The capitolist. (Middletown, Pa.) 1969-1973, March 03, 1971, Image 2
Page 2 EDITORIAL DUSKY MOONLIGHT CRIES “CONSOLE ME! CONSOLE ME!” Picture this scene: Ro calling Terry in the middle of the night saying “Hey, could you do an article on...and get it to me before seven o’clock in the morning?” Or this scene: Lee missing Dr. Patterson’s class again because someone had to make the printing deadline. Or this scene: Ro and Tom convulsed in giggling fits because they’ve been working on the paper for six straight hours. Or this frequently-heard soundtrack: “Oh, could you please type it up...Oh, please, please, pleasepleaseplease...” These things put together, and multiplied by a thousand are what makes up our weekly CAPITOLIST. No journalism department, no articles for credit, no huge staff...just people who dig making a newspaper. People who are exhausted from making newspapers. No, we’re not going to discontinue the CAPITOLIST. But frankly, I’m getting tired. And so is Lee. And so is Tom. And so are a lot of wonderful people who have been writing so faithfully for us. And we can’t go on like this. So now, I’ll give one last desperate plea: The CAPITOLIST needs your help. Write an article or a movie review, whatever your heart desires. But write something. Or help us with the typing. Help us with some of the work that has us completely bogged down. GOODBYE... By unanimous vote at the February 10th meeting, the SGA suspended the charters of the Flying Club and the Outing Club. WANT TO GET INVOLVED? HERE’S HOW Cut these out and send to the appropriate Congressman or Senator, or to: President Richard M. Nixon 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, D.C. Dear Congressman/Senator : As a student and concerned citizen, I urge you to support actively any bill or amendment which would limit the President’s power to send our troops into Cambodia, Laos, or North Viet Nam, or to further escalate the war in Indo-China in any way. Dear President Nixon As a student and concerned citizen, I wish to notify you that I oppose the use of our troops in Laos, Cambodia, or North Viet Nam for any purpose. I wish to state further that I oppose the escalation of the war in any way and consider your recent statements and policies to be a deception of the American people. STAFF OF CAPITOLIST: EDITOR: Rosemary Scanlon CONTRIBUTORS: ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Lu Ann Berulis Lee Nell Missy Rotundaro Tom Hagan Ann Ostroski BUSINESS MANAGERS: Bill Winkler Richard Marx Michael Rix Roger Hawkins Terry Wimmer PHOTOGRAPHERS: Dan Durante 'John Fannely Chandler Wolf Don Davis Tony McGovern Eric Murray Skip Lewis EDITORIAL CONSULTANT: Charlie Bussison Jim Benn Paul Snyder If you like the CAPITOLIST, help us. If you don’t like it, that’s even more of a reason to help. And if we all work together—we can have a great paper for the Spring Term. And that’s well worth the exhaustion! More On That Subject There have been many statements concerning the policy a university should have involving student power. Due to the events of the past few weeks at Capitol, it might help to quote Jerome H. Skolnik, author of THE POLITICS OF PROTEST: “The inclusion of students in campus policy-making is a recognition that formal political means are necessary to provide adequate representation. It is neither realistic nor justifiable to expect contemporary students to remain content as second-class citizens within the university. When the university was less important, both in terms of its social and political significance and in terms of its decisive influence on the student’s life-chances, such representation was correspondingly less critical. Today the university—like other large social institutions commands such critical importance in those areas that it has in effect made of students a new kind of group with new kinds of legitimate interests, and it must revise its structure of representation accordingly.” Well said. -OR THE MADNESS OF INDOCHINA by Terry K. Wimmer Last Saturday, I returned home from a visit to Washington D.C. where I and two other students were researching Congressional Reorganization for the League of Women Voters. But as I sat talking to Senator John Sherman Cooper, co-sponsor of the Cooper-Church amendment which pertained to U.S. involvement in Cambodia, I couldn’t help but think what is happening to this country. Rmemeber back in 1965 when our problems in Southeast Asia were defined as a defensive conflict, undertaken to insure the integrity of the free democratic government of South Vietnam? Now look where we’re at. President Nixon has taken it on himself to expand our involvement to Laos and he’s using the same excuses as he did last Spring when we entered Cambodia. He has said repeatedly that our ‘support’ of the South Vietnamese forces in Laos is indispensable to our success in Vietnam. What success? What about the lives lost in Laos? Are they not indispensable? War may be hell, but the way President Nixon is running it is sheer treason! How long will this madness continue? Will it take another Kent State or more polls showing that over 73% of the people of this land want out, to make the President realize that what we’re doing in Indochina is not what the people of this country want? Our ‘indispensable’ President has already proven that the loss of life, violent campus disorders and polls (which usually favor his policies) will not make him budge from what seems to be his blind obsession to destroy and kill every Communist that walks the face of the earth. Since the days of the Alger Hiss trial, the President has been obsessed with his fear of the ‘Red Threat.’ When will he realize that our involvement in Indochina is causing, as the Pultizer Prize winning author David Halberstram so aptly puts it, “The Vietnamization of America?” There has been much speculation since the invasion of that the President and the South Vietnamese government are considering the possibility of crossing the DMZ into North Vietnam. So much so that Senator’s Cooper, Church and McGovern are considering a bill prohibiting any U.S. involvement in an invasion of the North. The Chief negotiator for the North Vietnamese, Xuan Thuy has warned that the Chinese would “not stand by with folded arms in the face of U.S. aggression against North Vietnam.” But will a Cooper-Chur ch-McGovern amendment stop the President? Sincerely, Sincerely, PREGNANT? NEED HELP? YOUR QUESTIONS ON ABORTION CAN ONLY BE FULLY ANSWERED BY PROFESSIONALS CALL (215) 878-5800 24 hours 7 days FOR TOTALLY CONFID ENTIAL INFORMATION. Legal Abortions Without Delay THE CAPITOLIST As he has proven by his recent actions concerning Laos, it would not. The comments of the North Vietnamese government most likely will not stop the President either for he will pass them by, as he has done in the past, as ‘idle threats.’ But as the North Vietnamese Army is proving in Laos, they mean business and the military defeats they have recently handed the Allied forces proves this point very, clearly. Communist China has proven that she will not stand in the wings by their actions during the Korean War. There are those who will claim that times have changed since 1950, but then one must also realize that history has the uncanny quality of repeating itself. What can we do? The Presidential election in 1972 is far away. This country cannot afford another Spring of disorders as we experienced last year. Violence is not the answer, but neither are the policies of President Nixon. If there is an answer, it is not to be found in the White House or Capitol Hill, but only in the people of this nation, uniting in a peaceful effort to end the war and preserve the sanctity of our land and people. SGA Approves Proposals by David Stacks On Wednesday evening, February 24, 1971, the Student Government Association approved five proposals presented by the Task Force Committee. Task Force proposal number one, turning the Pat Murphy decision over to an ad hoc committee, and Task Force proposal number two, an evaluation of the Student Affairs office with majority student approval of said evaluation, were agreed upon by a substantial majority of SGA senators. Task Force proposals numbers three, four, and five, dealing with student influence in policy making decisions, were met with opposition based upon the argument that students are not qualified to choose those who make the administrative decisions regarding this campus. This argument was countered by a group of Senators who felt that the word qualified, when refering to the hiring of administrators, has a plural definition. Qualified in the eyes of the Administration or in the eyes of the student? Len Thompson, junior Social Science Senator, commented that “students are best qualified to pick who should run this school”. SGA president Lee Levan, also expressed approval of a plan allowing equal student participation in Administrative decisions. Other SGA Seantors expressed a desire to adopt a plan allowing the Administration a small edge over the students in Administrative decisions. Although none of the Task Force proposals were agreeable to all of the SGA senators, the spirit of greater student participation in the Administrative affairs of Capitol Campus was unanimously endorsed. HOT LINE #JI in „ 944-1033 March 3, 1971 Letters To# f The Edirorf Dear Editor: I want to take this opportunity to recognize publicly a debt of appreciation to a friend and dedicated SGA member, namely, Miss Mary Jane Lovelick, recording secretary. Mary has served when needed regardless of the time of day or night if business called. Never once has she questioned whether assigned responsibilities fall under her office duties. In fact she has distinguished herself by performing much more than what she would normally be required to do while most others have tried to do as little as possible and to “get out <Jf” whatever they can. I want to thank Mary for being there when I and SGA needed her. Lee Levan, President The Capitol Campus SGA STUDENTS, ASSERT YOURSELVES by Roger Hawkins The incident concerning Pat Murphy is a prime example of the enthusiasm that can be raised when the students are aroused. When you start stepping on people’s toes or what is close to them, they start to holler. That’s the way to go. If only the students around here would remain alert, then conditions wouldn’t get to an impossible state. As I stated two weeks ago in the CAPITOLIST, that the more, students who realized that the school would not exist without them, they would begin to realize the power they have, as students, in regulating policies. The students are a majority union, that is they all share the common interest as being students. We all are here basically to get an education, and should see to it that the quality of education is maintained and that we .are satisfied with the factors that might directly or indirectly effect our education. When it’s your future that’s being tampered with, then it’s your duty to see that you get your money’s worth. This factor alone should be enough to make students come out of their shells and see what’s happening. How will you ever know what’s going on if you never come out and take a peep. So let’s stick together as students and let the faculty and administration know that we are alive and care what happens around here. 2 br. 2 bath Rancher Middletown $22,900 / \ 2 story brick 3 br. + 3 offices or study $27,900 R.C. Kauffman 124 West Main Street Middletown 944-1321