the CAPITOLIST Vol. 5, No. 8 Security: "It’s Being Watched...” S.G.A. Pres. Wimmer On Some Problems “We are into the seventh week of the term and I know most students can sympathize with the fact that, all of a sudden, there are still a lot of things to do in a short time. A lot of things just haven’t been done. Some are my fault, others are organizational problems. But Fm still optimistic. “My main reason for being optimistic is due to the recent student reaction regarding the library. At times I had wondered whether the Student Government and other organizations were really working. Then I saw that individual students were able to Terry Wimmer, S.G.A. President, discusses some of the campus problems. New Check Cashing Rules New check-cashing rules, effective as of last Monday , have been jointly announced by the Capitol Student Government Association and the Financial Office. These new rules are necessary because of the heavy student usage of the check-cashing service and a change in the University’s check cashing policy. Henceforth, those using the service will be asked to share in the cost of the service by paying a service charge of 10 cents for each check cashed and by limiting the amount of the check to $25.00. University checks such as student paychecks are exempt from the service charge and amount limitation. An additional service charge of $4 will be made for each check cashed which fails to clear the maker’s bank because of insufficient funds. For insufficant funds checks which are not cleared promptly* the amount of the check and the service charges will be billed to the student. Income from the service charges will defray the cost of providing the service including the risk of uncollectible accounts. achieve a goal. I realized that organizations should, and will, be able to do even more as structured groups. “It is to their credit that a group of students were succeeding in opening the library for longer hours on the weekends, while the Dean’s Advisory Committee and the S.G.A. were wallowing in red tape and wage payroll problems. It’s ironic that these students provided the impetus, and a great deal of the work. I think this whole episode gave \is (S.G.A. and others) a good kick in the ass. (You said there is a lot to be New Money Man The appointment of Dr. William A. Remaley as assistant professor of finance at Capitol Campus has been announced. Dr. Remaley holds an associate degree in engineering, a bachelor of science degree in business, and a master of business administration degree from Penn State. He received his doctor of philosophy degree in June 1971, from New York University’s Graduate School of Business. His areas of concentration at N.Y.U. were finance and investments, quantitative analysis, and marketing. His dissertation concerned the selection of optional investment portfolios. Dr. Remaley was a manpower planning analyst for IBM in Endicott, N.Y., prior to beginning work on his doctorate in 1966. Since that time he has worked in the Marketing Research and Forecasting Department of IBM’s Office Product Division. During the 1970-71 academic year, Dr. Remaley taught statistics at University College of Rutgers University.^ He is married to the former Barbara J. Maier. "All The New* That Fit* .... We Print" CAPITOL CAMPUS - MIDDLETOWN, PA done in a limited time. So why all the optimism over one incident?) “I wouldn’t have run for this office if I hadn’t been hopeful of success. But after several stumbling blocks, I was disappointed, naturally. But last week was a good boost. “Right now, there are two important problems. The first stems from the unfortunate accident that Nancy Colneshad, along with the departure of Jerry South in the near future. This means that the Student Activities Office is virtually unstaffed. “The second problem is the inability of the President’s Council to be an effective organization on this Campus. The President’s Council is, of course, composed of the officers of all the Campus Organizations. This should have helped to facilitate solid and rapid communication. “So, with the Council still struggling, and the absence of Nancy and, later on in the winter, Jerry, there is going to be a great strain on not only my office but also Mike Bauer and Don Lewis of the Social Committee and John Grimm’s office. “In the past, my direct advisor was Jerry South. I had hoped that Nancy would have replaced him in this capacity, along with Dean Grimm. But now, there is only John Grimm, which will be quite a strain on him. An important point is that, on the whole, the S.G.A. has never had any major differenceof opinion pertinent to the Student Affairs Office. My immediate concern, however, is whether or not Dr. Grimm can be a substitute for both Nancy and Jerry. I’m not questioning his abilities as Dean (con’t. on p. 3) No “special” guests attended this week’s Student Government meeting, but the Senate still had its share of special problems. A list of thirty houses from Meade Heights guilty of tearing up the grass was presented. As you can see, Mr. Paul’s “intensified campaign against reckless drivers on Capitol Campus” is moving right along. During the Social Committee report, Mike Bauer reported that Oscar Douglas, Co-chairman, had decided to resign from his position due to the fact that he was unable to handle both urban term work and the Social Committee. President Wimmer moved that Oscar be relieved of his duties and Eton Lewis replace him. The Senate unanimously agreed. The Screening Committee represented by Harvey Brown, declared that the three Junior Justice positions could be filled. The juniors chosen were, Harry Nancy Colnes Hospitalized Nancy Colnes, Student Activities Coordinator, is recovering from an auto accident. Nancy Colnes, of the office of Student Activities, was rushed to the hospital after sustaining a broken leg and pelvis in an automobile accident last Wednesday night. After tests proved that Nancy had received no internal injuries as well, doctors at the Hershey Medical Center put her in traction and scheduled an operation on her leg for tomorrow. The operation will be to set her left femur so that it will heal properly. The accident which caused this injury occurred as Nancy was enroute to pick up Kathy King, a fellow Student Affairs officer, for a bowling date. At Grandview and Spring Street, another car failed to yield the right of way and rammed Nancy’s VW on the driver’s door. An efficient ambulance crew rushed her to the Med Center within minutes after the accident. To Nancy, those must have been very long minutes, for she never lost consciousness through it all. Now, however, she is in bright spirits and is feeling quite THIS WEEK IN THE SGA Franzrob—Church Hill, Sam Randazzo-Meade Heights, and Mickey Wolfson—Meade Heights. Dean South then brought up that old headache—residency requirements. It seems that the Student Court must be composed of seven members. 1 from Wrisberg Hall 1 from Church Hall 2 from Meade Heights 2 commuters The Chief-Justice may belong to any of the three residencies. Unfortunately, of the four existing members, two now live in Meade Heights. That would technically make four Justices from that area. Much confusion ensued as to past and present procedures until Len Thompson requested that the Senate take the Committee report back to the Committee to fulfill the living requirements. Dean South was again given the floor to discuss the Thursday, November 11, 1971 well in spite of the injury. At first it appeared that Nancy would not be able to return to work for as long as three months. But the Colnes tenacity has prevailed to the degree that it is now estimated that she will bereturning in early December. This will avert somewhat of a crisis in Student Activities since Dean South wMI be spending most of his time in University Park after this term. In the few months since Nancy Colnes joined our campus, she has worked very effectively with nearly every student activity here. Her early return can only benefit all the organizations, but she will be missed until then. Those who know her will miss her friendly greeting in the office or hall and will be happy to see her return. It is quite probable, too, that Nancy will miss us during her convalescence. So drop a note to her or stop in to see her while she is in the hospital. Her room number is 557 at the Medical Center in Hershey, Pa. Good luck, Nancy. We hope to see you here soon. possibility of a meeting between the Student Government Association and the Presidents of committees. He explained that in the near future, the Student Affairs Office will suffer from an overload of work and a lack of personnel. This work would then be the responsibility of the SGA. Dean South further suggested that perhaps a dinner would be more enticing to all participants. Of course, the cost of the affair would be split 50-50. Bob Polis from WZAP played the “good boy” as he asked permission to order only one turntable. He stated that this still would not exceed the $550.00 allotted. The Senate smiled its approval and once again, Bob Polis was in good graces. The meeting came to a close as the Math Marlin Kohler was finally sworn-in along with the three new Junior Justices.