The capitolist. (Middletown, Pa.) 1969-1973, October 12, 1972, Image 6
Page 6 Levy Capitol's Student Court is back in session. The Court handled its first case of the new year last week, the case involving last spring's SGA election. Steven C. Levy, a tenth term student in the social science program, petitioned the Court, whose members are Chief Justice Harry Franzrev, and Senior associate justices Sam Randazzo, Rick Jordon and Larry Olexa. Levy claimed that the senior at-large seat now held by Judith LePere. (10th-elementary education) should be his. The affair is a very complicated one. Following will be a detailed account of the events surrounding the situation. SGA Spring Elections were scheduled for Thursday. May 18, 1972. SGA officers and senior senators for 1992-73 were elected at that time. Levy was a candidate for senator from the social science program. His name appeared on the ballot and he received 55 votes, the second highest total from the curriculum, which, at that time, entitled him to an at-large seat. However, as of May 11, 1972, Levy had officially withdrawn from the University, due to the tragic death of his father. But the official election ballots had been printed prior to his withdrawal, thus the appearance of his name on the ballot. Ballots were not reprinted between May 11, the date of Levy's withdrawal and May 18, election day, because some of the ballots had already been distributed, serving as absentee ballots. "Levy was not a student on election day, consequently he has no claim to the seat," the Court stated in its decision. Levy contested the seat because he was led to believe he would be given the position upon his return to Capitol during the summer session. He was led to believe that through an article which appeared in the May 25, 1972 issue of THE CAPITOLIST which quoted then SGA President Terry Wimmer as saying, "It is not known if he (Levy) plans to reenter Capitol r m.-1.--m-- Ea rly Bug Pre Winter Good through Oct. 31,1972 O'Brian Auto, Inc. Authorized SAAB Dealer Lebanon Valley Shopping Center Palmyra, Pa. 17078 Phone 838-1346 im no mum im me sm gm mu Student Court Decision Refused Sena to Sea t Campus next fall. If he does enroll in September, the at-large seat will remain his. It he decides not to hold office, either Judith LePere or Evon Golphin will become the representative in Levy's place." LePere and Golphin, who were next in line in the voting, tied at 34 votes. Wimmer and the then Election Committee Chairman Harvey Brown apparently changed their minds and decided to stage a run-off election between the two. LePere edged out Golphin by a 63-62 count. LePere then assumed her duties at the SGA meeting of June 12, 1972. Levy contested the entire procedure and took his case to the Student Court which reached a decision last Friday. Following is the text of the Court decision: We the members of the Student Court (Student Standard Board) do hereby submit the following decision concerning the petition of Steven C. Levy filed in accordance with Aricle IX, Section 8 of the S.G.A. constitution. Case in point: The Court has unanimously agreed that Steven C. Levy is not entitled to hold the Senate at Large Seat. This decision of the Student Court is based on the following articles in the S.G.A. constitution Article 11, Section I. "All registered full time undergraduate students shall be members of this organization." Upon Steven Levy's with drawl from Capitol Campus Penn State University from May 11, 1972 to June 2, 1972 he could not be a member of the S.G.A. Article XIII, Section I "...All students seeking office in the Spring election must have enough total semester hours to qualify them as first term members of the class they expect to enter. This total shall be compiled from semester Special I Tune-Up for your VW 19.12 plus tax John Hershey, Gen. Manager' Capitol '7l ma am No imi EN ma No moll THE CAPITOLIST hours previously finished plus those being taken during the term they seek office." Steven C. Levy did not complete the required semester hours during the term that he sought office thus forfeiting the right to run as a candidate for Social Science Senate Seat. Naughty, Naughty Girl--- Washington, D.O . (CPS) - Women students of the Georgetown Law School have denounced Acting Associate Dean William Greenhalgh for "demonstrating a blatantly prejudiced attitude toward women" in his speech before the opening session of a Local Government Law class. Allegations were prompted by Greenhalgh's announcement that Sarah Carey, originally scheduled to teach the class, would be absent due to an illness contracted during a recent business trip to the Soviet Union. Angered by the inconvenience of Carey's illness, Greenhalgh commented, "Let this be a lesson to you girls or women or whatever you want to call yourselves, as to professional responsibility." A woman in the audience replied, "I don't think it applies to a woman any more than to anyone else in the class as a lesson in professional responsibility." "Be that as it may," Greenhalgh answered, "I'm in charge of hiring and firing and I'm going to keep this in mind. This is the second time that a girl professor has done this this summer." Greenhalgh later commented that the incident served as a "short course" in professional ethics, since attorneys are responsible for keeping appointments. "The example applies to everyone," he said, "but it's the second time since July that this has happened and both times it involved a woman." LENKER CYCLE SALES Motorcycles New and Used All Makes Repaired Bicycles Repaired Better Official Inspection 515 Rosedale Avenue Near Olmsted Plaza Middletown, Pa. Phone 944-4256 Photo by Mike Welliver Gautreau , holding plaque presented to Capitol for its aid during the flood. At the Monday night meeting of the Lower Swatara Township Council, Capitol Campus was presented with a plaque in appreciation of the cooperation and aid extended to flood victims of tropical storm Agnes. Capitol Campus served as a housing and food distribution center for weeks after the flood had ravaged the Highspire and VOTE Bob Hetzel SOCIAi SCIENCE SENATOR Let him use his experience President of International Relations Club at Williamsport Area Community College to promote your interests VOTE Paid Political Advertisement VOTE :Y I' Subscription Form HARRISBURG INDEPENDENT PRESS Semi to address 6 months for $5. 0 1 year for $B.OO 0 Sponsoring subscriber, 1 year $20.00 NIP 1004 H. 3rd St., Harrisburg, Pi. 17102 IUISS October 12, 1972 Middletown area. On hand to recieve the award were Dr. Robert McDermott, Dr. John Grimm, Mr. George Dressler, Mr. Norman Gautreau, Frank Williams, Mike Dini, and Sam Randizzo. Mr. Charles Boyer, president of the Council, made the presentation and extended his personal thanks on behalf of the Council. SGA Senator £ Valuable CAPITOLIST coupon oi aetevet go In the Olmsted Plaza VOTE