The capitolist. (Middletown, Pa.) 1969-1973, March 09, 1972, Image 2
Page 2 Editorial It's Your Decision Last week we suggested that our $5.00 fee for Cap & Gown might be put to better use. The immediate idea was to contribute to the Bangla Desh relief fund. But we don't have to limit it to that. We could - put the money to use in any number of ways. But first, does anyone want to do it? How many of you really want to wear the traditional graduation togs? It's understandable if you do. After all, a picture with Mom & Dad just won't be the same if you are wearing cut-offs and a PSU T-shirt. And then there is the idea that tradition is not always done away with easily. But let's face it, many of us will not be wearing the uniform anyway. So the tradition is shaking now. We are not suggesting this course of action just to break tradition or to upset those who would honor the tradition. We do think, however, that instead of paying five bucks to some guy who probably doesn't need it, we can give it to someone who does. If anyone is looking' forward to hanging the tassel on his rear-view mirror, perhaps the book store can get a supply for us. Although I don't know the exact figure, there must be nearly 600 of us graduating this June. At $5.00 a gown, we could make the possible $3,000.00 do something good for someone. Maybe $3,000.00 won't be much help to Bangla Desh, but it couldn't hurt. We might also suggest bringing it closer to home. There are a variety of food and health funds for aid to the domestic poor. We might keep it on campus the BSU scholarship fund comes to mind. But $3,000.00 for sweaty graduation gowns seems absurd [ ] I prefer wearing the Cap and Gown at graduation. I plan to wear the Cap and Gown, but will contribute $5 to the fund. I I I will contribute my $5 to the fund [ ] I wish to keep my $5 SUGGESTED FUNDS (Ist choice): COMMENTS NAME (please PLEASE FILL IN AND RETURN TO THE BOX ON THE I CAPITOL/ST COUNTER IN THE SGA/CAPITOUST . 1 OFFICE. Staff of the capitoiisi• CONTRIBUTORS: Samantha Bower Gregg Orescenzo Jane McDonald Steve Wesley COPY EDITOR: Cheryl Boyes Tom Hagen Don Lewis MANAGING EDITOR: Tom Black Lee Nell Steve Rosenzweig Michael Collins Associate Editors: Bob Bonaker Mike Welliver PHOTOGRAPHERS; Cliff Batson Business Manager: Midis Zitter John Inkekord LAYOUT: Frank Fox Or $2,000.00 or $1,000.00. So look. We've got a questionaire below yes Ralph, another one. Please fill it in now so that you don't forget it, and so that we can get something started. There are adequate alternatives for you to register your opinion. You may suggest any worthwhile fund you desire. Please be serious this could be of benefit to many people. But this is the last issue of the term so DO IT NOW! Next term we will print the results and set up the collection tables. Whatever your opinion seniors only, please register it with us so that we can see if enough support will be forthcoming. One more thing. Please don't cheapen this effort by ripping off 10 CAPITOLISTS and stuffing the box. And, after we take a majority from the returns, if your particular choice has not been selected, please contribute anyway. Five or $l5 dollars will be of more value when included with a larger amount. If we can, for once, get together, we can really be of service. Thank you. ZAP - ADS Beginning in the Spring term of 1972, any announcements broadcast over the air must be paid for at the rate of $l.OO/day. This will guarantee that your announcement will be broadcast a minimum of ten (10) times per day. All announcements must be typed on official announcement reports, which will be obtainable in the WZAP Studio, W-106. No announcements will be read on the air until payment has been received. Please Print THE CAPITOLIST by Charles Zitter and Michael Collins One of the more unique personalities on campus is Ambrose Klain, an instructor in Regional Planning. Klain, a native of Czechoslovakia, was educated at the University of Technology where he received his bachelor degree in civil engineering. Later he attended Masaryk University where he studied law for two years. Due to the outbreak of World War 11, Klain, a member of the underground movement for a Democratic Czechoslovakia, was arrested and tortured. He managed to escape to Russian occupied Poland. In Poland he was arrested again, only this time by the Russians. Klain was placed into forced labor camps which took him from the Finnish border, on the Murmansk, and finally to Siberia. "I didn't commit any political crime", he says, "my only crime was to run away from the German invasion and seek freedom." Klain's will to survive was strong as he lived a life much like that of Ivan Denisovich, subsisting on soup made from onion skins, and a daily ration of a half pound of bread. With this meager amount of nourishment he was forced to march through the Russian tundra in fifty below zero weather wearing shoes made of old tires. Two and one half years later, Main was released by a international treaty which pve prisoners amnesty. Of the Blood Donors Needed! All Blood Types $BO.OO/month We need blood donors of all types immediately. For only a few hours of your time a week, you can earn $BO per month. Please call today. IMMUNO BLOOD SERVICES , 2634 N. Third St. Harrisburg, Pa. 238-6349 or 2386309 " ' 'I ropiismoisammisi Meatball Sandwiches -- Spaghetti Manicotti Ravioli Lasinpa Italian Sandwiches . z PIZZA 25$ OFF THE REGULAR PRICES OF ONE PIZZA Ismsll or large) g aWITH THIS COUPON I IPizza by the dice, too. g Eat Here or Take Out g NAPLES PIZZA 1.. 23 & Union Sr. FACULTY NOFILE: 50,000 who escaped from Czechoslovakia, only 10% actually survived the tortous prison camp life. After recovering from typhoid and dysentery, Klain was sent into the Russian Army where he joined the Czechoslovakian brigade which later became the Ist Czechoslovak Army Corps. He fought against the Germans on the Eastern front as an officer of artillery till the end of World War 11. Ambrose came home to find his family had been destroyed in the gas chambers. After the Communist take-over, Klain immigrated to Canada in 1949. It was in Canada where Klein, working for land surveying and civil engineering firms during the day, attended night school to learn English. He continued his education at Sir George Williams University and McGill University The New Stages Drama Group will sponsor Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Ernest, Thursday, March 9, 1972, at 8:00 p.m. in the Auditorium. A small donation to help support the Group and help pay the Player's Repretoire Company, the performers, who are under the direction of Anthony Arms, is requested at the door. Cast conflicts, lack of time, exhaustion and the progress of the play to that point resulted in the scrapping of Edward Albee's Tiny Alice. We of the Drama AMBROSE KLAIN sad reopie mductions mos loam! Student Marshals Needed for the Rock Festival Think Now! Plan Now! First Meeting of Marshals Thurs., April 13th 7:30 in Vendorville. Letter To The Editor Thursday, March 9,1972 in Montreal. It was during this period he met his wife, Phyllis Margaret Johnson, head nurse at Queen Elizabeth Hospital. From 1958 to 1968 he worked as an urban planner in Cleveland, Ohio. Most of his work consisted of urban and environmental studies such as problems and issues of the Lake Erie waterfront in a densely populated and industrialized Northeastern Ohio. From 1964 to 1968 Klain taught urban and regional planning at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, where he received his masters degree in urban planning. Presently, Klain is the editor of the Central Pennsylvania Planning News and Review which is a publication of the American Institute of Planners, and is Secretary- Treasurer of the local section of the American Institute of Planners. Klain enjoys teaching the great variety of Capitol Campus students coming from all programs and all social stratifications in our country. He believes that the instructor "should present new ideas and new solutions to urban and environmental issues. The knowledge is important. It is the student's business how he is going to apply the proposals." Klain's ambitions are to be able to read and learn more for the benefit of his teaching and to write more on urgent urban and environmental issues. Group are sorry we can't perform ourselves this term. We feel, however, that you will enjoy the Player's Repretoire Co. in their rendition of The Importance of Being Ernest. The reason for the small donation request is one of poverty. We need to help pay for the performance, since it is coming out of our budget. You will not be turned away if you cannot or will not contribute. The donation is simply a request. Your attendance will be appreciated. V.i%mk x Joe Ludani