The capitolist. (Middletown, Pa.) 1969-1973, February 17, 1972, Image 2
Page 2 NEW POLICE TECHNOLOGY: BRINGING THE TOYS HOME FROM VIETNAM By Robert Barkan* *Mr. Barkan was a member of the Technical Staff at Bell Telephone Laboratories, and a Senior Engineer at the Electronic Defense Laboratories of Sylvania Electronic Systems. Currently, he is a member of Pacific Studies Center in East Palo Alto, California. Residents of San Jose, California and Hoboken, New Jersey are the season's newest TV stars. They will be appearing on live, 24-hour, closed circuit programs, broadcast to the local police departments from downtown business areas. The sponsors of the new programs are the same government and industries that brought the $3.25 billion "electronic battlefield" to Vietnam. While the war over there "Vietnamizes," the Nixon Administration is quietly "Americanizing" the war's technology, and the war on the Homophile Society phenomena. Massive statistics from numerous sex studies could be used in support of this, but suffice it here to say that it is ordinary and usual (even advantageous) to masturbate; and • transvertism is not necessarily a derivative of homosexuality—one needs not be a homosexual to be a transvestite (although it is co mmo n) , e.g. Christine Jorgenson, now a transexualist. The archaic laws with varying lengths of incarceration are abominable and need immediate abrogation. Do you consider yourself detrimental to society and deserving of life imprisonment (in two states) for oral-genital relations between two consenting adults--especially your wife or husband—in the privacy of your own apartment? The U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis considers evidence of masturbation sufficient grounds for refusing admission to a candidate. I think the need for modernization of sex laws is ostensible. And to say that it is not illegal to be a homosexual but it is to practice homosexuality is absurd. Yet, this is where the law stands and now it is legal in two states, Illinois and Connecticut, to be a homosexual, but in defacto it has no efficacy. My main purpose is to bring to Capitol Campus, as is at all major campuses, the opportunity for homosexuals and those interested in related problems to come together in an atmosphere of congeniality and Staff of the capitolist. CONTRIBUTORS: Samantha Bower Gregg Crescenzo Jane McDonald Steve Wesley COPY EDITOR: Cheryl Boyes Tom Hagan Don Lewis MANAGING EDITOR: Tom Black Lee Nell Steve Rosenzweig Michael Collins Associate Editors: Bob Bonaker Mike Welliver PHOTOGRAPHERS: Cliff Belson Business Manager: Charlie titter John Wolford home front escalates. The result: Americans, from marijuana smugglers to political dissidents to shopping housewives, are looking -- though they may not know it -- into the wrong end of surveillance devices that formerly spied on the Vietnamese. Smugglers on the U.S./Mexican border face a new obstacle to their trade. The U.S. Border Patrol is now flying Air Force "Pave Eagle" airplanes -- unmanned, remote-controlled drones formerly used in the billion dollar Igloo White anti-infiltration program in Laos. Flying over remote stretches of the border, the planes relay signals from hundreds of ground sensors to an "Infiltration Surveillance Center," where Beeping madly if someone comes near them, they surround prisons, vital utilities, and industrial and governmental facilities. Outside of Washington, (Continued from page 1) understanding. There is no need for the homosexual to sit alone, unhappy because he is unable to relate, express himself to others the way he wishes. I think it's possible to think of some social functions where one can really feel uninhibited and be himself. This is open to both males and females. There is such a group at main campus in State College called Homophile of Penn State (HOPS) who has dances frequently. Their activities are sponsored by another organization of the university since the school revoked their charter last year. HOPS is taking the university to court to regain their charter. In broader scope, the coffee houses in Harrisburg and the YMCA might be brought into this to extend this to local residents, including the younger, underaged, who have limited social outlets. One would meet friends to travel with for weekends or just the evening (there is much to do in Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia and New York). Associations of this kind are called Homophile Societies and can be found on such campuses as Temple University, University of Minnesota and the University of Maryland, just to mention a few. Our own is in a lame state. If anyone is interested in "being himself" or "herself" just call the HOT LINE, 944-1033 in reference to this article. You'll feel much better and happier to be among friends with interests in common. THE CAPITOLIST electronic sensors are hidden in shubbery inside a fence enclosing a "maximum security subdivision" of 67 homes, each costing over $200,000. Westinghouse sensors ("you can be sure if it's Westinghouse") help the Secret Service guard the White House. Another technological Vietnam veteran now coming home is a black box that sees through walls. Engineers at the Army's Land Warfare Laboratory at Aberdeen, Maryland are modifying the PPS-14 "foliage-penetration" surveillance radar originally developed for spotting the "enemy" in the thick jungles of Vietnam. (Initially set up to "meet high-priority material requirements in Southeast Asia," the Land Warfare Laboratory -- with the Army's blessing -- is now turning its attention to the needs of the police.) Priced at $6,500 each in quantities of 300, the radar is about the size of a cigar box and weighs less than ten pounds. Prototypes of the "Americanized" version of the radar, which will be capable of seeing through brick and cinderblock walls, will be available by the spring of 1972 huge computers diagnose the data. But as in Vietnam, the sophisticated electronic systems cannot quite distinguish "friend" from "foe." A wandering burro can send the border patrolmen scambling for their jeeps. The ground sensors are adaptations of the devices used to detect the sounds and vibrations of the movements of troops and supply trucks on the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Their use on the Mexican border is reportedly a result of Attorney General John Mitchell's "interest in surveillance discoveries and__ techniques." The sensors were deployed in the summer of 1970, when the Border Patrol, an arm of the Justice Department, received a proposal for a sensor surveillance system from Sylvania Electronic Systems of Mountain View, California, which had produced sensors for use in Indochina. "The political implications of using surveillance equipment along a friendly border," noted Sylvania, "have been considered by selecting equipment that can be deployed without attracting attention and easily concealed." Thank You, Teach-In This is a letter from the editors to the Human Awareness Committee. We want to thank the committee for all their work in bringing the Teach-In to Capitol. We must thank the committee, too, for the insights, ideas and alternatives brought to us by the week of discussion. Of course the efforts in organizing and presenting the week deserve credit, but it is the concept and spirit of the Teach-In for which we are most grateful. We can only hope that the week has proven that free and alternative methods of learning can be quite valuable. And we hope that we can now better work for the swift end of war and all types of oppression. Thank you, Human Awareness Committee. THE CAPITOLIST Other surveillance sensors are quietly sprouting up all over. for use in combatting "civil disturbances." The police can already see through the dark, thanks to the "night vision" devices developed for Vietnam. From New York City to Kissimmee, Florida, police departments are using their new toys to perform covert night surveillance while on routine patrol. The devices, capable of amplifying light levels 40,000 times, were developed by American industry during the 1960's to meet the urgent needs of the military for detecting the night-fighting Vietnamese guerrillas. The equipment was declassified, presumably at the r e quest of the Justice Department, in 1969. Such military suppliers as RCA, Raytheon, and Aerojet General now sell police versions at prices ranging from $2,000 to $B,OOO each, and the Justice Department's Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) hopes to make available to the police a "snooperscope" priced under $6OO. The enthusiasm of the police for night vision equipment is surpassed only by that of the electronics industry, where one executive has predicted that by the end of 1972, virtually all of the 40,000 police departments in the United States will be using night vision equipment. The Electronics Industries Association has estimated the annual market in law enforcement electronics at $4OO million, most of which comes from LEAA grants. The police can spend their money on "command & control" systems, "voiceprint" equipment, mobile digital teleprinters, and laser fingerprint analyzers: a Dick Tracy bonanza. At such annual gatherings as the National Symposium on Law Enforcement, Science and Technology, in Chicago, and the Carnahan Conference on Electronic Crime Countermeasures, at the University of Kentucky, engineers and governmental officials discuss the latest advances in police gadgetry. During the latest Carnahan Conference, for example, engineers from Sylvania's Socio Systems Laboratory reported on "The World's First Police Operated Low-Light-Level Television System." The equipment, which they claim is capable of discerning a man-sized object in extreme darkness from more than a half-mile away, has been installed high above the streets of Mt. Vernon, New York. The Justice Department, which financed the project with a $47,000 grant from its Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, hopes to assess the public reaction to 24-hour covert surveillance. "Only time will tell," concluded the Sylvania engineers, "if citizens will object to a 'Big Brother' type atmosphere." But the Nixon Administration is not waiting for time to tell if citizens will object. Earlier this year, a study funded by the Justice Department recommended 24hour television, surveillance of city streets. The recommendation was made by a committee of the National Academy of Engineering, an elite group of corporate engineering executives that advises the federal government Thursday, Febivarry 17, 1972 on technological matters. (Interestingly, the committee members were executives of industries that would profit it their recommendations were accepted.) To test the effectiveness of 24hour TV surveillance, the committee urged the Nixon Administration to implement a pilot program involving the use of 140 low-light level television cameras deployed at every other intersection throughout an urban neighborhood covering two square miles. Of the estimated $1.5 million yearly cost, over $600,000 would go for the salaries of 175 "viewers." These men in addition to receiving two dollars an hour for watching the tube would have the opportunity to zoom in on exciting street scenes, such as a game of handball or a goodnight kiss after a teenage date. The current sensor and TV surveillance projects are small-scale, but the combined interests of engineers, industry and government are pushing for rapid escalation, unempeded by legal regulation. "There is a great unrestricted area of electronic surveillance and electronic counter-crime measures in which there needs to be expansion and further innovation," a government official told engineers at the 1969 Carnahan Conference. Generally no legal limitations on electronic surveillance of large public areas exist, he added, and "the challenge is wide open." Paul Baran, an engineer with the Rand Corporation, warned in 1967 that by permitting the unrestricted adoption of sophisticated technology by the police "we could easily end up with the most effective, oppressive police state ever created." Baran observed that "There is an unmistaken amorality which infects some of my engineering colleagues. That is, whatever we are paid to work on we automatically rationalize to be a blessing to mankind . . .'Too many of my brethern think that merely because something can be built and sold, it should be." With unemployment among their colleagues at an all-time high, engineers are further motivated to work on anything they can get paid for. Their corporate employers, faced with dwindling federal funds for aerospace and defense, are eagerly looking for new markets. Surveillance equipment for the home front is a particularly easy transfer of Vietnam technology. Moreover, the hundreds of millions of federal dollars earmarked for law-and-order technology dwarf the few million available for such needs as environmental pollution control. To industry the choice is clear. The extent of its concern for the way technology can best serve humanity was succinctly expressed a few years ago by a vice-president of the giant Avco Corporation: "We have a modest amount of altruism and a lot of interest in profits." During the 1960's Yankee ingenuity, fueled by federal funding, transformed Jules Verne's fantasy -- a man on the moon - into reality. Indications are that during the 1970's the same thing will happen to George Orwell's fantasy, Big Brother.