C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, November 15, 1974, Image 3

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Lutters To The Editor
Where are we? Where am I? How did I get here? I know I'm on •
the third planet from the sun. This spaceship Earth is running out •
of fuel. Your in Lion Country.
One day while taking a leisurely walk through the backwoods of •
Hershey I came upon a very large animal. The being had been II:
transformed into an erotic artichoke. There upon I met a crazed 11/
banana (Bics brother-in-law) who said to me, wheres the nearest •
phone booth. I asked Mr. Banana why he needed to make a call a k
was it to his Monna Banana and to Chicetea. Neither was correct.
He was afraid of being used for a banana split, and the fruity tooty lIP
fuzz were on his trail? for escaping from ice cream parlor (DQ). •
So upon my leaving Texas I found a silver bullet which had been •
one of Loneip which he had lost in a battle with Attila the Hun. •
Meanwhile back at the ranch Tonto and Scout were making
exotic films with the help of Lreni Lopez and Ray Roslzus, •
however hi if Dave at home with sky King. Dale and Penny were •
feeling effects of the Mad Latters tea and LOADED Brownies.
Penny sitting on a mushroom with the worms water pipe looked up W
at the sky and their Lassie, Recky, and Bullwinkle being chased by •
Boris and Natcesha who in turn were being chased by Dudley
Dooßight, who was still in search of Little Nell who had been
abducted by Snidley whiplash. But to no avail the time is about w
over for Alice's Restaurant and the Red Scare. So they find on •
year after year in a big house on the hill beside the shoe outside of
T. S. Eliot 411 2
• goy. 16 - Cross Country: Capitol vs. Lebanon
• Valley College, Annville, Pa. - Noon.
• Jo y . 16 - MHBG Road Rally: Registration
Fee $3. - Begins at Noon, behind Main
• Bldg. Trophies for Driver and Navigator,
• Ist, 2nd, 3rd place awards - Party af-
For Sale Riders Wanted 0 terwards.
0 -
1971 Red Fiat 850 Con- To Scranton. Leaye Capitol Vow. 16 XGI Keggar: Sponsored by Chi
vertible. Best offer over Campus every Friday Gamma lota Fraternity, Live Music and o
$900.00. Call 561-0630 after 5 between 3-5 p.m. Return all the beer you can drink. Middletown
P.m. from Scranton (Via In- I Hunters & Anglers Club.
0 Siov. 17 - Mass -1 P.M. - Student Center.
terstate 81) Between 7 p.m.
For Sale &
9 p.m. Will share ex-
Slov. . 18 - I.T.E. - Important I.T.E. Meeting,
'6B Datsun 2000 Roadster. penses. Call this number. • Monday November 18th at 938-A Mars,
5 " . Ask for Jack. 944-7076. TT
OHC, roll bar, R&H, • 8:30 P.M. All Juniors and Seniors
speed, No. 3 inspection, • Please Try to Attend.
asking $lOOO. Call Denny,
944-1937. •
Free Ad Forms Available In WllO
Typing done in my Mid
dletown home. IBM slectric
machine. Fast accurate
service. Reasonable rates.
944-0943. Manuscripts,
Thesis publications ac
cepted. Mrs. Jerome P.
Fatcheric, 1001 N. Spring St.
Apt. P-3, Middletown, Pa.
SERVICES—WiII type term
papers and other material.
Experienced typist. IBM.
Electric. Very low cost. If
interested call Mrs. Beaver
at 564-0414. Do not be con
cerned about pick-up and
delivery I have a contact on
SERVICES—PIan to attend
field trip to Washington
D.C., Saturday November
16th. Leave Campus 8:00
A.M. Return 6:00 P.M.
Everyone welcome on first
come first served basis.
$7.50 Per Person. For fur
ther information call 787-
7953. Trip sponsored by
Urban-Regional• Planning
Radio T.V. Repairs. Black
and White and color, tape
players etc. All work is
guarranteed for 90 days.
Reasonable. Call John.
House calls 9442401.
PERSONAL—The Scranton
Inn is proud to announce
that it will be represented in
the Roadrally by Charley
"Crash" Kapacs. The Cuda
Kid, together with his
dedicated and loyal
navigator - Betty Crocker, is
sure to be a prime con
tender. Good Luck - Captain
Riders Wanted
To East Stroudsburg area. •
Leave every Friday from •
Capitol Campus between 3di
p.m. -5 p.m. Return from T i
East Stroudsburg between 6 w
p:m.-Bp.m. Will share ex- •
penses. (Via Rte 81 N. to 80 .
E.) Call Al at 944-7076.
Want a portrait done of yours
favorite person? A favorite*
snap-shotturned into a work.
of art? A unique poster? la k
work from any photograph
` l l
(if legible). Your choice of IP
media. Rates relative toe
media and time con MRS. RITA BLATT has been nominated to fill the vacancy on the Faculty Council created by
sumption - but Low! P.R.J. resignation of Dr. Robert Conover.
Smith, 73 Roop St.,
Highspire. 939-3040
Baby Sitter needed. Call
Glenda 944-7801.
Help Wanted
Drummer wanted for Blues
oriented band. No Rock.
Some original material.
Prospects for House Band
work. Call Dino 233-4228 or
Robbie 1-249-9929.
PERSONAL—I would like to
thank everyone who sup
ported me during the recent
SGA Elections. I will do my
best to serve you. if you
have any suggestions to
offer or problems I can help
with, call Dan Martin 944-
MUSICIANS: Away from
your group while going to
college? Want to get
together this year and jam?
Russ 944-1986.
I have but one question I
would like answered
The Hot Lion is a weekly newsletter published to keep the
Capitol Campus community informed of all activities on, or
concerned with, the Campus. Everyone should please feel
free to use this service by obtaining the entry cards in the
Student Affairs Office (vvlos), filling them out and leaving
them there. Deadline is Friday, Noon, week prior to date of
DR. V. N. MURTY and DR. J. M. MAYNARD participated in the proceedings of the 20th Conference on
the Design of Experiments in Army Research, Development and Testing held at Ft. Belvior, Va. from
Wednesday, October 23rd to Friday, October 25th, 1974. Highlights of this conference were Ranking and
Selection procedures, Order Statistics and their uses, and new methods of Multi-Variate Date Analysis.
DR. WINSTON A. RICHARDS was the Capitol Campus representative at a meeting of the American
Association of State Colleges and Universities on October 17, 1974, in New York City. The meeting was
sponsored by the office of International Programs.
DR. CHARLES A. COLE presented a paper, "Odor Control at Hershey Wastewater Reclamation Plant
Using Hydrogen Peroxide Treatment," at the Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference at Drexel
University on Wednesday, November 13, 1974.
MARIAN KRIEGER and EDWARD BECK were interviewed by Verna Edmonds on counseling services
offered to students at Penn State-Capitol Campus. The show was broadcast on Saturday, November 9,
on WHP-AM.
JAMES R. HUDSON was a member of the "Community Security and Community Development"
panel at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference of the Council of University Institute of Urban Affairs.
The conference was held in Philadelphia on November 15, 1974.
Long after the holiday decora
tions have been taken down, the
good works made possible by
UNICEF cards go on.
UNICEF provides urgently
needed food, medicines, and school
supplies for the children of over
100 countries. All the year round.
UNICEF cards cost no more
than ordinary cards and are among
the most beautiful and varied
available. This year's catalogue lets
you choose either contemporary
artists' designs or magnificent
museum reproductions, all express
ing the holiday spirit of universal
joy and good will.
Plan to give the world a little
help. Send for your free color
brochure of UNICEF cards.
NOVEMBER 16-22, 1974
Nov.lB - D.T.K. Luncheon: Dr. Shuttlesworth
- Topic: "Anxiety & Depression" 12:15
P.M. Gallery Lounge.
Nov. 18 - L.A. E. Closing Date
Nov. 19 - G.R.E Penalty Date.
N0v.19 - I.E.E.E. Tour: AMP Environmental
Testing Laboratory - 7 P.M.
Nov. 22 - Basketball: Capitol vs. Lancaster
Bible College, at Capitol - 7:30 P.M.
Nov. 22-23 - "The Disintegration of James
Cherry" Sponsored by Drama Club, 7:30
P.M. (Musical entertainment before the
show at 7:30, Curtain at 8 P.M.)
Auditorium. "James Cherry" is a con
temporary American absurdist comi
tragedy. 17 member cast, "James
Cherry"•is the only X-Rated nightmare.
Test Dates To Remember
Application forms for the following graduate and professional school ad
missions test are available from the Counseling Office, W-117. Study guides
for these tests, as well as other information pertinent to applying to
graduate school are available on a two-week loan basis, from the Center's
Graduate Record Examination
Law School Admissions Test
Admissions Test for Graduate
Study in Business (ATGSB)
National Teachers Examination
Miller Analogy Tests are administered, by appointment, daily in the
Counseling Center.
+Some tests have an extended deadline with a penalty fee. Stop in
W-117 for further information.
We are not publishing
a READER the week of
The next issue after
Thanksgiving will
appear December 5.
NOVEMBER 15, 1974
Test Date Closing Date+
Dec. 14, 1974 Nov. 19, 1974
Jan. 18, 1975 Dec. 24, 1974
Feb. 8, 1975 Jan. 9,1975
Jan. 25, 1975 Jan. 3, 1975
Jan. 25, 1975 Jan. 2, 1975