Page 7 Good People GOOD PEOPLES’ PRODUCTIONS* sponsors of the Capitol Campus Music Festival Co-Chairmen-Peter Sell, Mike Leasher and Bob Brannan. Future committee members should contact us. Stage Crew-Al Theriault Security [Marshalls]-Tom Maioli Traffic [Marshalls]-George Baran Concessions-Bill Potter Sanitation-Ken Napierkowsky Music-Jim Yorgey Equipment-Jim Taggart Head Shop-Peg Furey and Ron Deßosa Publicity-Bill Fleisher and Wanda Burkholder If you are interested in doing art work for the Music Festival. Contact Bill-944-3078 or Wanda-944-3012. o**********************•*****-******-4 * * * * Music Festival Artist? ATTENTION!! All Students wishing to participate in the Social Committee “WHITE WATER RAFT TRIP” PLEASE READ !! The Raft Trip will be on May 25th on the Youghigheny River South of Pittsburgh. We will leave at 2:00 p.m. , Friday, May 24th and return on Sunday, May 26th. Sleeping facilities and food have been arranged for at the Fayette Campus of Penn State, only 10 miles from the River. Total cost to Capitol Students will not exceed $25.00 IMPORTANT: Reservations will be taken on Thurs., April 11 in the vicinity of the Roundtable, between 2nd and 6th period inclusive. Reservations must be made at that time with a minimal $lO.OO Deposit. Seating is limited, so make your reservations on Apr. 11th and make sure you don’t miss it. For more information call Hubie Brannan at 944.6732 Productions ** * * C.C. Reader 4* "I" * READER CLASSIFIEDS For Sale FOR SALE: One beige carpet that runs from wall to wall in the living rooms of the smaller houses in The Heights and one blue carpet suitable for living room or bedroom. $6.00 ea. Phone 944-1645. Ask for Fred. FOR SALE: Dynaco stereo power amplifier, 60 watts RMS per channel. New. Used two or three times only. Sell for $l2O. Contact Dan in C-134 or call 944-9338. Will also give a guarantee. FOR SALE: Brand new ladies hair dryers with attachable hood and brush. $24. value yours for $9.00 Phone 944-1645. Ask for Fred. FOR SALE: One Dunlop Gold Seal 560-14 White-wall tires. Also tail light lenses for Pre 1970 MGB. RCA two speed Portable Tape Recorder for $2O. See A. Frame at 825 B Nelson Ave. Wanted NON-SMOKERS: Cigarette smoke is filling and killing your lungs. Breathe easier. Submit suggestions to S.G.A. office W-104. One suggestion is that smoking not be allowed in the classrooms. HEADS WANTED - If you are interested in meeting with other beings from the same planet or just want to rap, come to the Head Shop meeting at the Middle Earth every Monday night at 7:30. Services Radio - TV repairs, will make house calls, guarentee service, very reasonable. Call John at 944-3078 or 925 B Flickenger. Rug shampooers for rent - special discounts to Penn State student:, with ID! Call 944-4262 ask for Tom. Expert auto repairs. All makes and models, foreign and domestic. Expert motorcycle repairs, also. All work guaranteed. Contact Ed at 8468 Kirtland Ave. in the Heights, or call 944-0532, reasonable prices. Your time is valuable. You can make it more valuable by studying in a donor chair at Sera-Tec. The 90 minutes you spend at your dorm or apartment could be spent making a donation of plasma that can earn you up to $lOO per month. The contour chairs are comfortable, the lighting is excellent, the “work" is effortless and the lives that you save are irreplacable. WON’T YOU LEND an ARM? For Details Call: 232-1901 Hours: Mon PLASMA FRACTIONS FOR QUALITY BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS April 5, 1974 Lost and Found Check it out in 114. LOST: A small cat white with black tail, paws, and black ear, in Meade Heights vicinity. If found call 944-3235, ask for Tim, he’s taking our calls, we don’t have a phone. Or bring to 855 A Kirtland. Gorgeous ladies 17 jewel watch on March 9, Saturday night in area of 900 Weaver Ave. Has great sentimental value. REWARD. Call Pauline at 944-0866. Lost: Personal Finance Book I can't afford another one. Contact Peter, 907 Weaver Ave., 944-0367 Personals Benjamin Franklin played chess. Why don’t you? Join us Wednesday noons in the Gallery Lounge. Capitol Campus Chess Club. * Fear not Church Hall, the Mad Bomber will return Spring Term! Beware Joe, Brad, and Bernie. There are better things to do with your naked body than streak. ♦ PHOTO CLUB 8 PM - April 11 9258 Flickinger ♦ Classified: Husband and wife or engaged couples: Need money-(who doesn't)? Earn $llO-$l5O per week. Call 939-7250 Ask for Mr. Logan for interview. tvs? & * ■ -Thur. 9am 6pm Bam 3pm Sera Tec Bioiosicals 260 REILY STREET HARRISBURG, PA. 17102
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