C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, October 04, 1973, Image 1
Vol. 1 N Welcome Married Students to Meade Heights This Fall, an age old request of married students attending the Capitol Campus was honored. Meade Heights housing at last became available to them. Traditionally, married students have had a very difficult time finding housing in the Harrisburg area because of a shortage of these facilities, (particularly after the June ‘72 Flood) and because of high rents. Some students, unable to find housing were forced either not to come to the Campus, or to withdraw from school later, as it was difficult to pay for accomodations in their home towns as well as rent for “single” housing in on-Campus facilities. The availability of Meade Heights housing to married students was not brought about to place single residents here at a disadvantage. It was the outcome of deliberation over cold economic fact. The enrollment projection was down last Spring, and with the estimate of returning and new on-Campus residents came the possibility that 35-40 houses in Meade Heights would stand empty. The University could not have afforded the cut in revenue and have maintained the facilities and services which it now provides. Hence the decision to make the houses available to married couples came aobut. Couples residing in Meade Heights have signed a year’s lease and pay monthly rent for their houses. A decision on whether or not the spaces will be needed for next Fall’s incoming students will have to wait until next Spring’s enrollment projections for the coming year are in. If it is found that requests for housing by single students will increase appreciably over this Fall’s, then the program of “married housing” in Meade Heights will be re-evaluated and a decisioh made to continue it or not. A campus community offers the unique atmosphere conducive to learning while we live. Those who are potential “Marrieds” and parents can learn much from this new arrangement. This article is being published to answer some of the many questions regarding this arrangement, and in a spirit of providing some ’inderstanding of it as well. Any further questions should be directed to the Residence Living Program Office, 946 A Kirtland Avenue (Tel. 787-1665), or to Mr. Norman Gautreau, Manager, Department of Housing and Food Service in 107 Wrisberg Hall, (Tel. 787-7758). ** * * Tonight is the Night! Yearbook Meeting Join our Staff and Make it Happen 7pm 8338 Nelson in the Heights Well, they did it! They finally came up with a brainstorm to make registration as painless as possible. The secret - staggered location. The students had a little further to walk than usual but it seemed to keep traffic from getting too congested. The advisors were readily available in their respective offices which was a second advantage. For this year’s fall registration, the paper work for students was also reduced. The C.C. Reader sees one major area for complaint. It seems that nothing can be accomplished between the hour of 12 - 1. We realize that the secretaries do deserve lunch but we feel that a staggered lunch system would be better. The final time for registration in the morning was 11:44. When the student left his advisor, he found that the doors to the final check point were locked. He The United States Marine Corps Officer Selection Team from Harrisburg will be on campus on the 10th and 11th of October 1973, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., located in the Main Admin. Bldg. - Venderville. For a Snack or a Meal Stefie’s 230 Diner open 2a.m. to 10p.m. on the road to Elizabethtown October 4,1973 REGISTRATION begrudgingly had to wait until 1:00 to finish his task. The hall became a very congested area and the entire process for the rest of the afternoon was retarded. Otherwise, registration was very fast and efficient. With little change, it could be effectively used for many registrations to come. Good Food Reasonable Prices ** * * Recreation WELCOME ALL STUDENTS! The Recreation/Athletics Building and Base Gym are open for your convenience. The following hours will be in effect until further notice: Recreation/Athletics Building: Monday thru Friday - 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.;Sat. and Sun. -2 p.m. to 10 p.m. .Base Gym: Mon., Tues., Thurs., & Fri. - 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.; Weds., Sat., & Sun. - 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. SLIMNASTICS: Slimnastics classes are being offered to all interested students. They begin Tuesday, October 2 at 7:30 p.m. in the Recreation/Athletics Building. The classes will be conducted by Ms. Barbara L. Ross of the YWCA, Harrisburg, and is available to all students, faculty and staff. There is no fee for this program. Classes will be held Tuesday evenings. BOWLING: , „ .. The Capitol Campus bowling league is ready to roll! Bowling will begin the first week in October. The Middletown Lanes has set aside 2 nights this term for league bowling. Team rosters may be obtained at the Recreation/Athletics Building. This league is also available to all students, faculty and staff. For information call 787-7751. VARSITY BASKETBALL: Try-Outs for the varsity basketball team will be held on Monday, October 15 at 6 p.m. in the Base Gym. FLAG FOOTBALL The deadline for team registration for flag football is 5 p.m. Wednesday, October 3. Team rosters may be obtained at the Recreation/Athletics Building. There will be a $2O registration fee with $l5 refundable if there are no forfeits. A team captain’s meeting will be held as soon as possible. Keep checking with the Recreation/Athletics Building for date, time and place. MR. AL WILLIAMS, former ABA player with the Kentucky Colonels, will return to coach the varsity basketball team for the 1973-74 season. MARTIAL ARTS: Martial Arts classes with basic instructions in Self Defense, Judo and Karate are being scheduled for the Fall Term. Mr. Charles Cavrich will be the instructor and classes will be held every Monday and Thursday evening from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in the Recreation/Athletics Building. The beginning date for this program is Monday, Octoberl. There is a $lO registration fee with $5 refundable at the end of the program providing 80% of the classes have been attended. Judo ghias are available for check out and will be issued on a first come, first served basis. All students, faculty and staff interested in this program should stop by the Recreation/Athletics Building and register as soon as possible. EQUIPMENT CHECK-OUT. Equipment such as footballs, soccer balls, volley balls, basketballs, tennis racquets, golf clubs, softballs and bats, etc., are available to all students, faculty and staff for check out. Items may be kept for 3 days only. A fine is charged for all over-due items. An ID card must be presented and a check-out card signed. SOCCER CLUB: Anyone interested in soccer should stop by the Recreation/Athletics Building and register for the team or call 787-7751 for further information. The following games have been scheduled to date: NE Christian Jr. College @ Capitol Campus - 7 pm - Tues - Oct 9. York Campus PSU @ Capitol Campus - 2 pm - Sat - Oct 20. Schuylkill Campus PSU @ Capitol Campus - 8 pm - Tues - Oct 23. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 - Last day to add a course. MONDAY, OCTOBER 8 - Photo Club Meeting 8:00. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9 - Soccer - N.E. Christian vs. Capitol 7:00 at Capitol. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12 - First day to file for pass/fail. MONDAY, OCTOBER 15 -- Varsity Basketball Tryouts Rec/Ath Building 6:30. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16 -- Last day for pass/fail. Last day to drop a course. Movie - “The Candidate” 8:00. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20 - Soccer - York vs. Capitol 8:00. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23 - Movie - “Fanny Hill” 8:00. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26 ~ I.E.E.E. Meeting E-240. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27 - All University Day. 5 Ski or travel free £ • in Europe J • during your Christmas vacation • 3 December 25 - January 1 # • For details call collect • • NATIONAL STUDENT SKI CLUB • 2 1-215-678-7439 9A.M. - SP.M. « • 1-215-372-5968 7P.M. - 11P.M. • Athletics