The capitolist. (Middletown, Pa.) 1969-1973, October 28, 1971, Image 3

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    Thursday, October 28,1971
That's Beside The Point
or being a sacrificial virgin
ain’t what it’s cracked up to be
by Samantha Bower
lis K is B oin g to be a short physical distinctions between
article, because Gregg borrowed the two classes. If Minos’ wife
my typewriter and I hate to had mated with a lower-class
write m longhand. I guess that’s man, and the child had
why my phone bill is so high, resembled his father, it would
cause Td rather call than write. make sense that Minos would
I’ve been thinking a lot have hidden his wife’s
lately, about myths. But then illegitimate child from his
again, rve always loved them. So citizens in shame.
ir? I f. not^ f ? ewsubje ? tf ° rme - 1 could go on and on, as
But it s a different angle. People Mary Renault does, but she
have a myth or theory about already has, so I won’t. What I
something. That s cool. But want to get across is that after
what happens when you meet she had written these books,
this myth face-to-face? Minos’ palace and maze were
Eve ahvays loved the myth unearthed on the Isle of Crete,
about Theseus and the Minotaur So where does that leave
J V f/? d at Thesus? Myth is becoming fact,
least three other books that gve Have they really found Noah’s
a practical and believable Ark on Mount Arrarat?
wiplanation about how this How many other myths that
myth might have been started. we believe in, and lightly dismiss
Two of the books are by as fiction, are, in reality,
Mary Renault: “The King Must provable facts?
and “The Bull From The Strange things are happening
Sea.” In these books, she tries to right now. Pictures of spacemen
give valid and concrete reasons are being found in the sculptures
for the myth, such as the ancient of some very ancient and
belief that Thesus introduced to unrelated cultures. A battery
civilization all the basic moves of 3,000 years old, has been
wrestling. The myth states that authenticated. Just what was
Thesus was a giant among men that chariot that Elizah
and could take all comers. Miss disappeared in? A spaceship?
Renault proposes, within her Where did it go—up, up and
beautifully written stories, that away from the earth? Over the
Thesus was smaller than most earth to Atlantis? Under the
men. So he had to devise other earth to places man has yet to
ways of winning than brute dream about? Will modern man
strength. And so, he used his wit eventually be confronted with
instead of muscles and • the evidence that he is only a
continually won. subculture of yet another race
Another example is her that was, or is, infinitely bigger
explanation of the Minotaur. and better? Are we really
From ancient history, we know regressing instead of progressing?
wWch C mL ha fnH n elit £ SOC - ety Thesus > rm glad you were
subsement evidently real. I always did like
common class. There were great you.
This is a moving film
adaptation of the late Lorraine
Hansberry’s award-winning play
about the ambitions, dreams and
frustrations of a black family
living in three crowded rooms on
Chicago’s South Side. The
squalid routine of their lives is
suddenly disrupted when Lena
receives a $lO,OOO check from
the company that insured her
husband. Arguments break out
over the disposition of the
“It is one of the very few
distinctive and unflinchingly
American film portraits of
domestic life. Few films put so
much humor and such fierce
drama together so successfully.
Although the humor plays with
such serious subjects as racial
prejudice and social pretenses it
is not satiric, rather ironic, and
never bitter .... And the acting
is remarkable.” —Paul V.
The movie is presented
FREE by the Cultural
Committee on Monday,
November 22, at 8:00 p.m. in
the auditorium.
Navy Rep Here
The Navy Officer
Information Team will be on
Campus at the Main Building on
November 8 to discuss with any
interested Student, male and
female, all Officer Programs:
Active and Reserve Aviation,
Surface, Sub Surface, and other
! FOX’S food market!
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Styles from George Boot
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See our All-Weather
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the Finest in Men’s Wear
mis week
m The see
Much to the chagrin of some
of the senators, the new
constitution was not suspended
this week. For those of you who
do not remember last year, this
is no small accomplishment.
In financial matters, the
finance committee is charged by
the constitution with reviewing
the alternatives and making its
recommendation to the SGA.
Last night, however, a financial
matter came before the Senate,
was voted on and nearly became
a part of the official minutes
without passing through the
financial committee.
According to at least two
interpretations of the
constitution, notably Len
Thompson and Treasurer Dan
Ekberg, this vote was not correct
procedure. And after much
discussion, the vote was
reconsidered and the matter
resolved in the financial
committee. Another vote was
taken in the senate, and the
measure again passed.
To the uninitiated, this
seems like a lot of crap to get
the same measure passed twice.
But if this student government
will ever work, it will be because
they have written a good
constitution and respect it. As
stated last week, this Senate is
more responsible than last
year’s, and even though it took
much discussion and a few harsh
epithets, the Senate proved its
sense of responsibility this week.
The actual business of the
Senate this week was fairly
routine. The Finance Committee
report was passed without much
ado, and Mike Bauer went on
with the Social Committee
report. He explained all-U day
and requested the Senate’s
approval to spend over $3OO for
the Rio Clemente Trio. This
group is supposedly very good
and will come to campus in
Harvey Brown of the
Election Committee reported
that the tie-breaking election
would not be necessary since
one of the candidates conceded
the election due to other
committments. The Election
Committee then met to approve
and recommend the
appointment of the only
Math-Science candidate to
appear. He and the winner by
default will be sworn in at next
month’s meeting.
As usual, the question of
parking came up again this week.
And as usual, it was decided that
there was very little that the
Senate could do about it. See
next issue for an in-depth report
of the situation.
One other matter of business
came before the Senate this
week. WZAP Station Manager,
Bob Polis, is trying out for the
“Bad boy with a good heart”
award this year. It seems that
WZAP is in financial trouble
already this year. But don’t be
alarmed. The station is now
making money from advertising.
So the crunch should not be for
But in order to maintain
operation, Polis felt that an
additional $5O was necessary
until money starts coming in.
The Senate, after much hassling,
agreed. It is well know that Polis
took on a monumental task in
getting the radio station started
after last year’s fiasco. The
Senate is not unaware of this
and has gone along with him in a
vote of confidence. But in
addition, the Senate stipulated
that he not exceed the new
spending ceiling. Polis agreed,
and everyone went away happy.
See you next week.
caotr w ntO(ra.ti?te oewccp
go JUicera.w«oQterT& rads
ihc dcrks arc BVa OUT
-ttayVcwAttii orxi Keen...
by Don Lewis
First of all, I would like to
ask all of you a question. Do
you know of any social events to
be held on campus or events that
campus people might enjoy
going to? If so, tell me about it
and I’ll write something about it
Now, what’s happening this
Friday, October 29
7:30 til 9:00, the people from
the Heights will go to the Dorms
to collect some goodies. Then, if
they survive that, from 9:00 til
11:00 the people from the
Dorms will go to the Heights to
Trick or Treat.
From 11.00 p.m. till ? a.m.
After all the Trick or Treating is
done, we’ll all go over to the
Student Center where there will
be a Horror Flick Festival.
Saturday, October 30
parents will be tramping all over
the campus, so let’s be good
little boys and girls. Visit the
Library: it may be the only
Saturday that you can. Show
your parents what our campus is
really like if you want to, but
they might disown you.
- If your parents aren’t coming,
you can listen to the Penn State
vs. West Virginia on the radio or
read about it in the Sunday
Sunday, October 31
MEETING If you’re not doing
anything Sunday nite, stop over
at Kati’s house about 7:30. The
social committee meeting are
open to anyone who wishes to
Trip to
'Fun City ’
The Regional Planning
Program is preparing a field trip
to New York City on Saturday,
November 20,1971.
A tour schedule of urban
milestones in New York is being
prepared by Dr. Francis
Ferguson who will serve as a
guide. Students, Faculty, Staff,
their families and friends are
welcome. The bus will leave
Saturday morning at 7:30 a.m.
from the rear parking lot. It will
arrive about lunch time at
Greenwich Village where
luncheon for the participants is
being reserved (dutch treat!).
The bus will leave New York at
6:00 pan. Phone 787-7953 for
reservations and additional
Price is $7.50 per person.
toge 3
attend. If you have any ideas,
tell us about them. That’s 951 A
Kirtlandat 7:30.
Tuesday, November 2
HAYRIDE Sign up at the
roundtable or near the
roundtable! The cost of the
event is really cheap: $.50 for
people with activity cards and
$1 for people without them. We
will be meeting at the Student
Center at 7:30 p.m. to drive over
to Dakche Stables in Hershey. If
you can drive, bring your car. If
you can’t drive just bring
yourself! Afterwards, there will
be Coffee and Hot Chocolate
and Entertainment at the Coffee
That’s about all for this
week. Tune in again next week
when we will hear Mike say,
“What the hell happened to the
Planning Book!!”
What is a
Everyone knows the answer
to that. TARNHELM is the
newly-formed literary magazine
on Capitol Campus. The purpose
of TARNHELM is to bridge the
existing gap between creative
thought and expression on this
campus. It is open to the entire
College Community-Students,
Faculty, Administrative
Personnel, or anyone connected
with the Campus who does
creative writing.
Please submit all material for
publication to W-161, with name
and telephone number by
November 12.
Vi Gal.
£ with this coupon
o and with $3.00 purchase.
| Void after Nov. 3,1971
f pßagCT| 1
in the Olmsted Plaza