THE CAPITOLIST Vol. VIII, No. 5 lection Bulletin Tuesday's SGA el - ections have ended with the selection of 9 juniors. - The vote,. went as follows: SO SCIENCE Michael Leasher, 74 Karl Salmon, 60,John Murphy, 42, Cathy Brewington, 47. All four candidates are new senators. James Herbst with 38 and Bob Hetzel with 12 finished in the bal loting. In BUSINESS, Bob Brannan with 69 was elected as program senator while Bill Mathews with 42 is a senator at-large. Nick Spengler had 38 and finished out of the money. Other program senators elected were Harold Brown, HUMANITIES; Michael Pierce, EL ED and Dave Wolfe, Engineer In the presidential voting, George McGov ern received 166 vot votes to President' Nixon's 129. PRESIDENTS COUNCIL MEETING There will be a meeting of the campus' President's Council on Thursday, October 26 at 7:00 p.m. in the TV Lounge. Topics to be discussed include the goals and puiposes of the organization, possible revisions of the body's constitution, combined speaker symposiums, and discussions of club activities. The person who is the executive head or designated representative of each organization chartered under the auspices of the Student Government Association automatically qualifies as a member of the President's Council. The Vice-President of the SGA serves as chairman of the Council. The Vice-President of the President's Council is Bob Bonaker, who was elected to that post by a unanimous vote at the last meeting on October 12. The present constitution of the President's Council states that a representative of each campus club must attend each meeting or the charter of an absent club will be revoked upon two consecutive absences. A discontinued charter means that all allocated funds are withdrawn. A part of the musical group CATAMIRPE, which came last Friday. The Social Committee brought the group to campus Grad Student Information by R.W. Bonaker With this issue, THE CAPITOLIST begins a regular feature of information that is of special interest to graduate students and those people having a desire to apply for graduate school. Dr. Robert J. Brown is dean of Capitol's graduate programs. Currently, 382 students have enrolled in the graduate programs of administration, american studies, engineering science, elementary education, humanities, public administration and regional planning. 165 people are classified as non-degree or adjunct students, for a total of 545 graduate students. There is no formal organization of graduate students at the present time. There is a remote possibility of future organization if necessitated by academic problems that may arise, especially grade appeals and general graduate student input regarding the formulation of new courses and new programs of study. Dr. Raymond S. Klein is chairman of the graduate program in administration . Other degree program coordinators include: Dr. Robert A. Conover, engineering science; Dr. Irwin Richman, american studies; Dr. Stanley N. Miller, education; Dr. J. Ingraham Clark, regional planning; and Dr. Daniel M. Poore, public administration. For full-time graduate students whose education is not subsidized by their employer, fmancial assistance is available. The necessary information and applications for fmancial aid, fellowships and grants-in-aid can be obtained from Patrica L. Young, Financial Aid Counselor, "All The News That Fits . . . . We Print" CAPITOL CAMPUS - MIDDLETOWN, PA. in the Office of Academic Services, E-106. The graduate information office has announced that applications for Eric A. Walker Fellowships, general fellowship supplements and tuition grant-in-aid will be received by University Park, 317 Kern Graduate Building until Fevruary 20,1973. However, anyone applying for these funds cannot have enrolled in the PSU Graduate School. The stipend can provide up to $260 per month plus re mission of tuition. The amount made available will largely depend upon the availability of funds. The scholarshipi .are open to students in all graduate majors regardless of degree sought. Eligible applicants will also be considered for NDEA Fellowships and NSF Traineeships. Each applicant must be nominated by his academic program; each program nominating a maximum of three students. All applicants must submit GRE scores (verbal and quantitative) or the equivalent in order to be considered. Complete transcripts and three letters of recommendation are required. The awards will be announced after March 30, 1973 444444 The Not Lire The Hot Line - Capitol's own all night telephone counseling service began operation on Monday evening, October 9, at 8:00 p.m. The Hot Line is available to any Capitol Campus Community member from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. any evening, on such personal problems as: drugs, the draft, problem pregnancy, school, anxiety, depression, roommate conflicts, and general information. Need someone to talk to? Call the Hot Line - dial 944-1033. Max Brady to Resign as SGA VP SGA President Mike Dini read a written announcement from Vice President Max Brady at Monday's Senate meeting. In the letter, Brady indicated that he is seriously considering to resign as vice-president. A formal announcement from Brady is expected in the next few days. That was the only statement coming out of the meeting concerning the announcement. Since the Tuesday election has passed, the SGA president has the power to appoint a vice-president. Details are only tentative at this time. More details will be offered in next week's issue of THE CAPITOLIST. Dini also announced that Provost Robert E. McDermott has concurred with the SGA and Faculty council resolutions calling for a suspension of classes on November 6 and 7. Individual faculty members have the option to voluntarily suspend dames to enable students to work in their home voting districts. "In support of the spirit the SGA and Faculty Council resolutions pertaining to student participation in the election, Provost Robert E. McDermott requests that faculty make allowance for class absences for that purpose without penalty. Students must make advance arrangements with their instructors for the fulfillment of class responsibilities.", Dr. Robert J. Brown, Associate Dean of Faculty reported." Acting under powers granted him by a resolution of the Senate, Dini made temporary ppointments of students to serve on Faculty Organization committees. Other appointtees and their committess include: Jack Coyle, Bookstore Activities; James B. Harris, Computer Facilities; Gene Bryan, Physical Plant; Donald Snyder, Academic Admissions Standards; Randall Blumline and Steve Hutter, Academic and Athletic Standards, Awards and Scholarships; Harold E. Brown, Community Contacts Robert Lipton and Steve Hutter, Library; Robert Bonaker and Marilyn Levin, Student Affairs. The SGA is preparing to publish a student leader directory. As the name implies, it will be a digested listing if those affiliated with the SGA as well as campus organizations. WHO'S WHO of AMERICAN COLLEGES and UNIVERSITIES singles out outstanding students who have displayed high academic October 19, 1972 achievement as well as participating in extra-curricular activities. WHO'S WHO allows individual colleges to establish their own criteria for selection but limits the number which can be selected. The SGA formed a committee composed •of Gene Bryan, Debra Young, Bonnie McSweeny and Harry Franzreb to begin work on the selection process and establishment of criteria. Faculty membership on the committee will be included. The Do-Nothing Club was designated as an organization by the Charter Review Committee, chaired by Judy LePere. Some 30 people are interested in becoming members. The club has a purpose of attempting to get those students, who literally do nothing, to become involved in activities as the club sees fit in the light of the present system. Club activities will be reportedly funded by its membership. Actually, the name of the organization is misleading. Other issues discussed included the Finance Committee which will come up with a budget for the married students apartments next week. A community to set up commencement programs has been established. A few senators reported that their constituents have had problems with the Finance Office in regards to the availability of check-cashing money and scholarship funds. The possibility of establishing a transportation service for disabled students was also discussed. Comments were made that some students were forced to walk to the Main Building from the dormitories because they could not find a ride. The Senate unanimously sponsored a motion urging the installation of pedestrian walkways between the dorms and the Main Building. The motion will be referred to the Task Force on Space and Facility Unitization. Din i mentioned that the academic calender submitted by the SGA to Provost McDermott has received high praise in many quarters. A final decision will be made in the next few weeks. ***** * * * * They Always Had Their Man (CPS) After several years of searching, Mexican police finally captured that nation's most wanted criminal, an outlaw credited with 20 murders. The outlaw had given up his wild ways and joined a police force. In fact, he had just been promoted to sergeant when he was arrested.