he CAPITOLIST coNGiuruunoNS E NEW SGA PRESIDENT TERRY WIMMER THE NEW OFFICERS LABAR VICKI WARD BERG PATRICE NELSON AND SENATORS RVEY BROWN FRANK DULISSE IKE FERRAZZANO DENNIS HASSLER EIL MADONICK JERRY SCALEN lANCY SWIFT LEN THOMPSON "All The News That Fits .... We Print" CAPITOL CAMPUS - MIDDLETOWN, PA Rock Festival THERE'S SOMETHIN' HAPPENIN' HERE! by Lee Nell You can bet your cookies there is. And what it is, is clearly going to be a great rock festival to be held on May 16th at noon. And it’s going to be here-on campus. And it’s going to be free, A group of Capitol Campus students, Goodpeople Productions, has announced that at least nine groups plus Anne Ferrino and Company will supply about 12 hours of music. At this writing GPP is awaiting reply to their invitations to the Magnificent Men and the Hydraulic Peach—two groups of some prominence in this area. Rented from Big City Music Band (who toured with Redbone and the James Gang,) the 400 watt sound system will most certainly help to make Capitol Campus a nice place to be on Sunday afternoon. The impressive list of groups who definitely will be performing, and charging no fee, includes: 1. Big City Music Band 2. Shanghai 3. Molly McGuires 4. Locust Grove (with our own Matt Racey) 5. Shades of Doubt 6. September Morn 7. Hard Times 8. Willow Mill Park 9. November Goodpeople Productions was forced to refuse Three Dog Night’s offer to play 30 minutes for $2,000.00. However, those listed should be sufficient to blow us away. Howie Weitz, a co-chairman of GPP, notes that all of the problems in planning this festival have not been unpleasant. “We have been submerged with calls from people who know groups and from groups who want to play,” he says happily. “Groups have been bugging us to let them play—and for free. We’ve had enough talent offered to us for two complete days of music.” But due to school schedules, the event is limited to Sunday. And a grand Sunday it should be. The Social Committee plans to set up a concession stand to sell refreshments and other goodies. And there will be Head Shop volunteers around if anyone needs assistance. Student marshalls will provide some direction for parking and, hopefully, if everyone co-operates, we can convince any police that they are not needed. Goodpeople Productions has been busy spreading the news to other campuses. About 15 colleges within a 50 mile radius have been notified, and advertising is planned for newspapers and radio. Howie admits to being optimistic but states, “If the weather is good and we get our advertising completed on schedule, we may get from one to five thousand people here.” Wednesday, May 12, 1971 “I’d like to see a good turnout from Capitol. Central Pennsylvania needs a rock festival and Capitol Campus needs some recognition. We’re relatively new here and I ’ d like to let people from other schools know we’re here.” And now the cast. These “goodpeople” have been working very hard the last few weeks to get this thing going. They are: Howie Weitz and Mike Beckner, Co-Chairmen; Mike Bower, College Publicity; Don Lewis, Area Publicity; Phil Wexler, Radio and Newspaper Publicity; Gary Hoffman, Technical Coordinator; Mark Chanin, Equipment; Ed, Walt, Dave, Chas., John, Dave, Vick, and Jim. Despite many problems and delays, they are convinced that the festival is going to come off beautifully. Based on the work they’ve done, it’s got to be good. Last year, however, some of this group tried to organize a smaller festival. Things went rather well until the weather finked on them. I have just been appointed weather coordinator and can assure you all that it’s going to be a glorious day. An old Indian friend of mine, who lives in the woods behind Dillsburg and is wise in the ways of nature, has notified me that the temperature should be between 73 and 84 degrees with a slight (2 to 6 mph) breeze from the west. That is, if WGAL can be trusted. Oh well, sorry. Howie wanted to make sure that some of the help which they have received did not go unnoticed. “We’ve gotten great cooperation from the administration even though they’ve had some reservations. We’d like to thank especially Mr. South, Mr. Millman and Miss Murphy for their assistance.” In a rather philosophical mood, Howie noted, “Music does bring people together. We hope to get all the people from this area together and just have a fucking good festival.” All I can add to that is, come out and see this one. It sounds like a good one and if you miss it-you lose. So get together, bring your friends, family, dogs, cats, and have a good day on campus for a change. And be goodpeople.” Happenings Tonight—“ Wait Until Dark”, shown at 8:30 p.m. in the auditorium. Saturday—“ The Heart is a Lonely Hunter”, to be shown in the auditorium, 9:00 p.m. Sunday-Harrisburg Rock Festival, on campus grounds-featuring the Big City Music Band, Shanghai, Mollie Maguires, The Shades of Doubt, Locust Grove, November, September Morn, Hard Times, and Willow Mill Park. Sponsored by Good People Productions. Be there!