C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, April 03, 1975, Image 10

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    page 10
Since the SGA social schedule is packed so heavily with
activities for April, the next XGI Keggar probably will not
be held until May. So, if you are interested in a Keggar,
check the CC Reader in future issues or stop in at the XGI
lounge and ask!
The first meeting of the term (under new management)
was held on Tuesday, April Ist and the next meeting will be
April 15th at the Tiltin Hilton. It would be nice to see some
more members attend the meetings!
On frat activities, the tour of the Schaeffer brewery will
be at 8 PM, Friday, April 25th. The brewery says there will
be free beet ! Also, the University of Pittsburgh scrimmage
game will be at Hershey at 2 PM on Saturday, April 12th.
Look out-the Panthers will be in Lion Country!
The newly formed bowling team standing is 1 and 3 as of
the time of this writing.
The frat needs members to man the concession stand for
the Spring Concert on May 17. So, if your talents lie in
selling hot dogs and drinks, this is great experience. It also
looks good on your resume. Come In the lounge and sign up
on the sheet.
If you want to go to the Phillies and Braves baseball game
on May 16, get $4 deposit in to Ken Harris or Paul Skodacek.
The XG I banner in Vendorville is being painted near John
Klock's second home--the pinball machines! The project
will be finished within the next few weekends.
In a recent discussion, John Klock asked Phil Horvath
about the clock for the lounge. It seems that Klock has an
interest in clocks, or is that clock has an interest in Klocks?
Anyhow, there will soon be a Klock (I mean, clock) in the
Yearbooks will be on sale every Friday during the spring
term in Vendorville.
In an effort to alleviate the tensions over the pin ups in the
lounge, the frat now has a 2 year supply of Playgirl
magazines for those whose interests fall in that direction!
XG I Reporter
John Jensen
Henry The K
Threatens To Quit Again
Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger has again
threatened to resign. The
precipitating incident this
time in volvesa bowl of jell°.
Secretary Kissinger,
visiting the White House
Tuesday for lunch, ordered
cherry jello for dessert.
However, the only flavor
available was lemon, and so
he was served this.
Upon being served this
substitute, the Secretary
became furious. He im
mediately called a press
conference to announce
that, unless the Ad
ministration reconsiders its
dessert policy, he will have
no choice but to resign out of
In a related development,
President Ford later issued
a statement announcing the
formation of a blue-ribbon
committee to study the
matter. He appointed Betty
Crocker to head the corn
mittee, and Aunt Jemimah
was appointed minority
MS. Crocker indicated Inventor Creates
that a solution is soon for
thcoming, apd that Monster
Secretary Kissinger has
Of A Duck
agreed to forestall his final
decision until the committee
concludes its study
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American Graffiti will be show
April 16th at 8 P.M. in the Studen
Crap Put
To Good Use
According to a report,
fifty million dollars worth of
gas generated by bacterial
treatment of human waste is
going to waste every year,
says an engineering
professor at The Penn
sylvania State University.
The study reports "as a
rule of thumb...about one
cubic foot of the gas is
generated every day for
each person..." However, in
a related study, researchers
at the University's Capitol
Campus have found that the
waste produced by that
particular campus far
exceeds the normal output
of other areas of com
parable size. As a result, the
gas generated by Penn
State-Capitol Campus could
produce enough power to
light the entire continent of
North America.
According to a report,
electronic ducks and one of
the longest-lasting
pacemakers in existence
are two of the inventions
which can be attributed to a
group of engineers helping
researchers at The Penn
sylvania State University.
Penn State pacemakers
have been implanted in two
defective electronic ducks
at the Milton Hershey
Medical Center. Dr. V. N.
Chestpain, chief car
diologist at the Medical
Center said the ducks are in
satisfactory condition and
should be back in the
streams in time for hunting
C.C. Reader
To Hit Stands
In May
Due to the encouraging
response to the request for
contributions to Tarnhelm,
ThP Capitol Campus
Literary Magazine is indeed
a realtiy. The Tarnhelm
Staff is reiterating its' in
vitation to all Students,
Faculty and Staff to share
their artistic talents in
Tarnhelm. Contributions
are considered from vir
tually and artistic medium--
-art, photograph, prose,
poetry, criticism, drama...
Submissions can be
deposited' in the Tarnhelm
collection box, which is
located in W-110. The C.C.
Reader Office. Any
correspondence concerning
pick-up of art or
photography or requests for
general information can o ' i r
carried on through th:'
collection box, or by con
tacting Peggy Dillion (944-
1997) or Maureen Ryan
The tentative publication
date for Tarnhelm is the
second week of May, the
deadline for contributions is
April 15.
Pa. Profs Meet
On Campus
The Pennsylvania division
of the American Association
of University Professors
held its 22nd annual meeting
recently at Penn State-
Capitol Campus in Mid
Temple University's
president, Marvin Wach
man, delivered the main
address. He spoke about the
problems confronting
higher education in Penn
sylvania, particularly the
collective bargaining
The national average pay
raise for faculty members in
1974-75 is about 7.5 percent.
But the consumer price
index rose more than 12
percent. As Donald Price,
President of the Pa. AAUP
said, some professors "must
be living on the air in their
lungs, especially those who
got less than the average
Dr. Robert Graham, head
of AAUP at Penn State-
Capitol Campus said, "The
Marvin Wachman, President of Temple University, addresses a meeting of
the American Association of University Professors held on Campus
recently. Photo by Prousor
Dr. Rat, ey, poses
Credit, who will be registered in the Acci
April 3, 1975
One cold windy morning last week,
an intrepid soul was ballooning over
the main building
win 3
urrs Pm
1 mark