CAPITOLIIST THE "AU The News That Fits . .We Print" Vol. X, No. 5 Bill Matthews elected SGA President by R. W. Bonaker Bill Matthews, with the largest victory' margin in the history of the campus, was elected president of the Student Government Association for 1973-74 in balloting last week. He received 272 votes to the 120 gathered by his opponent Bob Monath for 69 percent of the vote. Matthews, who throughout election day felt he was in deep trouble, was elated at the result. "Fantastic. Unbelievable," he - was heard to declare. Monath accepted the outcome graciously and, said he lost in a fair campaign. Mike Leasher, Bob Chaapel and Patricia Nevin, who ran unopposed won the offices of vice president, treasurer and recording secretary, respectively. Charlie Ottaviano, who was a write-in candidate, won the office of corresponding secretary by receiving 12 votes. Ten of the 12 candidates for BIG PSU TUITION INCREASE IN THE WIND •Ii• by R. W. Bonaker "There is pressure to raise tuition by $145 next year," said PSU President John Oswald at a recent meeting of the Council of Presidents of Commonwelath Campuses. He addressed the group of student government leaders in the ' Hetzel Union Building at University Park, explaining the financial crisis which will face Penn State in the coming year, arising from the "zero budget" proposed by Gov. Shapp. The pressure Oswald considered is coming from members of the state legislature, who want to raise the university's tuition to near $l,OOO, matching that of Pitt and Temple, the other state related institutions. Before" Shapp's budget cutback, Oswald had proposed an increase of $l5 a term. Many state Knestrick wins Jordan Award Dr. James L. Knestrick will be the recipeint of the James A. Jordan Memorial Award for excellence in teaching at the June commencement ceremonies. He will be conveyed that honor as he was so selected by the students during last Thursday's SGA elections. The award was established last year in tribute to Dr. Jordan who died in a boating accident on Lake Ontario in 1971. Last year's winner was Prof. Ambrose Klain. Other faculty nominated by SGA members included Dr. Robert Bresler, Prof. Wesley Houser, Dr. Donald Alexander, Dr. Thomas Knight, Dr. Floyd Moan, Mr. Anthony Lorenzi and Dr. John Markese. senate seats were elected. Bob Brannan, Harold Brown, Bob Hetzel, Ron Conley and Nick Spengler are incumbents who made it back into next year's senate. Newcomers are Terry Smith, Peggy Vanderslice, Barbara Long, Jim Toggart and Stacey Weiss. Following are the official totals of the balloting, which took place April 26: PRESIDENT-Bill Matthews, 272; Bob Monath 120. VICE PRESIDENT-Mike Leasher, 333. TREASURER-Bob Chaapel, 301. R E CORDING SECRETARY-Patricia Nevin, 324. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY-Charlie Ottavia no, 12. SENIOR BUSINESS SENATOR-Bob Brannan, 89; Nick Spengler, 73 (at-large winner). representatives, who come from Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, where Pitt and Temple are located, want tuition to jump by $5O a term. Oswald did not think there was much anti-Penn State sentiment per se, just a kind of tiring of paying taxes to finance so called "Mammoth" universities. Oswald said he was going to hold firm on a maximum increase of $l5 a term, but realized that tuition will indeed be increased over the next 3-4 years. He also noted that in the last two years, tuition has gone up. Actually, any specified increases must be set by the university Board of Trustees. USG President at main campus Mark Jinks felt there indeed is anti-Penn State feeling among the legislators. "You could tell that by the ridiculous questions some of them volt 11111 l 111111111141.11119M1111111111011M11111111111111111011111111101M101011141•1111101111INUIHNINIMUMIUMONIM 1111 l ISIIIIII4IIIIIIIIUNININIIIINOU In a flash of inspiration I Have learned the origin of all my greed: Somehow, within a moment, came a lie To make me lose my one and only creed. Deep darkness can be comfort to the blind— For many months I felt a grievous need. I never lit the corner of my mind Where once had sat my one and only creed. But now I see the emptiness, the space; I know the reason why I beg and plead; I understand the writing on my face— Tis I alone who lost my only creed. You'll have back all the things on which I feed The day I find my one and only creed. C-B CAPITOL CAMPUS - MIDDLETOWN, PA SENIOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION SENATOR-Peggy Vanderslice, 46; Terry Smith, 41 (at-large winner); Deborah Hasseman, 31; Evelyn Carter, 12. SENIOR ENGINEERING SENATOR-Barbara Long, 59; Jim Toggart, 57 (at-large winner). SENIOR HUMANITIES 3 SENATOR-Harold Brown, 29. SENIOR MATH-SCIENCE SENATOR-Ron Conley, 24. SENIOR SOCIAL SCIENCE SENATOR-Bob Hetzel, 94; Stacey Weiss, 62 (at-large winner). Nine of the 15 elected, Matthews, Leasher, Chaapel, 0 ttaviano, Spengler, Smith, Toggart, Brown and Conley have served in the military. All those elected will assume their respective positions during the final SGA meeting in June, but will take part in mush of SGA decision making from now until then. (Legislators) asked, "Jinks said. Oswald lamented the plight of the students, pointing out that the percentage of students attending the university from low income families has dropped considerably in the past few years. He said such an occurrence "violates the concept of the land-grant institution." The President explained that the university figured on a cost increase of $ll million for next year, $4 million of which was to be gathered in the $l5 a term tuition increase. But Shapp granted no increase in his budget for Penn State and Oswald had to trim six percent off the budgets of all "units" in the Penn State system. He said construction of new facilities ;uch as residence halls or bookstores cannot be funded with state money and the cost of same "must be amortized by the students." Arts and Crafts .Fair The Cultural Events Committee is sponsoring an arts and crafts fair to be staged on May 14. Ten dollar prizes will be awarded in categories including home economics, paper mache, mobiles paintings, sculptures and sketches. All entries should be submitted to the Student Activities office, W-105 on Friday, May 11. Winners will be announced at Noon on May 17 following the dispaly which is presented in the Gallery Lounge. 13 APRIL 73 Bill Matthews, left, is congratulated by current SGA President Mike Dini and Sen. Marilyn Levin after it was announ ced Matthews had won last week's vote. *******4444444444444444444444 PARAMEDICS MOVE INTO HEIGHTS; DRESSLER HOLDS FIRM On April 25, a representative of the Meade Heights Board of Governors met with Mr. George Dressler, administrative Officer, to discuss the Meade Heights housing for paramedics studying at Hershey Medical Center. Earlier last week, the MHBOG and the SGA supported . a "resolution" calling upon Dressler to house the paramedics in the dormitories on Capitol Campus Village. The two organizations thought housing other than Meade Heights to be more feasible, citing inconveniences for both Capitol students and the paramedics as justification for their action. Dressler said the decision to house the paramedics in the Heights was made by University Park authorities upon his DTK to sponsor event for Trailer Village by Victor Pawluk Delta Tau Kappa, the international social science honor society, welcomed several prospective members at its last meeting on April 24. President of the organization, Brent Lawson, extended an official welcome to the new members while Elaine Parker, Vice President (Programs) outlined the objectives of DTK along with some recent activities of the society. A special note of thanks went out to Joe Davis for the excellent job he did in planning and organizing the annual DTK banquet held this year at the Creekside Inn. Through Joe's efforts, the banquet was a great success. Dr. James L. Knestrick asked about the possibility of DTK sponsoring a concert-picnic for the residents of Capitol Campus Village. Members of DTK agreed to host the event which is presently scheduled for Mother's Day. The event will be staged in the Student Center: All Capitol students are wlecome to attend this affair and to meet with their trailer village neighbors. Additional information will be published next week. Help is needed to stage this event and DTK members are asked to contact Dr. Knestrick and offer assistance. May 3, 1973 recommendation and any changes at such a late date would cause problems. The paramedics moved into the Heights on April 29 . Dressler explr'ned his motives to the Board re i sresentatives, who were apparently satisfied with Dressler's reasons. . _ _ Pat Murphy, Residence Living Coordinator for the Heights, toured houses where the paramedics were to be placed last Thursday night. She said that three in each house could pay a total of $9O to keep the paramedics out, Reportedly, all 13 houses in the Heights accepted their new roomates. Dressler said that anyone having problems with the housing situation is asked to report it to the residence living coordinators: Bob Bonaker reported on the shuttle bus and car pool issue. The shuttle bus is definitely out because of the expense involved. DESPITE OVERWHELMING STUDENT NON-SUPPORT, DTK decided to go ahead and give the car-pool system a try. The next meeting is scheduled for May 15 at 7:00 p.m. in the T.V. Lounge. Pilots "buzz" Capitol Campus Just some information for those of us who remain on campus during the week-ends. You were not awakened this past Saturday afternoon by any Soviet MIGs. In reality, the low flying jets were USAF Thunderbirds, a precision air team, which was ' part of the Pennsylvania Air National Guard celebrating its 25th anniversary at International airport. Capitolites, instead of making the journey down to Olmsted where 15,000 people were gathered, stood in the chilly breeze on rooftops in Meade Heights. The precision, dare-devil flying conducted by the pilots thrilled the throng at the airfield, many of whom were an hour late due to congested traffic conditions.