The capitolist. (Middletown, Pa.) 1969-1973, February 03, 1972, Image 3

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    Special Topic: Revolution 101
(not a course title as yet]
A Study of Free Schools
M 49 Nebulae
Got into a rap with some
dudes over in the heights a few
days ago. They were the usual
stoned associational raps, and we
got around to talkin’ about these
letters this one guy was receivin’
from the school, to the effect
that he had to get rid of his dog.
1 believe it was worded as,
removal of the dog from school
property. Of course you realize,
that having pets on Meade
Heights is against some health
and food services law that was
laid down by the main campus
in state college. Now if you’ve
ever been to main campus, you
could understand why that law
is laid down, but that’s there and
not here.
If you’ve ever had threats
mailed to you that kept
squeezin’ your balls with fines,
suspension of living facilities,
and other shit-you’d probably
end up sendin’ your doggie
home, too. But I ask you, what
kind of shit is that? And the
SGA is tryin’ to get facilities on
campus to be useable, the
matter passed, was stamped to
red tape, and sent to main
campus to be lost in
bureaurocracy. Everybody is
efficient enough to rap about it,
and pass it, play the game, and
how long are you gonna’ play
the game fool. There are alot of
other games to play besides
theirs. There are enough issues in
this school, about this school,
and such, that we could be busy
for years. And what we don’t get
finished, we just pass it on to the
newcomers who will be more
radical than us . . . did you ever
talk to a ten year old kid?
Yes dogs! I can remember
living on boas street in the burg,
and the police were constantly
receiving complaints about packs
by Steve Wesley
& Steve Rosenzweig
There will be no soliciting on
And what is the bathtub
Who is the crutch man of the
Free Parking Players?
Keep trying Mike Cernusa.
Gregg Crescendo had it right (he
Hear we are getting an honor
system like the Air Force
Academy. There goes the
student body.
LOST: one pierced earring,
flower shaped with stone in
center. $lO reward. See Daisy
in the cafeteria.
The Marathon Dance was a
ripoff. They had to be out by 2
a.m. It was still a great dance.
Congrats to the winners and
Sam-if you were in shape
you would not have gotten those
Love is a many splendor
thing, but ballin’ is much nicer.
Can a fellow love two women
at the same time? Not unless he
has a special attachment for one
of them.
An old maid is a girl who is
24-where she should be 38.
Happiness is finding the
owner of a lost bikini.
One pair of twin beds could
Ml! II
in Dracon’s
of fornicating dogs runnin’
around ballin’ on people’s front
lawns. If we contact the right
people, we can build a giant dog
whistle, and blow. What we
might say is: wake up dead
people, nobody likes the crazies,
especially rules and regulations.
But then what about this
military complex we call home
for the day, or if you live here,
at night also-you still got streets
named by the people who carry
out murder in S.E. Asia. This
place considers one to be a
vegetable as those that
preceedingly grew here. Look at
the walls, look at the students
faces, look at your self. And
then what can you say, ed racey
in faculty profile lays down a
rap that would suffice for
anything more i might be able to
render,, except (cosmic Word),
how about liberation, how about
an open system, how about
anything. How about it? Hey
anybody, what do you think?
Let’s get us some of that
liberation and spread it all
around. Let’s have pets if we
want them, what do you want?
I’m just this bar room fly that
sits at a table in V-Ville and just
bitches. Look at me, I don’t
even take positive concerted
action to do "anything. I don’t
feel guilty about this cause i
know me, i know my abilities
and my limitations. I am only
one among many humans, but i
am not a martyr. All i can do is
sit, and wait, and write, so don’t
pat me on the back for anything.
I just dig what i see, i become
what i am, and wait for you.
Jefferson Starship says: the day
is on its way, the day is ours. So
whenever we are all ready, we
will be.
be called period furniture.
There was once a lady sheriff
down in Texas, and every man in
Durango County tried to get
into her posse.
Once upon a time there were
two Burmese girls looking for a
basketball team may get an
invitation to the NIT if they win
the rest of their games.
Welcome aboard, Dr.
Don’t ever get a bum steer.
Limerick of the Week
There was once a young lady
from Chin who porceiainized her
as an elegant plate, it was
simply great,
Whether one was the dinner
or diner.
Last week’s trivia answer is
Richard Deacon played Melvin
Cooley in the old Dick Van
Dyke Show. Thanks Mrs.
This week’s trivia question is:
Who played Tonto in the Lone
If you know the answer or
have a contribution call Steve at
Belated birthday wishes to
Bemie Boyle.
And to all you libbers—don’t
take it personally. OK. Becky.
I had been going to write on
the problems we have here at
Capitol because of University
Park. But I started to read my
article and it depressed me, so I
decided to write about things to
forget the bad things. These are
just experiences that I’ve been
through that when I look back
on them, seem to be crystal clear
and fuU of peace.
I wake up because the sun is
shining in the window and the
rooster who lives on the next
farm is crowing in the day. The
ceiling is so far away and the
window sill is just wide enough
to sit on and watch the day
break upon my mind. Through
the oldfashioned vents of the
central coal heating system, I
smell coffee. Michael is in the
bathroom, singing a song to
Cathy, who is still trying to
struggle out of sleep. Richard
brings me coffee and a kiss and
we share the window sill and our
new feelings for each other. The
bareness of the room only seems
to add to the feeling of freedom
and well-being. There is no
clutter, just an old dresser, the
big bed and some hooks on the
wall for our clothes. It looks like
a room in an old western hotel. I
keep expecting Richard to say
“Wait here, Anna, while I go see
the sheriff”, and strap on a
six-gun and clomp out the door.
Instead he throws me back in
bed and we wrestle and then lay
quiet enjoying the very rare
stillness of the house. The cats
come up and slip into bed with
us, knowing that soon Michael
will start on the organ, and Carl
will start trying to fix something
and make a mess and get mad at
them and throw them out
anyway, so they hide out with
us. I fall asleep again and
suddenly Cathy is there and
Michael and Carl and they’re
laughing and pulling us out of
bed-“ Come and see the barn,
there’s a swing in it”. And so the
spell is broken. But it does come
-michael chew
It comes again by chance, as it
always does, in D.C. through a
visit to two friends. In
mid-afternoon, just getting
awake to face the day, we go
outside, and there is her new
cycle. 250 c.c. BSAto match his
650 C.C. BSA. And she says take
it out. I’ve never ridden anything
bigger than a 250 Honda, and
believe me, this bike is heavy.
I Meatball Sandwiches 1
w _ . Spaghetti 1
K Ravioli X
* ,
g Lasapia
Oj OF ONE PIZZA (small or large) %
i 5
We have Pizza by the slice, too. |
That’s Beside The Point
by Samantha Bower
Italian Sandwiches
Eat Here or Take Out
23 S. Union St.
They get on the 650 and take
off, so there I am with this hairy
looking machine, and no way of
knowing how to get it going. So
I play with it, and finally there is
that Cadillac-purr under me.
Into gear, ease out the clutch,
and suddenly I’m off! Airborne,
free, laughing, dodging dogs, hair
whipping my face. And they
come up beside me and start
laughing at me and with me.
And singing starts somewhere
deep inside me~“Everybody I
love you, Everybody I do, In
your heart is the answer, I need
your love to see me through.”
And I know that the love inside
me will see me through. Did you
ever want to give the world an
Did you ever want to kiss the
sun? I get on the surf-board and
paddle out to the others, having
no idea what I’m doing. Fm the
only girl, and very
self-conscious. I watch the
others go in, and just let the sea
rock me for a while. Then I
know that it’s time to give it a
chance. A wave comes and I’m
not ready and hit sand and come
up coughing salt water. Paddle
out again, another big wave and
I’m off. On my feet and flying
over and through the sea and the
spray. And it’s grand and
beautiful and I make it and just
lay there with the sea playing
with my feet, coaxing me out
again, and I laugh. Finally
recover the board and make my
way on out. Just sit there and let
the sun fill me and the sea cradle
me. An old man paddles over
and hands me some wax. So I
wax and he talks--“ See those
two boys over there? They’re
my sons. We’ve been surfing for
eight years together. And you?”
So I tell him it’s my first time
tout. So, for his own reasons, he
gives me the German cross he
got in Germany during the war.
And I wear it until one day I
lose it in the ocean. Finally I get
tired and lay on the beach with
the sun making a light show on
my closed eyelids. I melt into
the sand and the smell of the
sea. And I realize that at another
time and in another place, I
would have been a priest of the
cult of Ra, the sun god of Egypt.
And my mind swells and
expands and embraces and
sounds of the gulls and
sandpipers and the rhythm of
the waves and I laugh until I cry.
Crossed signals. A
I misunderstanding of what day I
{should have been there. So I go
I home and throw things and cry
my guts out from frustration. I
go the next night, in the faint
hope that he might have figured
lout the mistake I made. In the
■middle of something I was
saying, I look up and there he is.
And he looks up and stops in the
middle of his sentence. And we
walk towards each other and just
look and look at the wonder
that is there. And I cry and he
laughs. And I laugh, and he
starts to cry. And there are no
words for these things.
These are just some things
that have happened. Your mind
stops thinking, and just for a
minute, you are. You are you,
and you are me, and you are
everything, and everything is
you, and as I said, there just are
no words.
There’s a place not far from
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, a
mountain ridge cut, wounded,
by the Susquehanna knife,
where I like to sit. I look down
off the end of the ridge (in fall,
winter, and early spring, when
there are no leaves on the trees)
at the river, ruins of old bridges
and the ruin of one still
standing; at the road, Z-28’s,
Mustangs, Chevrolets, lumbering
semirigs, and the occasional
motorcycle, all tearing
hell-for-leather from someplace
to somewhere; at the valley
parallel to the ridge, marching
off into the haze, a forest that
could contain Indians, if you
close your eyes very tightly and
drink enough wine. And at the
rock out-croppings from the
ridge across the river, where the
mountain lions used to lie in the
sun, twitching their fat tails and
purring through half-closed eyes.
—Phares D.
HOT UNE -944-1033