*E X-YRA*E XT«A*EXTRA*EXTRA*EXTRA*EXT.RA*EXTRA*EXTRA*EXTRA*EXTRA*EXTRA*E XTRA*E XTRA*EXTRA*EXTRA* they also resurrected, the medium of the comedy album and brought it to a popularity arid a power never before attained*--even in its heyday in the early-to-mid-sixties before the medium fell on hard times. Culturally, what is especially pertinent in their success is that it has been attain- ed c:n their own terms —and with their own They haven't altered their jaun- material. diced viewpoint one iota.. the common vernacular--common to a good hunk of the population—are the order of the While climbing the ladder of success, Choech and Chong, have seen the viewpoint of a large segment of the population catch up Qr nearly so. \ them. Tommy Chong,, son of an itinerant topless night club .owner, was born in Edmonton, Alberca (Canada). group, he began his show business "career" as a guitar player in Rdß bands around West- ern Canada. Vancouvers, was discovered and signed to i-iotrwn by Berry Bordy. written by Chong, Then the group broke up and Tommy settled in Vancouver to direct stage shov;s frr the family-owned topless club. The Chinese member of the His group, Bobby Taylor and the They had a hit "Does Your iiama Know About Irreverance and Richard iiarin, better known as , (short for Cheecharrone —an "Cheech" affectionate term which literally means a delicacy made of deep-fried port skins) is the Mexican-American (or Chicano) member of the team. He was born in the "better" section of Watts, (California)— ironically the son of the establishment: He graduated from San Fernando policeman. College, then journeyed to Canada to see the sights. Chong joined forces as members of an group known as, City Lignts. Said group consisted of three "freaks", four topless dancers and mime artist, and , was patterned loosely after Chicago's and San Francisco's The Committee. was well received, and played to relatively packed houses for awhile. THE LAST ISSUE OF THE C. C. READER WILL BE PUBLISHED THE DEADLIiJE a Los Angeles It was there, that Cheech & THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6 IS THIS THURSDAY, MOVEIIBER 23. The show