C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, October 11, 1973, Image 7
As a new feature to our paper we are accepting classified ads. The ads are free but limited to forty words per ad. They will run for as long as you like, a week, two weeks, or all term. All Ads must include your name, address, telephone number and the number of weeks you wish the ad to run. All ads must be printed and submitted to the Reader Office in WlO4. Jobs Wanted (2A) Experienced female model desiring work. Drawing, painting, scuplture or photography. Call Cyndy at 564-6361 in Harrisburg. ** * * (IUA) Kegional Planning graa student desires full-time employment. Prefer work regional or urban planning experiences in data processing including computer operations and keypunch. Also unit record machines both Univac and 1.8. M. Contact Elsie Mary Hollis, 215 Woodbine, Hbg. 236-6415. ** * * Jobs Available (IB) Part-time cook. Two students looking for reliable person to cook one evening meal five evenings a week and clean apartment one day a week. Negotiable. Pineford Village Middletown, Call 944-4240 After 8:30 p.m. ** * * Housing Apartment desired within twenty minutes of Capitol Campus for two students. Prefer Northern York County location. Call Karl at 1-717-755-8295. ** * * Castle, Spacious. Fit for any estate. Inquire at Capitol Campus Chess Club. Wednesday noon in the Gallery Lounge. ** * * do it HELP WANTED Hours- 4-12 pm and weekends preferred Apply in Person 2270 W. Hbg. Pike Reader Classifieds On Campus Day Care Service. Interested students please phone Kelly Simmons after 11:00 at 938-1289. (10 D) Chess instruction provided free by members of the Capitol Campus Chess Club Wednesdays, 12 noon, Gallery Lounge. For Sale Sansui AU555, 50 watt amp drives four speakers; two tape decks; two turntables and one aux. Must sell now! Retail price is $250. Asking $l6O. By the way it’s in excellent condition. Call Bruce at 774-0764. 1967 V.W. Karman Ghia Coupe. Green. Radio and Heater. 61,000 miles. Overall good condition. Gets 27 m.p.g. Good basic reliable transportation. $7OO or most reasonable offer. Call Paul at 944-5845. Hammock with stand used only a few times. Like New. Will sacrifice at $6. Call Paul at 944-5845. Bike and Camera for sale. Three-speed, 26 inch men’s Sunbeam (Made in England), lightweight frame. $59.95. Also Yashica Electro-35, 35mm camera, $89.95. Both in excellent condition. Contact Ed Beck, Counseling Center Wll7 or call 533-5393 evenings. (3E) Roll bar for Triumph Spitfire. Like new. Asking $45. Call Jim 944-1984. (2E) Gowns size 10, hairdryer, clarinet, and other good stuff Contact Phoebe in the Records Office. TOGETHER Services ** * * ** * * ♦* * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * You deserve a break today Wanted Do you have items of an antique nature? Will consider purchasing any item in spite of its apparent uselessness. Also looking for automobile around the year 1930, preferably a Model ‘A’ Ford. Call Paul at 944-5845. ** * * Wanted: One or two female roomates to share “luxury” apartment at Campus Manor. Included is a dishwasher, garbage disposal, wall to wall carpeting, patio front, large furnished rooms (bedroom suite needed only) and a phone. Please contact Terry or Carol. 944-6748. ** * * Personal Juniors! Why wait until next year to run the school? Come and help us at the C.C. Reader and who knows what may happen next year. ** * * Lisa Yaffe: Old friend desperately seeking you out. Please contact Frank in the Reader Office. To Bill of 9258 Flickenger. Meet me tonight at 10 p.m. at the Meade Heights Bus Stop. I think I can solve your problem Signed, Silky the Pimp. ** * * We should all be our left and right hands. ** * * Karen, Hey.... 1 love you, ** * * Mother Goose Lives! ** * * Get involved! Because if nothing about this school concerns you - then take a correspondence course ** * * ■8 O Recreation Athletic News We are again organizing leagues for Capitol Campus students, faculty and staff. Each team will have five persons and may be all men, all women or mixed. Once again, Wednesday nights at 9:15 is reserved for the Capitol Campus League and the Special Price is three games for $1.40, with free shoes. Middletown Lanes will provide trophies for Team Champions, High Average, High Series and High Game. The Most Improved Bowler will also receive recognition. Special Reduced Rates are also available to Capitol Campus students during open bowling TEAM 1. No Names 2. Beta Chi 3. Keglers 4. “It!” 5. Kozak 6. Alleycats 7. Dinkledorfs 18. XGl’s 9. Spoilers 10. Loose Ends 1. No Names 4 2. Beta Chi 4 3. Keglers 4 4. “It!” 3 5. Kozak 3 Larry Lutter (No Names) 550 Mike Zayakosky (No Names) 500 Larry Lutter (No Names) 213 There are still 2 openings for 2-5 men, women teams for the Wednesday night league! Please sign up as soon as possible before next Wednesday October 10, 1973. Loose Ends needs 2 bowlers and the Keglers also need 2. Notify the Athletic Building or John Yee, Bowling Secretary 944-3173, 9278 Flickinger St. Thank You! WOMEN’S INDIVIDUALS H.A. Phyllis Mashman (Dinkledorfs) 132 H.A. Dee Aribovsky (Alleycats) 132 H.S. Barb Keeler (Dinkledorfs) 371 H.G. Marge Kenny (Alleycats) 143 aft C.C. Bowling C.C. Bowling Results WON LOST tje 4 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 3 1 0 3 1 o 1 3 0 1 3 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 S'* , McDonald’s times, bowl three games pay tor two (except Sunday 1 p.m. to closing). A 10 per cent discount will also be granted to students on the purchase of any ball, bag or shoes. Additional leagues are also planned: a mixed League for Thursday nights at 9:30 p.m. Free Bowling Instruction is also available to interested students (4 sessions, 2 hours per session). Forms may be picked up at the Roundtable. For further information call the Lanes at 944-9991 or the Athletic Office at 787-7751. 500 CLUB 200 CLUB ** * * PERCENTAGE 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.750 0.750 0.250 0.250 0.000 0.000 0.000 Spoilers 0 Loose Ends 0* XGl’s 0* Dinkledorfs 1 Alleycats 1 * Forfeit