The capitolist. (Middletown, Pa.) 1969-1973, April 27, 1972, Image 3

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    Leiter To The Editor
Summer Job Opportunities
Career related summer jobs
are difficult to find, particularly
as it relates to students enrolled
in the social science and
humanities programs. There are
a few agencies that are especially
interested in individuals with
such backgrounds. Your
Placement Office will describe
some of these agencies in the
weeks ahead via the
The Urban Corps is the largest
off-campus employer of
undergraduate students, placing
more than 10,000 last summer
in seventy communities around
the country. Basically, it is a
work-study program designed to
introduce college students to
local governments, and to
provide them with practical
working experience as interns in
city offices and agencies.
The Urban Corps makes
careful placements. For
example, if a student is
interested in psychology, he
could do rehabilitative work in
an addiction services agency. In
health, he could work on a
venereal disease campaign, in
intake centers and in
door-to-door education
programs. In art, he could work
for a museum, preparing exhibits
What? No Fourth Period?
We, the undersigned, wish to
express dissatisfaction with the
recent decision of the Student
Activities Committee concerning
the discontinuance of fourth
period class for the following
reasons: job responsibilities;
child care obligations; commuter
time-scheduling difficulties; and,
overcrowding in Vendorville
during fourth period.
The above petition is being
circulated by several students.
We hope that everyone who
agrees with it will have a chance
to sign it. We hope also that
those who do not agree with this
petition will somehow let the
administration know about it.
Harold the Dwarf always sez
about this time of year, "Well
when spring comes around, it
seems that everyone has to
mention its arrival in some sort
of manner appropriate to the
individual." Now this isn't a
heavy rap or anything,
Attention: This offers nothing in
the way of knowledge in itself,
its history remains in being
recorded. This also is just a
simple discussion that is going, is
in progress.
When you suddenly come to
the birth of this realization, the
realization that 'this' (many
levels) is in progress, You will
have absolutely nothing tangible;
Except that which you might
want to touch to become. The
Dwarf, Harold M.D. is interested
in classifying this classic
situation. He states: " 'This' is
on many levels, two of which are
spring and your reading this."
Now from this, it is simple
also to understand this next
proposition which has nothing
to do with the one before. It is:
Imagine yourself to be an
employee or a student at the
Crotch of Educational Delight.
If you can do that, then you are
obviously one of the two.
Regardless, answer these two
questions silently to yourself: 1.
What is genocide? 2. What is
for children in ghetto
Eligibility is usually
established by the financial aid
officer. The salary scale varies
from city to city. Last summer
juniors and seniors were paid at
the rate of $2.75 per hour in the
larger metropolitan areas. Urban
Corps internships are also
available during the academic
year, allowing students to work
off-campus fifteen hours per
week, as an alternative to
on-campus jobs.
Students not receiving
financial aid may be able to
obtain academic credit for their
work as interns. This is
apparently a variable practice,
but assuming that you are
successful in obtaining an
internship, it might be
worthwhile checking the credit
possibilities with Mr. Slygh and
the chairman or head of your
degree program.
For complete information,
write directly to: The Urban
Corps National Center, 1140
Connecticut Avenue, N.W.,
Washirigton, D.C. 20036.
R. R. Schulz
Placement Officer
That way, whatever action is
taken will have the backing of
the students. Since this matter
affects the students most, we
urge you to let someone know
your feelings.
I j
Attention juniors and seniors.
There will be a meeting of ITE,
traffic engineers, on April 27,
1972 at 842 A Jones St. The
time is 7:30 p.m.
The club will elect new
officers for the 1972-73
academic year. If you have any
questions, call John Mason at
Total Home Comfort
The obvious conclusion is that
we are back to Harold the Dwarf
M.D. which is a strange
predicament indeed, but let us
reflect momentarily. Here's an
important fact: The Dwarf once
studies under Heber Rizernarnar.
This point alone adds interesting
speculations as Heber is always
considering the metaphysical
social impact of mediocrity. His
point would conclude that T.V.
is not enough. Heber sez: "Give
those greedy devils soma, let
them fight their fantasy's in
their head not in Viet-Nam, or
any other enlightening
imperialistic venture."
The Dwarf agrees, but rebuts
on one point, of which is that
genocide is on many levels, one
of which would be the violence
we carry out each day. The most
enlightening property of this
state of mind is that when one
makes a statement about spring,
one is hypocritical of not seeing
the death in their midst.
*Note: This article is in many
colors. The question is color.
Let's pick a choice from the
audience this afternoon ... Here
we are at: Ms. Dracona Nebulaie
of Feldspar, Maine asks todays
question to the Blasphemous Mr.
Roach. The question is red? Mr.
Roach what is your answer.
Club For Electronic Warfare Buffs
by Orville Schell*
*Mr. Schell, editor of Pacific
News Service, has in the past
covered the war from Vietnam.
His articles have appeared in
Saturday Review, The Nation,
The New Republic, and other
publications. He is also author of
The China Reader (Random
House) and China, The
Revolutionary Experiment
(Alfred Knopf).
Washington, D.C.:
For ten dollars you can
become a member of the
Association of Old Crows. Crows
(or Crowettes) receive a
certificate suitable for framing,
and a small desk medallion
featuring the Crows mascot and
insignia, a Heckel and Jeckel like
crow with lightning bolts
shooting out of his feet
emblazoned with the words,
DETECTION. For an additional
$5.00 a year a new Crow will
receive four issues yearly of the
Crows' glossy magazine,
Electronic Warfare.
EW, as the magazine is called,
circulates to some 6,000 Crows
and other electronic warfare
buffs, most of whom are either
in the military or employed by
one of the many electronics
firms who have contracts with
the Defense Department. The
first issue of Electronic Warfare
came out in 1969 and replaced
its proto-type Crow Caws,
according to Jim Litz the
Association's Executive
Secretary in Washington, D.C.
Its object is to keep other Crows
"informed about pertinent
electronic warfare projects,
people and companies."
The Association of Old Crows
(AOC) has men from both
military and industry on its
Board of Directors. While they
eschew the title of lobbyists,
they make no bones about their
hunger for a bigger slice of the
Defense pie. As they candidly
put it, "our job is to see that an
adequate amount of the nations
resources are put into EW so
that it may take its rightful place
"The pen is mightier than the
sword besides that the pen
comes in many more colors, the
sword comes only in red." The
Infamous Roach conjectures:
"Rich Hard Nixon stated while
in Canada: Russia should stop
supplying aggressive nations with
weapons. But then this royal
blow job turns and sells planes
to Israel. The next question is
simple, What kettle is calling the
pot black?"
Mr. Roach sir, to win the
grand prize, what is spring?
"Sung to the tune 'Treat Your
Children Well", my voice isn't
that good and not to offend
anyone I'll whistle the dirty
words: Plant your garden well ..
. whistle, whistle"
The crowd applaudes, the
judges are question and they say
thumbs up! Mr. Roach you have
just won the grand prize, What is
your question? The crowd waits
in silent anticipation, you could
here a pin drop . . . Here it is
folks: Where is this coming
from? (pointing to his head).
This is sincerely the end of this
broadcasting, have a happy.
in the nation's arsenal."
The Crows hold annual
conventions attended by such
luminaries in the field as
Secretary of Defense Melvin
Laird, Senator John Tower,
(Texas), Senator Joseph
Montoya, (New Mexico, whose
state includes the White Sands
Missile Test Range, with a
complete simulated layout of
Hanoi's radar system), and John
Foster, Director of Defense
Research and Engineering. The
theme of the Crows 1971
convention was Progress in EW.
According to Electronic Warfare
magazine, it "was selected to
emphasize the multiple
application of EW technology in
peacetime and wartime, for both
defense and civilian industry."
"Hell, that's where warfare
is," said one west coast Crow.
"You can't fight a war with
grunts anymore. It's all
computers, black boxes, and,
you know ESM (Electronic
Support Measures), ECM
(Electronic Counter Measures),
and ECCM (Electronic Counter
Counter Measures)."
A "Secret" clearance is
required for both the annual
conventions and most of the
regional gatherings which are
held by the various Crow
"Roosts" across the country and
in South East Asia. (The
Amored Crows, Killeen, Texas;
The Redstone Rebel Roost,
Huntsville, Ala.; Patriots Roost,
Boston, Mass.; Korat Krows
Club, Korat, Thailand, etc.)
Classified lectures by people
from Defense and various
electronics firms are mixed with
Crow social activities and the
inevitable giving of awards.
In the AOC Club News, the
Road Runner Roost reported a
Dip and Dine party attended by
75 Crows and their wives for
"swimming, tennis,
shuffleboard, a buffet dinner, a
full length Robinhood movie,
and a classified briefing." The
Tan Son Nhut "0" Club in
Saigon reported a cocktail party
with awards to Mr. Gene
"Aerospace" Cunningham, "one
of those lucky guys who was
able to spend six months
fighting the real war flying out
Spring Sale
Despite heavy advertising that
last term's yearbook sale would
be the last for 1972, many
seniors neglected to buy their
annual and have since inquired
about the possibility of
purchasing one. For this reason,
Staff representatives will be on
hand at a spot near the
roundtable to take either new
yearbook orders (at $6.00
apiece} or to receive the balance
due payments on your annual.
State Scholarship applications
for the academic year,
1972-1973 are available in the
Financial Aid Office, E-106.
These applications are only
for those students who have
never applied for a state
scholarship before. Current
scholarship holders will receive a
renewal application at their
permanent home address.
Deadline for initial
applications is May 31, 1972.
Deadline for renewal
applications is April 31, 1972.
Students are requested to see
Miss Toni" Jennings in E-106 if
they have any questions or
financial problems.
of Phu Cat before being dragged
into headquarters to fly a desk."
Besides news of the various
roosts, Electronic Warfare
magazine has a special column,
"People in Electronic Warfare",
featuring such Crow celebrities
as Fred Musial, alternately
known as "Mr. EW", and the
"Father" of the radar homing
and warning concept. The
magazine also includes several
technical articles per issue on
subjects such as "Tactical
Drones", (Pilotless aircraft used
to monitor electronic sensors
and enemy radar),
"Multi-purpose Electromagnetic
Receiving Devices", and other
devices used in the air war
against Vietnam.
Dan "Pumpkin" Graves, the
genial Crow toastmaster from
Wright Patterson Air Force Base,
whose hallmark is a string tie
and cigar, writes a fraternal
social column each issue called
Operator 750, geared to the
lighter side of electronic war.
Dan reports "Regional Vice
President, K. 0. Rogers (Boeing,
Wichita) met with the AOC
Board members in town . . .
using his wife's new car. She
claims that some Crow loused up
the car's ecology by smoking
cheap cigars and left the butts in
the car ..."
In another item, Dan the
Pumpkin reports: "Someone
called my attention to the fact
that Crows in Texas have more
hair than the northern "bald"
Crow. Come to think of it Linc
Hayes (Ling Temco Vought, and
our president elect) and Tom
Shepherd (LTVO and Southern
Regional V.P.) both look as if
they had stepped out of a hair
tonic ad. Maybe us bald Crows
have been using the stuff
internally ... "
Ads are also a big part of the
magazine. Almost all deal in
electronic weapons.
Westinghouse had a big two page
spread in the most recent issue
of five jet fighter bombers flying
through North Vietnamese flak
with the caption, IN
HOUSE. Sylvania has the last
page of last year's convention
issue. A water color shows
planes, troops, choppers, jeeps,
aircraft carriers in the distance,
Kiyohiko Arafune, Second
Secretary of the Japanese
Embassy, will be the featured
speaker at the annual meeting of
the Harrisburg Foreign Policy
Association on Thursday, April
27, to be held at the Ramada
Inn on the Carlisle Pike at the
west end of the Harrisburg
Expressway. Mr. Arafune's talk,
which will deal with the future
of trade relations between Japan
and the United States, is
scheduled for 8:00 p.m.
The featured address will be
preceded by a reception
beginning at 5:45 p.m., a dinner
at 6:45 p.m., and the election of
officers and directors at 7:45
p.m. The Rev. Harold E. Millard,
president of the Association, will
an air drop on the side, a radar
site in the middle. The caption,
OUR BUSINESS. The Teledyne
Co. advertises solid state micro
wave delay with a naked woman
(cropped off at the nipples)
holding such a device. WOULD
THIS PICTURE, they ask, AS