' The Black student Uni, U te S major J*™" 75 ” 1 address to . the 19 . 73 Inter - Fri and Span to t national fyrnpos.urn on public> the keg p gar wj|| be Hanup l< Ttvl Nfithllriarlri^ 6 held in the student Center H sSli;tld for * the Second f ? m 9pm - to 1 a m ‘ P* oo * East, Lesniak lives with his pres j dent of the BSU a )ive chl dren ,n band will provide entertain- Elizabethtown. ment. He stated that the keggar is an end of the-year party for the Black Student Union. Wrapping Up My Life The smoke curls lazily up And embraces your pixie nose, The stagnant air of the late July afternoon Penetrates every pore of my flesh. You sit there and gloat Thru the sunlit haze Your spoken words thrust Like daggers, thru my heart. “No," you say, “alone is where lam " The smoke thickens from your Marlboro. The sun dims late now in the west “Alone and happy, and damn your fucking love," But how can you snap my back, Destroy my life with that mutilating NO!? "No use," you return, “I'm better off alone So are you, forget me; I've forgotten you." Darkness cloaks your mocking face, That countenance that flamed my despair What’s the use? Into the void I trek, To find someone to share my fate. Over the years, That selfish image stills plays in the mist And tortures my mind from time to time But now I’m resigned to the past that was And have fashioned life anew, And my life is void of you Economics nrollment U University Park, Pa., Students are very good ither vanes, which may ;ount for the upsurge ollments in economic irses at The Pennsylvam ;e Unviersity. 'r. Grant N. Farr, pro lor and head of the jartment of Economics, s overall registration for ic economics courses at University is up 17 :ent this year. The Penn ,e figures fit in with th ional trend. 'm impressed with he •tical students are,” Oi ; says. “We surmise th( business recession and. \k job market have led to increased interest in nomics. Five years ago, Romeo. Trajanus C.C. READER ,Y 19-JUNE 9 ident-Faculty-Staff Art Exhibit JUNE 2 All student loans or any financial debits should be taken care of immediately in the Finance Office. NE3 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Buy back used books - Bookstore 12:00 p.m. - Maranatha Bible Study Club - W-309 Last due date for Library books. Classes end. JUNE 4 JUNE 5 FINAL EXAMS JUNE 6 FINAL EXAMS 2:30 p.m. - Orientation and Registra tion of AWC - W 202 6:00 p.m. - Bonfire, cookout, refreshments - People’s Park - Free - Everyone invited - Graduating seniors - bring your parents!! FACULTY/STAFF MARY E. GUNDEL and PA TRICIA L. YOUNG attended the 61 at Annual Mealing of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers at Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 20-24. JOHN WADE presented the paper “In-House Computation of Switching Surge Voltages" at the Pennsylvania Electric Association's system planners meeting. This meeting was held at Bedford Springs, Pa. on May 6-7. DR. WINSTON A. RICHARDS has been nominated for the post of chairman of The Pennsylvania State University Faculty Senate along with four other Senators from University Park and the Commonwealth Campuses. For the past five years Dr. Richards and his fellow senators from Capitol Campus have carried on the fight for shared governance on Capitol's behalf. The other Senators from Capitol Campus are DR. ROGER SAYLOR, DR. THOMAS KNIQHT, DR. CAROLYN DEXTER, DR. ROBERT CONOVER AND DR. JEFFERSON HARTZLER. DR. CAROLYN R. DEXTER attended the 58th International Meeting of the American Marketing Association held In Chicago April 21-23 as a national committeewoman. 944-4540 JUNE 2,3, 4, 5,6 Students may pick up caps and gowns this week in the Bookstore. JUNE 7 All Day - Bonfire, cookout, refresh ments - People’s Park - Free - Everyone invited - Graduating seniors - bring your parents!! JUNE 8 COMMENCEMENT Hershey Community Theatre All faculty and master degree candidates meet in the downstairs lounge/students meet in the Blue Room - 1:00 p.m. JUNE 11 Returning students - loans or any financial debits must be paid before registration in the Finance Office. JUNE 9,10,11 Registration Examination for Land scape Architects - W-209 and W-225. JUNE 12 6:00 p.m. - Registration for evening students - W-101. HIGHSPIRE PLAZA PAGE 3 SS§SS*S^ : SSS: : :**i: : : : Sst«i:s:S!:!e^ss::-SS :
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