MARCH 14, 1975 eader Classifieds Free Ad Forms Available In WllO For Sale 1970 Chevrolet Camaro automatic, mags much more. Excellent condition $1595. Brian 652-6715 FOR SA LE 1971 MG Midget, Dark Blue excellent condition $1550. Brian 652-6715 FOR SALE BSA Alotrotec graphic stereo frequency equalizer. Has fire frequency ranges. Half a year old. Will sell for $50.00. Connects to any amplifier with tape monitor. Call Pete at 944-0566 For saki, Mobilo home 12 X 60, 2 bedroom 15,800. Call Fred 652-1542, 1 mils from school. Reward offered to person who finds a suitable apartment in 110-town for stu dent and dog. Please leave message for Lisa Yaffe in W-110. FOR SALE Electrophonic AM/FM Stereo, two air suspension speakers and tape deck. 100 watts, music power. Two years old and in very good condition. First offer with $lOO.OO takes all. Tom, 367-4979 For Sale - one junked 1969 Firebird (nonrunnable)- good for parts or scrap, mostly scrap- tires $lOO, tires & car - S5O or basket of acorns, see Willie (Squirrel) Squires. For Sale Bowmar calculatorsBs.oo new. Will sell for $45.00. Purchased Sept. 1974 only used 1 term. Call Louie 944-9277 Room 232, Wrisberg Hall after 6 P.M. For Sale Young attractive female body. Excellent condition. References available. Call Debbie 944-9688 For Sale: Pickup Truck, '6O Chev., 6 cylinder, good running condition, needs no work. Call 533-6293. FOR SALE Must Sell! 1968 Suzuki 500 cc --Exc. Cond. - Engine re built - only 200 mi. - Best Offer - Call Ken 533-6561 or W-138. Personal To all June grads you've got only ten more weeks to go so hang in there. The boys will help you, Georgie, Alex, Johnny and even the Lewd and Licentious one. Yours truly El Clappo the Sappo. To East Stroudsburg area. Leave every Friday from Capitol Campus between 3pm -spm. Return Sunday between 6pm-Bpm (via Route 78E, 22E to 33N). Call Al at 944-7076. Lost and Found In vicinity of Room 211, a man's gold wedding ring, if found please call 234-7391. Thank you. NOTICE To the dirty bastard who ripped off my detergent from Suds City last Thursday - may you get diaper rash! For Sale Harmong Sovereign 12-String acoustic guitar. Ampegli two channell amp with tremolo and echo chamber. Make offer Mamiya-Sekor 35 mm 500 model and case. $120.00 Also pre-set 135 mm lense $35.00. Craig 944-3971 Mercury '63 Power brakes, 2 new tires. Runs good. Ne gotiate price or just give me 1/4 lb. Mexican Check out. Cathi, 1965 Chevrolet Impala. Just inspected. Good running con dition. Radial tires air con ditioning. p.s. p.b. Radio $350.00. Call C.Wley 898-2366 after 4:00 weekdays Sony Stereo Receiver Model STR 6050 eighty watts nns has capacity for two tape decks. Turntable, Auxiliary very good condition. $l5O firm. This is a $3OO receiver also two column speakers six feet high each has four 15" coaxial speakers after 6 p.m. 233-1887 SERVICES Want a portrait done of your favorite person? A favorite snap-shotturned into a work of art? A unique poster? I work from any photograph (if legible). Your, choice of media. Rates relative to media and time con sumption - but Low! P.R.J. Smith, 73 Roop St., Hiqhsbire. 939-3010. SERVICES—WiII type term papers and other material. Experienced typist. IBM. Electric. Very low cost. If interested call Mrs. Beaver at 564-0414. Do not be con cerned about pick-up and delivery I have a contact on campus. Services Don't get ripped off at the supermarket. Amway products are proven superior and cost up to 50 percent less than supermarket products. 100 percent money back guarantee if not completely satisfied in every respect. Laundry and home care products. Call Stan. 944-5230. DIAL-A-HOOK 944-1619 SERVICES 5-String Banjo Lessons. Scruggs-stjile, 3-finger Bluegtass. Old-time frail ing. Call Mark 944-0053 Weddings and portraits photographed by profession als. Also custom dark room work for photo essays & term projects. Color, B&W, and slides. Push processing. Pro fessional quality. Reasonable rates. See Market 833 A Nelson Servims Radio TN. Repairs. Black and White and color, tape players etc. All work Is guarranteed for 90 days. Reasonable. Call John. House calls 044-2101. Wanted-Riders - Drivers to Scranton area to share ex penses. Leave Thursday nite- Firday morning - return on Sunday. Call 944-5765 ask for Frank. 130 .1 C.C. READER The Hot Lion is a weekly newsletter published to keep the Capitol Campus community informed of all activities on, or concerned with, the Campus. Everyone should please feel free to use this service by obtaining the entry cards in the Student Affairs Office (W 10.5), filling them out and leaving them there. Deadline is Friday, Noon, week prior to date of publication. MAR. 14 - 31 March 14 - Movie: "Potemkin (USSR)"- Auditorium - 6:30 P.M. Free. March 14 - Keggar - Featuring Music by Dice - Sponsored by Social Com mittee - 8 P.M. - 1 A.M. - FREE - 10 required for beer. March 15 - HACC: Ist Annual Blues to Bluegrass Festival - 8 P.M. Ad mission: Students $l. Others $1.50. March 16 - MASS - 1 P.M. - Student Center. March 17 - RSC Meeting - Lounge - 5:30 P.M. March 17 - MHBOG Meeting - 8 P.M. - Middle Earth. March 18 - Marantha Bible Study Club - Noon - W 202. March 18 - BSU Meeting - 8 P.M. - BCAC March 19 - Marksmanship Club - 6 P.M. Security Office. March 20 - Pa. Assoc. of Veterans Conference - 9 A.M. March 21 - HACC: Coffee House at the College Center - 6:30 P.M. - Rm 107. March 21 - HACC: Movie - "Destination CHARLES A. COLE presented a paper "Odor Control of Liquid Manure Using Chemical and Biological Treatments" at the 1975 Pennsylvania Livestock Day on March 4 which summarized animal science research that is of interest to producer's in Pennsylvania DR. JOSEPH FLEISHMAN attended the conference Society and the Aging-Mental Health and Coun seling of the Elderly. It was held at HACC on February 26, 1975. Speakers Bureau In order to broaden the University's public service to the community, Penn State-Capitol Campus has initiated a Speakers Bureau. The Bureau comprises faculty members who are prepared to talk on more than 110 different topics. According to Francine Taylor, director of the Bureau, the faculty members are available "to lecture, make presentations and serve on panels. Also faculty members, through the Office of Continuing Education, offer short courses, workshops and seminars in their academic fields." Mrs. Taylor explained that Penn State-Capitol Campus is "happy to provide those educational services which are ap- propriate to an upper- division and graduate center and which are within Initiated our competence." A sampling of topics covered by the speakers are: "Solar Energy," "Marriage and Family Problems," Education," "Pennsylvania Politics," "Land Use," "Skid Resistance for High- ways and Airports," "Surrealism," and "American Women Writers." Service organizations, schools, churches and clubs are invited to obtain a full listing of speakers and topics from the Office of Public Information, Penn State-Capitol Campus, Middletown, Pa., 17057, or cal 1717-787-7737 Moon" - Free - Arts Bldg. - AlO6. March 22 - Winter Term Graduation. March 24 - Advising 84 Registration. March 25 - Marantha Bible Study Club - Noon - W 202. March 25 - GPP - Committee chairmen Meeting - 6:30 P.M. - Middle Earth. March 25 - BS U Meeting - 8 P.M. - BCAC. March 25 - Classes Begin March 25 - Marksmanship Club - 6 P.M. - Security Office. March 27 - Head Shop Meeting - 6:30 P.M. - Middle Earth. March 27 - SGA Meeting - 7:30 P.M. - Middle Earth. March 28 - Movie: "To Kill A Rover" (China) - 6:30 P.M. Aud. March 30 - MASS - 1 P.M. Center. March 30 - HAPPY EASTER March 31 - Baseball Game: Capitol vs. Lehigh C.C.C. at Capitol - 4 P.M. March 31 - RSC Meeting - 5:30 P.M. - 2nd' Fir. Wrisberg Lounge FACULTY "Death PAGE 3 - Student * * * Is it true that the Hookers on Third St. will accept your Bank Americard or Master Piece Card? * * * Capitol [Pal/ways Agent of Trailways Travel Bureau Corp. Tours SEALS and CROFTS At Spectrum March 20, 1975 Leave Hbg. at 5 PM Includes Transportation Box Lunch, Reserved Seat Cost $19.45 'Phone 236-9588 Harrisburg, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers