C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, October 25, 1973, Image 2

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    Monthly Read ex
The Reader announces that it will no longer be published once a
week. It will be available every other Thursday. We have many
reasons for the change.
To be Frank, the Reader Staff (consisting mostly of Frank and
myself) are sick and tired of the lack of cooperation that we get
from the student body. We have pleaded for help and have received
very little. The only response has been criticism and complaint that
we have missed a bit of news here and there. We can not tap
everyone on the shoulder and ask them what is going on with their
club or organization.
Another reason is that newsprint is getting harder and harder to
secure. The price of printing a paper has gone up and is expected to
increase in a few weeks. The Reader’s budget will not last until next
June is we continue to print once a week.
The move will also change the scope and purpose of the paper.
We will not be able to publish the minutes of club meetings for they
will be a week late. The paper will not be used as a trash can for
news that no one else bothers to print.
We still need a staff. They will not have to meet a deadline for
each week but will have an additional week to write and polish their
works. We want researched and well planned articles. The Reader
also wants to be a vehicle for students to publish any creative piece
of writing. This includes short stories, cartoons, poetry, science
fiction, essays, or any form of writing. We also want pictures, not of
club meetings or guest speakers but any bit of creative photographic
work one cares to submit.
The paper is the student’s paper. Not the paper of a few, but of all
the students. We want to encourage graduates as well as
under-graduate students to publish their works in the C.C. Reader.
The paper goes to the community colleges in the areas as well as
other Penn State campuses. We want them to know who we are and
what we are thinking.
Any responses can be left in the C.C. Reader Office W-104 or call
Frank (944-3078) or Charlie (944-3992).
There are several ways to
make Capitol Campus a better
place and we need the support
of the students to do it. There
are loads of committeee
positions open now which only
take up a few hours each week.
Students are especially needed
for the Student Court. The
Student Court cannot hold a
hearing without full attendance.
We’re especially interested in
juniors, and listen, it’s a great
Things to Do
October 27 signals the return
of some 800,000 sportsmen to
the cornfields and autumn
woods for the opening day of
small-game season. Although
squirrels and grouse have been
under fire for nearly two weeks,
October 27 is the opening day
for ringneck pheasant, quail and
rabbit, which draw the greatest
Ted Godshall of the
Pennsylvania State Game
Commission said, “We estimate
that 1,100,000 hunting licenses
will be sold this fall, and 75 to
80 per cent of those licensees
will be in the field October 27.”
With 800,000 or more
excited hunters with loaded
weapons in their hands, the need
for safety is paramount. The
enjoyment of hunting and
“bagging the limit” can be
throttled, if hunter-safety rules
are not properly followed
resulting in death or injury.
Since 1958, a Hunter - Safety
Program has been teaching new
hunters the techniques of
hunter - safety, under the
direction of the Pennsylvania
The Capitol Campus Reader
C.C Reader is published by the students of Pennsylvania State
University at Capitol Campus, Middletown, Pa., and is printed Thursday
of each week during Fall, Winter, and Spring Terms by the West Shore
Opinions expressed by the editors and staff are not necessarily those
of the university administration, faculty, or students.
Advertising Manager
** * *
way to make new friends.
We also have openings on
other committees such aselection
screening, student affairs,
hearing board, academic affairs,
appeals board, and charter
review. If you want t 6 know
more, come down to the S.G.A.
office, WlO4. We’ll give you all
the details. Juniors, don’t forget
to vote in the Junior Senate
Elections on October 25.
John Bradford Langdon
State Game Commission, to help
reduce the number of hunting
In 1968, a mandatory Hunter
- Safety Program went into
effect for all new licensees. This
program has placed about
300,000 hunter - safety
graduates into the field. The
former program which was in
existance from 1958 through
1968, produced the same
number of graduates, but over a
period of ten years. Most
student hunters from Capitol
Campus have gone through the
safety program. It’d be great if
you fellows reviewed the safety
procedures and cautions of
hunting to protect yourself and
Local hunting acreas and
state gamelands are availqble and
can be found by doing some
exploration and talking with
farmers ahead of time.
Pheasants, squirrels and rabbits
are especially abundant in
Central Pennsylvania. Quail are
also in the area, but finding
them involves knowing the area
and some luck.
Frank DeSantis & Charlie Holeczy
Mike Nonnemacher
.Jim Bollinger, Wanda Burkholder
Doug Gibboney, Maryann Kascak
. Sam Randazzo, Frederic Shattls.
** * *
Young Republicans
The Capitol Campus College
Republican Club has joined with
the Harrisburg Area Community
College Republican Club and the
Dauphin County Young
Republican Organization to
sponsor an “Indoor Rally” being
held in the Dauphin room of the
Holiday Inn Town Friday,
October 26, starting at 7 p.m.
Albert S. Schmidt, Jr.,
candidate for Mayor of
Harrisburg, will be the featured
speaker. City candidates
scheduled to attend are Paul
Doutrich, Herbert Goldstein,
Mrs. Mariam Menaker and
Stanley Lawson.
County candidates in
attendance will be Dr. Richard
Fritchey, candidate for Coroner;
Robert Farine, candidate for
Prothonotary; and Germaine
Bowman, candidate for Jury
All students are invited and
urged to attend and meet the
Dauphin County Republican
candidates. Refreshments will be
available and music will be
provided at a reception
following the rally.
The purpose of this affair is
to “acquaint our citizens with
our Republican candidates and
to promote College and young
Republican membership,” said
John S. Lencioni, a spokesman
for the Republican youth
** * *
Phuto Club
If any members of the faculty
wants to join the Photo Club,
please contact Charlie at
944-3992 or leave your name in
the Student Activities Office.
The priviledge for using the
Darkroom and equipment is
$5.00 a term.
** * *
Delta Tau Kappa, the
international social science
honor society, held its first
meeting of the term on October
16, 1973. The purpose of the
meeting was to organize
activities for the year ahead.
Liz Hoffman, President of
DTK, welcomed the members of
DTK to the first meeting, and
explained the current situation
within DTK. Liz also noted that
the constitution of DTK was
once again active after being
pulled out of suspension.
Elaine Parker, Vice-President
of Activities, informed the club
that she is in the process of
organizing a seminar on the
procedures of applying to a
graduate school. This program is
very important to those students
interested in attending graduate
school and will acquaint them
with the procedures involved in
applying. The program is
scheduled for the first week in
November. It was suggested that
this program be taped on film
and broadcasted to Meade
Heights via the school’s T.V.
station. All agreed that this was
a good idea and DTK will
purchase a tape for this purpose.
Another activity suggested
for DTK concerns an informal
get-together where students get a
chance to acquaint themselves
with various faculty members.
Members of the faculty will
informally “tell a little” about
themselves, and then a rap
session will follow where
students will direct any
questions they desire to the
faculty member.
It was also noted that Agnes
Green, the newly appointed
Organizational Co-ordinator of
Student Activities, will attend
the next DTK meeting and give a
brief talk.
O.K. all you DTK members,
take note - the next DTK
meeting is scheduled for
NOVEMBER 6 - see you there
past president of the ABA;
William Spann, former chairman
of the House of Delegates, and
Burton Young, past president of
the Florida Bar.
Oregon has become the first
state to remove the criminal
penalties for the private
possession and use of marijuna.
Governor Tom McCall signed
in t o 1a w in July legislation
reclassifying possession of u p to
one ounce of marijuana as a
“violation” with a mximum
penalty of a $lOO fine. Under
the new law, which becomes
effective October 5, the offender
receives no criminal record.
Texas has taken a giant step
towards decriminalizing
marijuana possession and use.
The Texas penalty for marijuana
smoking was the harshest in the
country, calling for a sentence
for two years to life
imprisonment. The new
Texas law reduces private
possession to a low misdemeanor
classification, providing for a jail
term from 0 to 6 months and/or
a fine up to $l,OOO for
possession of up to two ounces
of marijuana. More than 700
persons are presently
incarcerated in Texas prisons for
marijuana possession, serving an
average sentence of 9Vi years.
The new law will entitle many
prisoners to be freed, and
hundreds of others to have their
sentences significantly reduced.
The National Conference of
Commissioners of Uniform State
Laws has called for removal of
all criminal penalties for
possession and non-profit
transfers of small amounts of
marijuana. Future uniform
statutes promulgated by the
Commissioners to the State
legislatures will contain measures
that decriminalize marijuana use.
The proposal won a 2 to 1 vote
of a national conference of
lawyers, judges, law professors
and state officials who met to
plan model legislation.
The Colorado legislature
recently held public hearings on
a measure which would legalize
the sale of marijuana to adults
through existing liquor outlets.
The plan called for a tax of $6
per ounce which would be
earmarked for the state’s old age
pension fund. This was the first
time a state legislature has
considered the potential to
minimize abuse through
marijuana control and raise state
revenue by substituting a state
system of distribution for the
current illegal market.
In the United States
Congress, Senator Jacob Javits
(R-NY) and Harold Hughes
(D-Iowa) re-introduced in the
93rd Congress a bill to remove
the criminal penalties from
federal law for the private
possession and use of marijuana.
A companion measure was
introduced in the House by
Representatives Edward Koch
(D-BY). The bills are designed to
implement the recommendations
of the President’s Commission
on Marijuana and Drug Abuse.
Identical bills died last year in
Committee, but the Senate bill is
expected to be considered later
this year in connection with
hearings on legislation
introduced by Senator John
McClellan (D-Ark) to revise the
federal criminal code.
According to figures released
by the Marijuana Commission,
over 26 million Americans have
smoked marijuana, an increase
of 8% over last year. This
represents 16% of the adult
population and two-thirds of all
college students. More than
200,000 persons were arrested
for marijuana possession last
year. Since 1965, marijuana -
related arrests have increased
more than 1000%.
To the Helpful
I would like to thank Mr.
Dressier and all administrators,
faculty, staff, and students who
were helpful in so many ways
before, during and after my stay
in the Hershey Medical Center.
Having the assignments made
available to me through your
help and that of Drs. Hartzler,
McKenna, and Lee helped me to
minimize the amount of
make-up work I will have to do.
The help of the resident
assistance and other students was
not only appreciated but
enabled me to reach the medical
center in time to undergo surgery
before my appendix could
rupture. I was pleasantly
surprised to learn that Bernie
Rafferty, resident assistant on
duty at the time of my illness,
along with Pat Byrne, Mike
Slygh, and Mary Ann Mitchell
waited at the Medical Center
until my parents arrived at about
4 a.m. after a three hour drive.
Brad Langdon, resident assistant
on my floor, also visited me in
the hospital.
I deeply appreciate all the
kindness that was shown in so
many ways and in particular
commend the resident assistants
for a job well done.
Most sincerely,
Steve Hergenrother
* Announcements ♦
We apologize for the omission
of Dr. Nancy Tischler’s name
from the Student Handbook
(73-74). Students Affairs Staff.
** * *
Any Student who did not
receive a copy of POLICIES
1973-74, during registration
should pick up a copy in the
Student Affairs Office, W-103.
** * *
B. V. R.
The Bureau of Vocational
Rehabilitation Counselors, Mr.
James Day, will be in the
Counceling Center on Thursdays
at 11:00 a.m. from now until
the Christmas vacation.
This is a change from
Mondays at 11. Each student
receiving B.U.R. Assistance is
required to see Mr. Day twice a
** * *
A Second Chance
If you could not get the
money together nor the time to
get your picture taken, the
yearbook staff will give you a
second chance. Portraits for the
yearbook will be taken again in
January. You will get only one
more chance to so save for your
$3.00 sitting fee or ksk Santa to
lend it to you.
** * *
Crosswalk 1
c. toder
Are you looking for
something to do tonight? If you
are, the Head Shop is inviting
you to a party Thursday,
October 25th at 9:00. The
location is the Peoples’ Park
across from the Middle Earth
Coffee House on Kirtland Ave.,
in Meade Heights.
There are no scheduled events
planned. We will have a few
campfires burning in the park
and some local musical talent
performing in the Coffee House.
We are not charging
admission or making any
predictions as to what will
happen. Nothing more that
people meeting people outside
under the stars and around the
fire. The only thing we are
advising is that you bring a
blanket ( and whatever else you
would like) to help keep you
Hope to see you there.