PAGE 6 Dr. Oswald speaks informally to a group of thirty interested students last Friday in the auditorium. Oswald stated that the current interests of many students is job to shake hands with Troy Buster, as Brian English placement. He labeled things related to the economy as"these are difficult financial times and Capitol Campus is in a better Dr. Oswald stretches looks on. "1' iir Scott Deardorff, right, greets Dr. Oswald after a discussion with interested students in the auditorium as Brian English, center, looks on. Dr. John Oswald, President of Penn State paid a visit to Capitol Campus last Friday speaking to students, faculty and administration. Tucked into his busy schedule that day were meet ings and a working luncheon with Faculty Council, the Administration and a few students. Arriving a half hour late to a meeting of thirty interested students, Dr. Oswald's remarks center ed on the financial pressure the University is currently facing. Answering questions concering the recent hiring freeze within the University, Oswald stressed that Penn State places"high est priority on the economic security of people now em ployed by the University." The halt on hiring came about due to a bill for million dollars which was to be used for retire ment funds which was vetoed by the Governor. When asked if staff reductions might be an eventual ity, Oswald stated position to attract larger enrollments, that he"could not due to its unique mission,and partly due comment on the future to the fact that Capitol tends to attract but whatever Penn State an older student population." does, we have.. to do well." C.C. READER Oswald Visits Ca Pit 1 STORY AND PHOTOS BY FRED PROUSER Dean Wolf sits among students in the auditorium while Dr. Oswald delivers a few opening remarks to students gathered in the auditorium The fact of grade inflation was brought up by Sueßretherick, and she questioned Dr. Oswald on whether any ruling had come down from the PARK on Capitol's sup posed tendency on lenient grading policy. Dr. McDermott then stated that Capitol's grade distribution is" similar to the distribution of grades at Univer sity Park." When questioned on Capitol's autonomy from main campus, Oswald mentioned that Capitol can institute its own courses with the proper kind of reporting to the University Senate. He did state however that " Capitol isn't big enough where it can write its Dwn checks and have its own adminis trative backup." On the physical aspect of the campus Dr. Oswald was happy tp report tifat within two weeks, contractors are going to bid on the construction of the new multi-purpose building. The next building that will be built according to Oswald will be a major library and in the future a student center. A diSturbing problem facing Dr. Oswald at main campus is a call for quotas on enrollment in certain programs. He stated he was "very reluctant to get involved in quotas." On the other hand, such a problem does not exist here at Capitol. Oswald sees " this campus will become a model of how to devellop an educational experience with career orientation." MARCH 14, 1975
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