The capitolist. (Middletown, Pa.) 1969-1973, May 12, 1971, Image 3

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THE COUNTEBS HAS TEA—And two of her fellow madwomen join
her (left to right) Thelma Barnett, Doe Perkowska and Samantha
The Committee for Student
Involvement recommends that:
(1) A Community Council be
established at Capitol Campus.
Its membership would be
comprised of equal percentages
of Administration, Faculty and
Students. Its position in the
Hierarchy would be directly
under the Provost of Capitol
Campus. (Refer to Organization
Chart) Its function would be to
approve all policy and structural
changes of Capitol Campus; to
approve all hiring and firing;
dissemination of information;
and an awareness body for the
(2) The Housing and Food
Service of Capitol Campus be
brought under direct control of
the Provost and Community
Council of Capitol Campus.
(3) Students be appointed to
the Committee selecting a
Provost for Capitol Campus.
These students will have equal
voting power with the other
members of the Committee.
The need for student
participation in the
administrative process of Capitol
Campus is evidenced by the lack
of any student voting power in
the functional or academic
administrative branches of
Capitol Campus. Policy decisions
can be made or changed,
structural changes can take place
and personnel can be hired and
fired without student opinion or
participation. We feel that it is
imperative that there be student
voting on all decisions that could
have a direct or indirect effect
on any part of the student body
or future student body.
The Community Council
would give students an opinion
and ' vote in all matters
concerning them and those who
will follow. Because the
Community Council would bring
together faculty, administration
and students it would provide a
vehicle for dissemination of
information. It would also be an
efficient and effective awareness
body for the Provost.
The Community Council
would also enable the Student
Government to effectually and
not theoretically represent the
student body. This would be
accomplished by making the
Student Council members
directly responsible to the
elected representatives of the
student body (S.G.A.). The
Student Council members would
recede direction on all matters
from 3.G.A. They would also be
advised to bring before the
Council any business S.G.A.
feels the Council should act
The need for direct influence
concerning Housing and Food is
evidenced by constant
complaints from the resident
students with NO apparent
results. The excuse given is that
this campus cannot directly
influence the handling of
Resident Housing and Food.
“We cannot do anything unless
University Park does this or
that.” Again we are faced with
the frustrating reality of the
powerlessness of Capitol Campus
to make decisions which effect
its student body.
It is also perceived to be
essential that students be given a
vote in the selection of the
Capitol Campus Provost. No one
at Capitol Campus knows the
candidates better than the
students who deal with them
daily. It is the students whose
lives will be most affected by the
Provost. Why shouldn’t the
students, who make the
Provost’s existance possible,
have an active voting role in his
The most common objective
to student participation is
“Students don’t have enough
knowledge or experience”. This
statement has been proven
erroneous by effective student
participation in administrative
functions at other Universities.
If this argument were in any way
true, where are students to get
this lacking knowledge and
experience. College is supposed
to be a learning experience and
what better way is there to learn
than involvement.
It should be realized that the
Committee for Student
Involvement was established by
S.G.A. to analyze the present
system and recommend changes.
This committee feels that its
proposals must be implemented
if students are to have an active
and equal involvement in all
matters concerning them at
Capitol Campus. On May 11,
new representatives to S.G.A.
will be elected. Don’t let this
election be another popularity
contest. Find out where the
candidates stand on these
proposals. These proposals will
remain only proposals unless our
elected representatives take a
positive stand and force their
The Committee For
Student Involvement
Heindel, Wolf and Miller Comment
on New Black Studies
A new undergraduate
program in Afro-American
Studies is being offered at
Capitol Campus.
The new program—developed
by a joint committee of students
and faculty—is being made
available as an option in the
existing baccalaureate degree
programs in Humanities and
Social Science beginning with
the Fall Term, 1971.
Dr. Richard H. Heindel, dean
of faculty, cited the
Afro-American Studies Option
as a significant addition to the
undergraduate offerings at the
“As a legitimate area of
concern and study,” he said,
“black studies has a definite
place in the University,
especially on a campus located
in a metropolitan area.”
Outlining the new program,
Dr. George D. Wolf, head of the
Division of Humanities, Social
Sciences and Education, said it
was initiated by students
through the Black Student
Union and was originally
developed as an Independent
Study project by students.
In response to the bSU
request, the Social Science
Program Group, headed by Dr.
Stanley N. Miller, approved
appointment of a
committee—made up of students
and faculty members from both
the Social Science and
Humanities Program Groups—to
From Friends
Americans revolted by the
massacre of baby harp seals, the
threatened extinction of whales,
and the killing of polar bears
have a golden opportunity to
translate their justifiable outrage
into direct action.
An incensed citizenry can
strike a telling blow against the
brutality and needless slaughter
by writing their representatives
in Congress, demanding they
vote for the Harris-Pryor Bill of
Rights for Ocean Mammals.
Jointly sponsored by Sen.
Fred R. Harris (D.-Okla.) and
Rep. David Pryor (D.-Ark.), the
Bill would:
1. Make it a criminal offense
for any American to kill seals,
polar bears, whales, sea lions,
walruses, or any other ocean
2. Ban the importation into
the United States of all products
from ocean mammals, thus
removing the economic incentive
for their slaughter,
3. Phase out the seal kill on
our Pribilof Islands without
abrogating the current treaty
with Japan and Canada. The
United States now agrees to kill
seals on land for those two
countries in exchange for which
they prohibit their nationals
from killing seals in the open
waters. TTie treaty, which
expires in 1976, gives Japan and
Canada the option of accepting
their shares in the annual kill in
dollars—as they have done in
past years; or, if they insist upon
the skins, the Aleuts will kill
18,000 seals for them each year
until 1976,
4. Direct the United States
State Department to initiate a
truly international treaty in
which all countries agree to stop
killing ocean mammals, both on
land and at sea.
The Governments of the
United States and Canada must
be told by their employers—the
public—that barbarity which
stuns the minds and sickens the
develop an Afro-American
Studies Option.
The committee’s
proposal—based on the work
done earlier in the student
independent study project-was
approved by the entire Capitol
Campus faculty and
subsequently received University
According to Dr. Wolf, the
option was designed in
recognition of Afro-American
Studies as a field of enormous
breadth, complexity, and
“We expect that graduates of
this option,” he said, “will
possess knowledge and abilities
which will enable them to work,
effectively in governmental
agencies, community action
programs, and social agencies.
“In view of the present
demand at all educational levels
for teachers who are
knowledgeable in the area of
Afro-American studies, graduate
work in preparation for a career
in teaching is an important
potential opportunity for
students in the option.”
As with other baccalaureate
programs, students in the
Afro-American Studies Option
are required to complete 18
courses for their degree. Three
courses are normally scheduled
each term for two years or a
total of six terms.
Students choosing the option
will take three required Social
of Animals
hearts of all decent people must
be outlawed.
Right now is the time to push
for passage of the Harris-Pryor
Bill-which bans slaughtering the
42,000 seals usually clubbed for
the purported benefit of the
U.S. Treasury-before the next
Pribilof kill begins the end of
June. A copy of the Harris-Pryor
Bill may be obtained by writing
Friends of Animals, 11 West
60th Street, New York, New
York 10023.
On May 21 and 22 the
Olmsted Plaza will come to life
with one of the biggest
attractions of this term and
possibly of the year: this year’s
version of the Vets’ Club annual
CARNIVAL! “Bigger and
better” is the motto of this
year’s committee as it speeds to
complete details on this gala
Len Thompson, committee
chairman, speaks optimistically
of CARNIVAL: “Although at
this time the number is flexible,
approximately ten on-campus
organizations will be
represented.” So far committed
for concessions are the ex-Gl’s
for food concessions, the
Cheerleaders, the Student
Employees, the Senior Ball, the
Business Club offering a Car
Smash, the R.S.C., the Sorority,
the 8.5. U., the Faculty Wives
with a Cake Sale, the Head
Shop, and the Ski Club with the
feature tented concession, a
Circus Side-Show, complete with
magician, ventriloquist, escape
artist and fire-eater. Other
concessions may include
fortune-telling, a basketball toss,
a dunking throw and picture
Rides will be supplied by
William Inner’s Amusements. To
Wednesday, May 12. 1971
Science or Humanities core
courses, eight courses in
Afro-American Studies and
seven electives.
Dr. Miller said several courses
relating to black studies have
been made available to students
through the Humanities and
Social Science programs in the
One course, “The Negro in
the American Experience,” has
been offered since the campus
first opened for classes in 1966.
During the Spring Term, 1968,
the course was taught via
two-way television with Penn
State’s main campus at
University Park.
“During the current academic
year,” Dr. Miller added, “six
courses relating to black studies
and history have been offered
with two being made available
each term.
“With this new option,
however, it will now be possible
for students in other academic
programs such as business or
education to do more than
survey black experience. They
may enroll in more advanced,
sophisticated Afro-American
Studies courses where such work
seems relevant to their programs
and interests.”
Detailed information on the
Afro-American Studies option
and admission requirements may
be obtained by contacting the
Capitol Campus Academic
Services Office.
CALL (215) 878-5800
24 hours 7 days
Legal Abortions Without Delay
by Tom Ogden
be set up on the macadem of the
Plaza, the rides will be a Ferris
Wheel; a brand-new ride, the
Hustler; and some kiddie rides.
John Sable, in charge of
off-campus contributors, notifies
us that Middletown Liberty Fire
Company will supply an
ambulance, the Union Hose
Company will hold Bingo, about
which the Midway will be set,
the Rotary Club and possibly
other local fraternal
organizations will take part.
With the possibility of selling
novelties/ the supplier’ may
contribute free concessions,
including a penny-pitch, ball toss
and similar “gambling booths.”
Also contributing his time will
be a local clown, who will circle
the.rrjidway with his hilarious
anties ahd madcaps.
In an attempt to make this
truly a community affair, Wayne
Seigfried, who chaired a May 5
meeting, suggested members
distribute posters from
Elizabethtown all the way to
Harrisburg. The CARNIVAL will
open on Friday the 21st of May
at 6:00 p.m. and remain active
until 11:00 p.m. Saturday the
CARNIVAL will be held from
10:00 a.m. until the final closing
at 10:00 p.m. The campus and
community are invited.