C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, February 08, 1973, Image 8
February 8, 1973 Lions win Second Straight over Stevens Trade by Mark Israel Capitol Campus played two basketball games Friday night. They won the first one handily, but they almost lost the second. Of course, in actuality, the Lions only played one game, and they won, beating Stevens Trade, 78-75. But it shouldn't have been as close as it was. After a slow start which saw the Traders holding a 23-16 lead at 10:54 into the game, the Lions roared back. Sparked by a fight between Jim Merlano and Joe DiFerdinando (which Merlano won), Capitol reeled off eight straight points, mostly from the foul line to take a 24-23 lead. They continued to dominate and outscored the Traders 25-8 in the last 9 minutes of the first half, to lead 41-31. After a brief rest, the second game began. Led by Tommy Ogden, Paul Hook, and Bob Lambert, the Lions opened up a 53-37 lead. Then, something happened. The team has not won a road game in two years, and that old disease, roaditis, appeared to be coming back again. Led by Del Kresier, the Traders chipped away at the lead and came back to tie the score at 62 with 7:15 left to play on a Steve Weaver basket. The Traders continued to dominate and built up a 70-64 lead with just 3:42 to play. It looked as CAPITOL FG FT TP STEVENS FG FT Hook Chupka Ogden Lambert Miller Schropp Merlano Magnelli TOTALS 32- 14 78 TOTALS 31 13 Jan. 8 P.S.U.-Delaware 80-82 Jan. 16 N.E. Christian 73-86 Jan. 20 Spring Garden 57-76 Jan. 23 P.S.U.-Schuylkill 96-64 Feb. 2 at Stevens Trade, 78-75 Rec/Ath BASE GYM The hours for the gym have been changed for Saturdays only. Effective immediately the Base Gym will be open every Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. WHIRLPOOL BATH Hours for use--8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The whirlpool is not only useful for sprain and strain injuries----all students, male and female, should keep in mind the whirlpool is a very effective method of relaxing from tension during exam periods or just the regular every day stress and strain. So, if you find you are having a problem sleeping at night, feeling all up-tight---try the Whirlpool! Varsity Basketball, though roaditis had struck again. But this years' team is different from the others. They're tougher and stronger mentally than any team in this campus' history. They don't quit when the going gets a little rough. And what's more important, they think as a team, not individuals. It was at this point, when roaditis was about to show it's ugly face again, that the team made a decision. They decided to give the disease the proverbial finger and play basketball the way they're capable of. Baskets by Lambert and Ogden cut the lead to two, 70-68. A foul shot by Rick Kopko, and a three-point play by Ogden cut the lead to 73-72. Then, with 1:28 remaining, Kopko, one of the team's most underrated players, scored to give Capitol their lead back. Two more baskets by Hook and Rick Schropp, the teams' outstanding junior swing man, clinched the victory. This weekend shows a tough three games in four night schedule. Tomorrow night the team is eyeing their rematch with Spring Garden, whom they lost to earlier in the season, 76-57. This time around, everyone connected with the team is confident the score will be reversed. Game time is 8:00 PM at the Manin Street Gym, and admission is free. Game Statistics DiFerd'n'do Kreiser Weaver Bentley, T. Chambers Wolf Smith Dean 16 13 19 10 Schedule Feb. 9 Spring Garden (8 PM) Feb. 10 at Lebanon Valley Feb. 12 at Messiah College Feb. 16 Stevens Trade (7 PM) Feb. 19 at P.S.U.-Delaware Feb. 20 N.E. Christian (8 PM) Feb. 26 at Shippensburg News The Recreation/Athletics program is trying to formulate its Spring program. We hope to include golf and tennis in our club program along with already organized baseball team. Persons . who are interested in this sport please visit the Recreation/Athletics Building before February 28, 1973 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and sign up If enough interest is shown, we will have intramural competition and club competition during the Spring term. Club competition will participate against various intercollegiate teams and will be our only outside competition program. Call 787-7751 if you have any questions or problems. GOLF-TENNIS THE CAPITO LIST Intro mura I Bowling Wednesday Night League League bowling, Wednesday, January 31, 1973 HIGH GAMES ROLLED Frank Brown (F. 0.8.0.) - 213 Dave Pinter (X. G.l.s) - 209 Connie Slater (Pin Heads) - 208 Cliff Claypool (X. G.l.s) - 205 Stan Escher (Baetzum) - 192 Keith Lockhart (Crazy J's) - 188 Rick Miller (Them) - 186 Mike Gunther (Crazy J's) - 187 Bill Smith (Crazy J's) - 187 HIGH SERIES ROLLED Cliff Claypool (X.G.I.S) - 547 Stan Escher (Baetzum) - 54,1 Connie Slater (Pin Heads) - 528 Murray Sharp (No Names) - 506 Larry Lausch (X. Gls) - 504 Ken Debiak (X.G.I.S)- 498 Bill Smith (Crazy J's) - 497 STUDENT COURT are registered with the school. The fact as to how unusual the vehicle may appear does not constitute a reason as to why the vehicle should be recognized by the officer giving the ticket. But it is the responsibility of the officer to ticket those vehicles that do not have a sticker. I interpret the "No Sticker" section on the ticket referring to two categories of violation. (A) The student has not registered his/her vehicle with the school. Therefore, he/she did not receive a sticker to place on the vehicle. (B) The student has registered the vehicle and has received a sticker, but has not placed the sticker on the vehicle. Because the student did not have the sticker on the vehicle, I feel the officer was right in placing the ticket on the car. Signed, Randall Lee Blimline Justice Samuel Randazzo questioned the specification • 1 TEAM STANDINGS 1. X.G.I.s - 15-1 2. F. 0.8.0. - 11-5 3. Last Laugh - 9-7 4. No Names - 9-7 5. Them - 9-7 6. Pin Heads - 8-8 7. W.8.Y.A.?! - 8-8 8. Executives - 6-6 9. Spoilers - 6-6 10. Crazy J's- 5-11 11. Baetzum - 4-12 12. Joy - 2-14 (Continued from p. 1) this sticker_ was a pool sticker which comes under the Special Provisions Sections (F) of the Motor Vehicle Regulations. There are separate provisions in these Regulations for both bumper stickers and for pool sitckers. There is also included on tickets issued separate boxes to be checked for either "No Permit or Sticker" and "Permit or Sticker Improperly Displayed." This leaves no doubt in my mind that "No Permit or Sticker" is not to include any requirements pertaining to "Permit or Sticker Improperly Displayed" and vis versa; They are two separate violations. Mr. Bowman should not be held for "prima facie" evidence--no matter how troublesome or time consuming--after such evidence has been disproved. Upon this argument I dissent Justice Larry Olexa argued that Bowman's "forgetfullness" Concurring, should have been excused Ken Sand outright, with the violation Rick Jordan being totally removed from his vehicle record. The following are the results of intraumral basketball games played from January 29 to February 1. The scores are supplied by the Recreation/Athletics Department. Fun Ghouls Thors Commuters Ramses Elwood's Sunoco Sucm Bags Brotherhood Heads for Hemp Foul Balls Faculty Bullets Elwood's Sunoco Commuters Heads for Hemp X.G.I. "A" Brotherhood Fun Ghouls Rag Time X.G.I. "B" Thors Faculty Bullets Ramses X.G.I. "B" Rag Time Heads for Hemp Foul Balls Scum Bags Elwood's Sunoco Foul Balls Brotherhood Them X.G.I. "B" forfeit win over Commuters Scum Bags Thors Ramses Heads for Hemp Samuel Randazzo INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL LB. Team Standings W L Pct Brotherhood Elwood's Sunoco Foul Balls Ramses Commuters Rag Time Them X.G.I. "B" Heads for Hemp Scum Bags _ Page 8