C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, May 02, 1974, Image 3

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    May 2,1974
Main Building - it looks just as dead from the air.
Meade Heights - Can you spot your house?
Mr. Pugh - Faculty Advisor for Aviation Club.
Intramural Softball Schedule
Tues. - May 7: NO GAMES - SOCCER GAME @8:00 p.m. (Ml LLERSVILLE
WED. - May 8:
6:00 p.m. - Field A
6:00 p.m. - Field B
7:00 p.m. - Field A
7:00 p.m. - Field B
8:00 p.m. - Field A
9:00 p.m. - Field A
THURS. -May 9:
6:00 p.m. - Field A
6:00 p.m. - Field B
7:00 p.m. - Field A
7:00 p.m. - Field B
8:00 p.m. - Field A
9:00 p.m. - Field A
MON - MAY 13
6:00 p.m. - Field A
6:00 p.m. Field B
7:00 p.m. - Field A
7:00 p.m. - Field B
8:00 p.m. - Field A
9:00 p.m. - Field A
6:00 p.m. - Field A
6:00 p.m. - Field B
7:00 p.m. - Field A
7:00 p.m. - Field B
-8:00 p.m. - Field A
9:00 p.m.- Field A
6:00 p.m. - Field A
6:00 p.m. - Field B
7:00 p.m. - Field A
7:00 p.m. - Field B
8:00 p.m. - Field A
9:00 p.m. - Field A
Attention* EDET and MDET
Juniors! $750 Scholarship for
the 1974-75 School year from
the Alcoa Foundation. Apply
low in Room W 262. Deadline
NADS vs. Foul Balls
Happy Acres vs. X G I's
I.T.E. vs. Crimson Tide
The Untouchables vs. Whipper Inn
Bender Bros. vs. Ball Busters
Dinah Moe Humms vs. Hot Tomalies
FAC/Staff Mitts vs. Whippers Inn
Columbeanies vs. NADS
Foul Balls vs. The Untouchables
Alpha Omega vs. Happy Acres
The Digestors vs. The Brotherhood
The X G I's vs. The Bears
Dinah Moe Humms vs. The Squirrels
Happy Acres vs. Fac/Staff Mits
I.T.E. vs. Ball Busters
NADS vs. X. G. I's
The Bears vs. Alpha Omega
The Untouchables vs. Columbeanies
The Brotherhood vs. Crimson Tide
The Digestors vs. Hot Tomalies
Whipper Inn vs. Foul Balls
The Untouchables vs. Bender Bros.
I.T.E. vs. Columbeanies
Ball Busters vs. The Bears
The Brotherhood vs. Fac/Staff Mitts
Hot Tomalies vs. Happy Acres
The Digestors vs. Foul Balls
Crimson Tide vs. Whipper Inn
The Squirrels vs. NADS
Dinah Moe Humms vs. Alpha Omega
for accepting applications is
May 20, 1974. For further
information contact D. Miller,
W 262; G. Bulman, W 252; or R.
Blatt, E 356.
» i <
Dear Editor.
Regarding Sam Randazzo’s
article on the Hershey showing
of the American classic “Deep
Throatl could not disagree
with him more. This movie is the
searching story of one girl's
quest for happiness and it
reaches one beautiful climax
after another. In fact, / believe
the film to be worthy of a class
here at Capitol Maybe Doctor
Chen could teach it.
„ *
Persons and Houses to be §
Secure From Unreasonable X
Searches and Seizures. §
The right of the people to be *
secure in their persons, houses, §
papers, and effects against 3
unreasonable searches and 8
seizures, shall not be violated, §
and no Warrants shall issue, but 8
upon probable cause, supported *
by Oath or affirmation, and ft
particularly describing the place §
to be searched, and the persons |
or things to be seized. X
Article IV, Amendment * X
Rights are more evident 1 V i! Sm * i<ir A " c,i ° n Co., Inc. |
today as never before. Why? Just it Montgomery ville, Pa. 18936 x
living in the Meade Heiahts iL. (215) 699-3533 2
9 306 He, 9 htS (i*»8»K««HH888«8KKK««8««»MMC8«8«K8K«K«««8KKKK8a5
For Sale
FOR SALE: One beige carpet that
runs from wall to wall in the living
rooms of the smaller houses in The
Heights and one blue carpet suitable
for living room or bedroom. $6.00
ea. Phone 944-1645. Ask for Fred.
FOR SALE: Dynaco stereo power
amplifier, 60 watts RMS per channel.
New. Used two or three times only.
Sell for $l2O. Contact Dan in C-134
or call 944-9338. Will also give a
FOR SALE: Brand new ladies hair
dryers with attachable hood and
brush. $24. value yours for $9.00
Phone 944-1645. Ask for Fred.
General Electric Color TV. Needs
some repair. Best Offer. Also, two
speed RCA Portable Tape Recorder,
$2O. Will Deal for sale of both. Call
A. Frame, 944-4363
FOR SALE: Commodore 8 digit
desk top calculator, one year old,
constant and floating decimal. Call
FOR SALE: 1965 Chevy Malibu,
automatic transmission, radio, new
muffler, snow tires plus 2 new tires,
good engine, needs some work but
passed last inspection. Reliable
transportation. Asking $395 or best
offer. Contact Ed Beck, Counseling
Office, W-117, or call 533-5393,
FOR SALE: Couch, good condition,
Best offer. Call 944-0708
FOR SALE: Van, 1966 Ford, in
great shape. Has 240 engine, fully
carpeted, and extra seat in rear. Ideal
for camping. Call Dick at 566-8280.
Girl's . 3-speed bike (Iveyson),
Excellent Condition, Only 6 months
old, Reasonable Price—Contact
Jo-Fran, 944-1974
One Dunlop Gold Seal w/wall
560-14 tire Will fit MG-B's. Also tail
light lenses for PRE 1970 Model
R.C.A two speed tape portable
tape recorder, $20.00. Call A.
Frame, 944-4363
community one hears about the ar ,'i o s ce in Wonderland :
rights certain individuals think dust a^out as nnuch right,
they have. “id the Duchess, 'as pigs have to
The right of the Student
Security Task Force (meter 1 advise 3,1 citizens to file a
maids) to become the complaint with the Student
replacement for the White House Court if someone enters their
Plumbers. residence illegally. For not only
The rights of Maintenance do you have a constitutional
Men to become energy but according to the lease
conservation conscious by booklet, you must be informed
coming into your house to turn planned entry (except
off the lights you left on. Warrants) and can delay it for a
I ask all students: "Do they maximum of 48 hours,
have these rights?" My best P- Swalligan
Elmo the Thud . anSwer haS t 0 COme from Lewis * . • He ' ghtS
* * * * :*kk»««wkkkkkkks«k«kkkkkk::kk«««k«kk«kkkk«mh«««
NON-SMOKERS: Cigarette smoke
is filling and killing your lungs.
Breathe easier. Submit suggestions to
S.G.A. office W-104. One suggestion
is that smoking not be allowed in the
HEADS WANTED - If you are
interested in meeting with other
beings from the same planet or just
want to rap, come to the Head Shop
meeting at the Middle Earth every
Monday night at 7:30.
WANTED: Someone to share
furnished apartment—2 bedrooms
Write to:
331 W Main
Apartment 2
Hummelstown, Pa. 17036
$75.00 [includes everything]
Radio - TV repairs, will make
house calls, guarentee service, very
reasonable. Call John at 944-3078 or
925 B Flickenger.
Rug shampooers for rent - special
discounts to Penn State student!, with
IDI Call 944-4262 ask for Tom.
Expert auto repairs. All makes and
models, foreign and domestic. Expert
motorcycle repairs, also. All work
guaranteed. Contact Ed at 8468
Kirtland Ave. in the Heights, or call
944-0532, reasonable prices.
TERM PAPERS typed, 50 cents a
page. Start early! Call Lynn at
Lost and Found
Check it out in 114,
Gorgeous ladies 17 jewel watch
on March 9, Saturday night in area
of 900 Weaver Ave. Has great
sentimental value. REWARD. Call
Pauline at 944-0866.
125 Cars, Vans, & Trucks
Sat., May 18, 10 a.m.
Camp Hill, Pa.
LOCATION: John E. Keener, Inc. property, 3605
Hartzdale Dr., Camp Hill (near Harrisburg), Pa. 25 CARS:
69 Pontiac Exec., 4- 1968 Ford & Dodge Sta. Wagons, 20 -
1964 - 68, 6 cyl. GAS SAVERS, Chev. Falcon, Rambler,
Valiant, 80 VANS: 6 cyl. GAS SAVERS 1962 - 68 Ford,
Chev. Dodge. TRUCKS: Bucket, Ladder, Pick-ups.
INSPECTION: May 16-18, 8 - 6 p.m. TERMS: Complete
Payment Sale Day in Cash or Guaranteed Funds only with
Cash Deposit of $5O/ car & $ 100/Truck and Van required
at knockdown. Everything sells in its existing condition.
Everything sells regardless of price. Write for descriptive
Panasonic Calculator in gray
carrying case with white trim.
Taken from Room E-244 on last
Friday of March. Reward. Call
John, 944-1556
Personal Finance Book
I can’t afford another
one. Contact Peter,
907 Weaver Ave.,
Would the world be in such a mess if
more of us played a game of chess?
Capitol Campus chess club meets
Wednesday noons in the Gallery
Lou nge.
Bender Bros, will be interviewing
perspective members for the 1974-75
school year, Tuesday, April 30. At
9:30 p.m. All interested please
contact Bender Bros. Club House.
Phone 944-0391 or 944-9470 before
Tuesday, April 30. Members and
interested applicants only!!
Reward! One bottle of Boone's
Farm (your choice of flavor) is being
offered for any information leading
to the return of our "For Sale" sign.
Phone 944-0843 or contact 8198
Weaver Ave. All information will be
treated with strict confidence.
Ski Clot
There will be a Ski Club
meeting, May 15 at 852 B
Kirtland at 6 p.m. All
members that have not
received their rebates as
yet are asked to attend.
** # *