deaden, SfrotliyAtb Conditions in Meade Heights Front and center in the Spotlight is the condition of the houses in Meade Heights. The disgusting rundown and unpainted appearance of the houses has been shoved in the corner too long. As you drive into the Heights, many of the houses have newly painted sheds in a rainbow of colors. The lawns are well trimmed and any visitor would be very impressed. As you drive to the other end of the Meade Heights, the houses are noticeably more rundown and many of the sheds are not painted or if they are, simply painted white. It also troubled the C.C. Reader that the time involved to repaint the sheds is quite long. Does it really take one to two days to paint a shed? Well, that is the time the painters are taking. If twenty sheds have to be painted, it would take forty days to complete the task, barring any bad weather. Forty days? The world was destroyed by a flood in forty days. Ironical isn’t it. The condition of the external areas of many of the houses also needs improvement. One house has a huge poison ivy vine covering the corner as one steps out the door. Another is missing half of its screens. And yet, another has a pile of dead foliage behind it. Brown streaks cover the ceilings; marks and cracks cover the walls; huge discolored areas cover the floors in many of the houses. A good painting job would cover a multitude of the ugly problems. Several students have become so sicken by their environments, that they resorted to repainting part of the house by themselves. Housing supplied all the needed material but offered no other help. Many of the lights are burnt out or lamps are missing. The silverware is usually handed down from the people who previously lived there or one has to supply his own. The dishes are cracked and useless. The garbage disposal stinks. No cable for the TV. Housing blames students - students blame housing. The Reader feels that there should be more improvements made in the Heights by Housing. The entire place does not quite measure up to the yardstick given in the lease description of living facilities. Many of the students feel that they pay quite a large sum each term. A house of four people pay $220 per month for that house. At this price, students should expect more than what they are given - which is not much. One suggestion the Reader can give to Housing may solve some of the complaints. Many students are earnestly seeking for on-campus employment. If Housing needs help to improve the Heights, why not hire several of these students to repaint the houses, and do some repair work. This solution would benefit both sides. Something has to be done. This problem has gone to long ignored. ** * * What? The first comprehensive evaluation of the spray irrigation method of disposing of sewage effluent, under study at The Pennsylvania State University for more than ten years, now is available in print. *• * • SJSA Elections Commg Up By Bob Hetzel Student Government Association elections for Junior department and at large Senate seats are slated to be held Thursday, October 25 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Gallery Lounge. There arc 9 seats to be filled; 6 department seats (Math-Science, Social Science, Education, Humanities, Engineering and Business) and 3 at-large seats. Each individual must run as a candidate for his or her department’s seat. Those individuals who receive the highest number of votes in each department will be designated that department’s Senator. The remaining candidates will then be listed in order of the number of votes received, regardless of A Plea for Mass - Transit By Jim Bollinger Last spring, after years in the red, the Harrisburg Railways Company decided to fold its problem-plagued bus service, apparently curtailing the only mass-transit system available in the Harrisburg Area. Realizing the enormity of the situation, Mayor Swenson seized this development as an opportunity to further a personal dream of his - to create a municipally-owned mass-transit system to serve the Metro-Harrisburg Area. After a relatively short period of deliberations with Dauphin and Cumberland County representatives, the Capitol Area Transit System was born. CATS was formed to supplant the obsolete privately-owned bus system with a publicly-owned system designed to fit the needs of the Dauphin-Cumberland metropolitan area, and to ease the traffic congestion choking the city and suburbs every work-day. Since its inception, the Authority’s programs have all been aimed at only bus transportation. They have promoted and even attempted to improve it. They have instituted almost no really major changes in the system itself, which has gone nearly unchanged for the past 20 or so years. Many of these minor programs have at least satisfactorily met their goals, as far as they’ve gone. THAT, however, is the main point; they haven’t gone far enough. Having now achieved their primary objective of keeping the buses running, it is now time to take more dynamic action to Get a Job University Park, Pa. - The liberal arts student would do well to gain some practical experience in his future career field before his graduation from college. The advice comes from 1970 graduates of the College of the Liberal Arts at The Pennsylvania State University, polled in a survey conducted by the Liberal Arts Student Council. John A. Casciotti, of Altoona, a senior in political science, said that the survey brought response from almost one-third of the class of 1970 graduates. Internships, practicums, independent study projects, summer jobs, student activities, and volunteer work were all named as valuable supplements to classroom education and also impressive to prospective employers. The respondents also suggested including some business knowledge in their liberal arts education, especially in such fields as accounting, October 11,1973 his or her department standing. The highest 3 will then be designated as the Junior at-large Senator. There is one at-large seat for each 200 Junior undergraduate students. The current Junior undergraduate enrollment is 731. The main requirement for all candidates is that he or she be registered as a full-time Junior term undergraduate. Candidates also are required to submit a petition of 25 signatures. In signing the Senatorial petitions, Junior and Senior undergraduates are not permitted to sign more than one petition from each department. The petitions can be picked up in the S.G.A. room W-104 or from any member of the Election-Screening Committee. give Harrisburg a truly adequate mass-transit system. The Harrisburg area is most fortunate in that, having once been a major rail center, it has been left with a fine foundation for the type of mass transit which has been most successful in the big cities, rapid rail transit. For those of us who must drive to and from school every day, getting here can be one big pain-in-the-neck. The bus service provided to Middletown is both rare and expensive (65 cents one way), and travel by car can be both time- and gas- consuming. However, we have right here on campus the vestiges of the rail system which once served the old Olmstead A. F. base. This, coupled with the other railway facilities left to CATS provides an excellent base for a superb metropolitan transit system. Rail transit has long been a solution to the problem of getting thru crowded metro areas quickly and easily. With railroad beds criss-crossing the countryside and rolling right thru the areas of the city, all that remains is to put some trains into service and all the rest should come easily. This, however, is what CATS has apparently failed to recognize, and as a result, the whole area must suffer. With effective rail service, the journey from Capitol Campus to almost any part of the metro area would be greatly facilitated, providing quick and hopefully inexpensive transportation to and from school for commuting students, and giving resident students greater access to the attractions of the Capitol City, such as they are. management, administration. and business Over 90 per cent of the respondents were satisfied with their jobs, finding them exciting, rewarding” 8 ’ 3 ” d financial,y & & @ale*td<vi £ve*U& ** * * The members are: Chairman Bob Hetzel, Sr. Social Science Senator; Barb Longe, Sr. Engineering Senator; Peggy Vanderslice, Sr., Education Senator; and Patty Nevine, S.G.A. Secretary. Screening procedures will be initiated at 7 p.m., October 16, in the S.G.A. room W-104. All candidates are required to attend. If a prior commitment on the part of a candidate prohibits his or her attendance at the s screening session, an alternate date for those so affected can be set up by contacting the chairman of the committee, Bob Hetzel, 829 B Nelson Ave., (944-0844). All elected Senators are expected to carry at least a 2.0 grade point average. New Computer Science Option George Gumas, Clifford Mason, John Redingtin, and F. X. Splane are members of the committee to implement a computer science option on a graduate and undergraduate level. The course will be an interdivisional education effort, or in other words, it will not be classified under any specific curriculum. The course will provide a broad educational scope and will focus on the operation of computers. The latter including programming, systems analysis, and operations. If enough people show interest, the course will be offered in the winter term. Juniors in particular are urged to participate in the undergraduate program. All interested undergraduates and graduates should see Dr. Splane in room W-305. ** * * Help! The C.C. Reader has cried, crawled, and pleaded with people to help the newspaper. The paper is not what it should be - the student’s voice. Our staff is pitifully small and we really do need help. If anyone is interested in doing some newsy work, we need reporters to interview faculty members, gather the minutes to club meetings, and general school news. If you are an artist, we need cartoon writers and illustrators. Are you a poet? We would like to publish your works. Are you a wizard in the kitchen? The Reader is sure that the students in Meade Heights would appreciate some simple and tasty dishes. If you have any ideas, suggestions, or complaints, the Reader welcomes all of them. Drop your articles in the Newspaper office W-104. ** * * THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11 - Ski Club’s All Day Bake Sale in Vendorville. - 9 p.m. Bowling at Middletown Lanes. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12 - First day to file for Pass/Fail - Closing date for testing for admission to Business Grad Study. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14 - 3:45 Mass in the Student Center. MONDAY, OCTOBER 15 - 6:30' Head Shop.- 6:30 S.G.A. Meeting in the Gallery/Lounge - 7:30-9 p.m. Martial Arts in the Athletic building. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16 - Football Team Registration Ends 5 p.m. in the Rec/Ath building- 7 p.m. M.H.8.0.G. Meeting at the Middle Earth - 7:30 p.m. Slimnastics in the Rec/Ath. - 8 p.m. “The Candidate” at the Student Center - Last day for Pass/Fail - Last day to drop a course. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17 - 12 noon Chess Club Meeting Gallery/Lounge - 9 p.m. Bowling at the Middletown Lanes. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18 - Closing date for N.T.E. - 7:30-9 p.m. Martial Arts in Rec/Ath Building - 9 p.m. Bowling at the Middletown Lanes. Page 1 Campus Religious programs On Thursday, October 11 and Friday, October 12, a table will be set up in Vendorville for all students who are interested in starting a new campus organization, Campus Crusade for Christ. At this time free copies of “Good News for Modern Man,” a contemporary version of the “New Testament,” will be available for all students. Anyone with questions should contact Caddie Labar in Meade Heights. Each week there are several types of religious programs on campus. Rev. George W. Hough, an Episcopal minister is available to students from 1 to 3' p.m. each Tuesday in the Counseling Center. Starting Sunday, October 14, a Protestant service will be held each Sunday in the Student Center at 2:30 p.m. The Catholic mass will still be conducted at 3:45 p.m. as already announced. A listing of area churches and service times is available in the Student Affairs Office W-103. ** * * CLEP Exams Mary E. Gundel, Admissions Director at Penn State’s Capitol Campus, announced that the College Level Entrance Examination will be offered at the Middletown Campus on October 20 at 8 a.m. Two kinds of CLEP exams are offered monthly at this Central Pennsylvania Testing Center. The general examinations measures achievement in five basic areas of Liberal Arts - English composition, humanities, mathematics, natural science, and social sciences - history. Deadline for filing applications for these exams is October 17. Persons desiring to enter college at an advanced level with credit for material learned outside the formal classroom may take the CLEP examinations and have the scores sent to the college. Capitol Campus and many other institutions of higher learning in Central Pennsylvania grant academic credit for the CLEP exams. Persons wishing to take the exams should inquire at the institution they wish to attend as to whether credit will be accepted for the CLEP examinations, the specific examinations to take, and the scores required for credit. Applications may be obtained by contacting the Office of Admissions, Capitol Campus. (717-787-7734).
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers