C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, November 08, 1974, Image 3

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• •
Penn State Inst i tute •
Of Technology •
you don't know, instead of
helping you gain knowledge. •
They continuously raise tuition •
every year among other di
things, that being the prices of .7,
books, You may fi nd out that IV
you can afford to sign up for a 111
class, but not be able to afford •
the books required for the i l k
course. Also if you get hungry- 1 11 !
look out! At the price of two hot IP
dogs down in Vendorville you •
could go to Pantry Pride and gi
buy one package of them for W A ,
less and that goes for just IF
about everything else. •
They forgot that we are di
paying students, with no jobs, Zik .
most of us are paying on loans, I.
grants and whatever we can •
get, yet sometimes you hear a •
student say that you lose your
rights and identity attending W m ,
P.S.U.,- Bull Shit? IP
189-42-6588 •
Letters To The Editor
Yes, I think that a change of
name would definitely be
suited for this corporation. If
you ask why I think it is
necessary, it's why not?
The reason, we were led to
believe, we attend here or
nearly any other college is to
gain a higher education, but
the emphasis is on jobs and
higher wages when we
graduate. How nice of them to
assume everyone wants to
work. Sure a lot is up to the
individual but the atmosphere
doesn't exactly help.
Being a member of this
organization, sorry I slipped, I
mean a student of this college,
the prices of just about
anything is beyond my
financial abilities.
It's bad enough that we get
ripped off by the education
system that shows you what
Nov. 8 - FOREIGN
SERIES: "Closely Watched
6:30 p.m. - Auditorium, FREE
Nov. 8 - COFFEE HOUSE: sponsored by
Head Shop, Social Committee, Cultural
Committee, & MHBG. Featuring Anne &
Dick Albin, plus Mark Sherman and the
SALE— Help Wanted • Cumberland County Bluegrass Band. 8:30
4973 Yamaha, Drummer wanted for Bluest p.m. Student Center, Admission -25 c.
25kc. In Excellent Con . oriented band. No Rock.. Nov. 9 - CONCERT: John Sebastian at
men. if mermen cell Some original material. Aa Susquehanna University's Chapel
after 5:00 P.M . 741.0624 , Prospects for House BandlP Auditorium in Selinsgrove. Starts at 8:30
York. /Woo Memo work. Call Dino 233-4228 or• p.m. & doors open at 7:30. Ticket order
Robbie 1-249-9929. • forms available at student Affairs (W 105).
FOR SALE—Hollywood 4 . Admission - $5. in advance & $6. at the
Bed frame with bookcase WANTED—Student ac- door. Order deadline Nov: 8, 12 noon.
headboard, $lO.OO. Also tivist radicals with or.
Nov. 10 - MASS: 1 p.m. - Student Center
footlockers, $l.OO each. without cause. Apply SGA •
Yvonne J. Milspaw - 944_ office W-110.
2413. Wanted
Baby Sitter needed. Call
Glenda 944-7801. •
Riders Wanted •
To East Stroudsburg area. a
Leave every Friday from A I
Capitol Campus between 3 IP
p.m.-5 p.m. Return from lb
East Stroudsburg between 6
p.m.-Bp.m. Will share ex
penses. (Via Rte 81 N. to 80 mk w
E.) Call Al at 944-7076.
Riders Wanted •
To Scranton. Leave Capitol •
Campus every Friday di
between 3-5 p.m. Return
from Scranton (Via In
terstate 81) Between 7 p.m. •
& 9 p.m. Will share ex- di
penses. Call this number. •
Ask for Jack. 944-7076.
Free Ad Forms Available In WllO
For Sale
Ten week-old kitten. Red
with tabby markings, very
cute. Long-hair, half Per
sian. Asking $20., cheap. It's
a female, wormed and
shots. Picture available on
request. See Jim in Reader
office, or Call 233-8011
For Sale
Konica Auto 53 Camera with
daylight Syncro. X-20 Flash.
UV Filter and case. 3
months old. $l5O. 944-0194,
For Sale
1971 Red Flat 850 Con
vertible. Best offer over
$900.00. Call 561-0630 after 5
For Sale
'6B Datsun 2000 Roadster.
OHC, roll bar, R&H, 5-
speed, No. 3 inspection,
asking $lOOO. Call Denny,
PLAY CHESS with the
Capitol Campus Chess Club.
Meetings: Tuesday and
Wednesday, 12 noon,
Gallery Lounge.
Indian Jewelry. Show,
Washington, D.C. Dealers
will be showing Indian
Jewelry from the Southwest
Sat. Nov. 9, from 7-10 p.m.
and Sun., Nov. 10 from 12-3
p.m. at the home of Clem
Gilpin at 312 Hemlock Hall
(Pineford Village), Mid
Services Services •
Radio T.V. Repairs. Black.
and White and color, tape The Scranton Inn is now
players etc. All work is- open for catering, Banquets
guarranteed for 90 days, and Weddings. Our Hall will
Reasonable. Call John. comfortably seat 50 persons
House calls 944-2401.
(including one person in the
Bathroom). The 0.1.8. Band
is also available for your
listening pleasure. For rates
contact: Scranton Inn, 927 A
Typing done in my Mid
dletown home. IBM slectric
machine.. Fast accurate
service. Reasonable rates.
944-0943. Manuscripts,
Thesis publications ac
cepted. Mrs. Jerome P.
Fatcheric, 1001 N. Spring St.
Apt. P-3, Middletown, Pa.
Want a portrait done of your
favorite person? A favorite
snap-shotturned into a work
of art? A unique poster? I
work from any photograph
(if legible). Your choice of
media. Rates relative to
media and time con
sumption - but Low! P.R.J.
Smith, 73 Roop St.,
Highspire. 939-3040.
The Hot Lion is a weekly newsletter published to keep the
Capitol Campus community informed of all activities on, or
concerned with, the Campus. Everyone should please feel
free to use this service by obtaining the entry cards in the
Student Affairs Office (W 105). filling them out and leaving
them there. Deadline is Friday, Noon, week prior to date of
JACOB L. SUSSKIND has been appointed to serve
through 1977 as a member of the Committee on
Racism and Social Justice of the National Council
for the Social Studies.
CHARLES A. COLE has been appointed to a Water
Conservation Steering Committee by the Land
Water Resources Institute and to a Wastewater
treatment plant operator certification committee by
the Water Pollution Control Association.
E. Laratonda, B. Dymond, and J. F. SHOUP at
tended an lEEE Region 2 student branch chairman
and student branch counselor's meeting in Pitt
sburgh, Saturday, October 12, 1974. The meeting
was attended by 66 branch counselors and branch
chairmen from the region which includes essentially
the states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, lower New Jersey,
Maryland, West Virginia, and Washington, D.C.
E. Laratonda and B. Dymond are the Student
Branch chairman and Student Branch Publicity
chairman respectively. Dr. J. F. Shoup is the local
student branch's counselor.
On Tuesday, November 15, 1974, AMBROSE KLAIN
will be the featured guest on "Campus Candids",
WMSP-FM, 94.9 on your dial.
We would like to thank
everyone who worked and
voted for us. Jorn Jensen &
Paul Mathis.
Nov. 11 - LAE - Penalty Date.
Nov. 11 - RSC Meeting: Church Hall - 2nd
floor Lounge - 7:45 p.m.
Nov. 12 - Basketball; Capitol vs York at •
Capitol 7 p.m.
Nov. 12 - TALENT SHOW: sponsored by di
B.S.U. Applicants sign up in W-nO, SGA 11 Z
office. 8 p.m. - Student Center. lIP
N0v.14 - BASKETBALL: Capitol vs York at •
York, Pa. 7 p.m.
Nov. 16 - ROAD RALLY: sponsored by MH
BG. All participants be there at NOON MP
behind Main Bldg. Starts - 12:30 p.m. Fee •
is $3 in advance & $3.50 prior to start.
Nov. 16 - XGI KEGGAR: at Middletown •
Hunter's & Angler's Club. Live music and 11 ,
plenty of beer. 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. •
Marian Krieger and Edward Beck were interviewed •
by Verna Edmunds on counseling services offered •
to students at Capitol Campus. The show will be
broadcast on Saturday, November 9th at 5:45 p.m. •
on WHP-AM.
DR. CAROLYN R. DEXTER chaired a session on •
the "Sociology of Career Development" at the di
annual meeting of Sociologists for Women in Society 41 .
held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the •
American Sociological Association Meeting held in imk
Montreal in August. 11.
DR. CAROLYN R. DEXTER has been elected to •
The Steering Committee of the International Society di
of Women Sociologists funded at The VIII In
ternational Congress of Sociologists held in Toronto. •
November 8 -16, 1974
DR. TERENCE BROWN, assistant professor in the
Division of Administration & Business, will par
ticipate in Department of Transportation Workshop
to be held November 7 and 8 in Washington, D. C.
The Department of Transportation has called upon
27 transportation experts to put together a national
transportation policy. Dr. Brown is one of them,
JACOB L. SUSSKIND reviewed A Documentary
History of the Italian Americans, edited by Wayne
Moquin, in the October 1974 issue of History:
Reviews of New Books.