C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, February 14, 1975, Image 1

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    VOL. IV, NO. 15
Casino Night Theft on
IsCoining Campus
by Fred Prouser
Mytza will belly dance for you at Casino Night Feb 25th. Will you
be there?
Students at Capitol Cam
pus will hold a Las Vegas
Style "Casino Night" on
Tuesday, Feb 25 starting at
8 p.m. in the Student Cen
According to Roberta
McLeod, coordinator of
student activities, the pur
pose of the night is to raise
money for the Spring Con
cert. A variety of booths
and games will be staffed
by campus organizations.
The public is invited with
an admission fee of $l.OO
which will include chi es to
by Fred Prouser
Hire the Handicapped - Jtc
James Day, Vocational Rehabilation Counselor here at
Capitol describes the meaning behind his view of the word
handicapped. A handicap is a disability that would hinder
employment. Through the Bureau of Vocational Rehabil
itation, a state agency in the Dept. of Labor and Industry, a
myraid of services are offered to handicapped persons.
These services include:employment opportunities, job
training and other supportive services to aid the handi
capped. Through testing, a person's ability and desire to
work are measured. When a person qualifies for aid from
The Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation, it may come in
the form of tuition, books, and food allowances as is the
case of the forty people currently seen by Mr. Day here at
Capitol Campus.
The caseload of forty persons is counseled by Mr. Day in
such matters as selecting courses for best employment
opportunities as well as helping to meet the needs of their
specific handicap.
A handicap can be as severe as diabetes or as minor as
the need for corrective dentistry. Any questions on
eligibility can be easily answered by Mr. Day who is on
Campus each Thursday from 11:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. in
the Counseling Center.
Appointments can be made with the secretary there to
schedule a visit with Mr. Day to determine if you are
eligible for assistance under this program.
FEBRUARY 14, 1975
play the various games.
A professional_ belly
dancer, Mytza Maldonado,
who was trained at the
Serena Belly Dance Studios
in New York City, will pro
vide entertainment. Mytza
is currently performing in
New York City.
Ms. McLeod explained
that three auctions .will be
held during the evening.
Items can be bid upon with
the chips won from the
games. Music will be pro
vided and refreshments will
be available in the student
A television monitor, a
video tape recorder play
back unit and a tape
cassette were stolen from a
third floor classroom in the
Main Building on Monday
night Feb.3rd. Value of
these items was estimated
at $1,625.
According to Officer
James Paul, Chief of Se
curity, the classroom was
secured at 9 p.m. that
evening. When the room
was checked at 8 a.m. by
instructional services
personnel, the equipment
was discovered missing.
All that remained was the
table on which the equip
ment had rested.
No clues were immedi
ately available concerning
the theft, however, Campus
Security is working on the
This has been the only
recent theft of considerable
value here at the University.
Mr. Paul stressed this in
cident "as an indirect as
sessment on each and
every student."
Although major theft
such as this is relatively
unknown here at Capitol,
Officer Paul mentioned that
it was indicative of a larger
nation-wide problem.
To combat further such
incidents, Mr. Paul empha
sized that "security be
comes an individual con
cern." He suggested that if
a student sees an unfamil
iar person in the building
late at night he/she should
notif securit immediately
2:00 a.m. Friday Night Flick
4:00 Water Sports Activities
[includes mini -lessons,
watermelon relay, etc.]
7:00 a.m. Innertube Water Polo Game
9:00 a.m. Pinochle Tournament
9:30 a.m. WRW for Kids
[cartoons, clowns, sports, games, puppets, etc.]
300 p.m. Celebrity Volleyball game
Drama Club Penna. Chariot Racers Athletic Team
[Admission for event sl.oo]
Slates Tw o-10 Mid ni ght: p.m . V
o S I l e u y a
Ballr e D Dance
Tournament Marathon
Plays "Battle of the Sexes"
The drama club of. Penn
State Capitol Campus will
present two one act plays
on Thursday, Feb 13 at
12:15 p.m. and at 8 p.m. in
the auditorium of the main
The Long Christmas
Dinner by Thornton Wilder
and Santa Claus by e.e.
cummings will be directed
by William Turner, a grad
uate student in Humanities
The interlude between
the two plays will feature
For the Time Being a choral
reading and modern dance
expression based on W. H.
Auden's poetry and
Leonard Bernstein's music.
It will be directed by Dr.
Jere Berger.
Although the two plays
are Christmas oriented, the
message is applicable to all
times. Mr. Turner, a grad
uate of West Virginia
Wesleyan College, has dir
ected 8 previous produc
tions. A resident of Middle
town, he is producing the
plays as part of his
Master's degree production
Actors include Pat
McClure of Hummelstown,
Helen Swift of Middletown,
Roy Gray of Phila., Lucy
Kistler of Hbg. and Glenn
Bilger of Mechanicsburg.
The public is invited to
attend these admission
free productions.
The World Record
Weekend is a supercontin
uous 36 hour event, spon
sored by the HACC Alumni
Association for the benefit
of the South Central Penna.
Chapter of the Am. Heart
Association, plus the
HACC Alumni Endowment
Fund and the Penna.
Chariot Racers Wheelchair
Athletic Team.
The HACC Alumni are the HACC Student Center,
holding this WRW because or any of the Pomeroy's
we want Alumni to come Stores. As long as you
back and join us at the wear your button, you may
"new" HACC for some wander in and out as often
nostalgic fun; because we as you wish; stop to watch
want our community to anything you find particu
experience some of the larly interesting, challenge
facilities and opportunities anything that looks chal-
HACC offers to students lenging ; participate in any
these days; because as our lesson, demonstration,
Endowment Fund grows game or tournament which
we will be able to grant catches your fancy.. and
larger scholarships to stu- much more !
Friday, Feb 14
7:00 p.m. Opening Remarks
7:30 p.m. Splash in Marathon Tread-in Begins
8:00 p.m. Basketball Game WKBO vs ZETA EPSILON PHI
9:00 p.m. Concert, featuring "Cyrus"
[Admission by HACCID card for concert only]
Midnight Ping Pong Tournament
Saturday, Feb 15
Sunday, Feb 16
3:00 a.m. Gymnastic Events
4:00 a.m. Racquetball Tournament
7:30 a.m. "Splash out"
7:45 a.m. Official Results and Awards
You should make note that this schedule lists only the
major events of the weekend. Other mini -lessons, games,
and events will be taking place throughout the entire 36
Engineer's Wee
This year PSPE is at it
again. They are in the
process of planning their
annual bathtub race. If you
are interested in running a
tub, marshalling the route,
helping organize the race or
just have any suggestions,
PLEASE contact Don Miller
The Pennsylvania
Society of Professional
Engineers has a student
chapter here at Capitol. The
purpose of the chapter is to
stimulate professional
thinking and to instill in
students a desire for pro
fessional thinking and to
instill in students a desire
for professional status. The
organization does this by
having practicing engineers
come to the Campus and
speak on the problems that
engineers face in our com
On Feb. 5,1975, Mr.
James A. Romano, P.E.
spoke to our organization
at 8 p.m. in the auditor
ium. Mr. Romano is Senior
dents; because we believe
in the efforts of the Am.
Heart Association and the
Pa. Chariot Racers Wheel
chair Athletic Team; and
because there are so many
fun way to help others
throught fellowship.
You can come and just
watch. To watch, buy a
button. They are available
for $1 from any Alumni, at
Vice President of Gannett,
Fleming, Cordury and
Carpenter, Inc., Consulting
Engineers of Hbg. He is a
professional engineer in
nine states plus Penna.,
and the District of Colum
bia. Being active in the
Hbg. Chapter of PSPE he
was president in 1957 and
state president in 1968. For
seven years, Mr. Romano
served as Penna.'s National
Director of PSPE.
Mr. Romano's speech
was on "Professionalism in
Engineering". It provoked
some very interesting and
prominent areas of thought
for young engineers. His
presentation was both
continued on p. 2