The capitolist. (Middletown, Pa.) 1969-1973, February 24, 1971, Image 3
Analysis: "The Turned On Cri by Tom Hagan The third and fourth installments of the eight-part series, “The Turned On Crisis”, were aired two weeks ago. On Monday, the Bth, “Say What We Feel, Not What We Ought To Say,” was shown. It might have been better to have called it, “Say What They Think We Feei.” The premise, to show the insensitivity among and between youth and adult members of the community,” was certainly a good one. But the “docu-drama” was a little too dramatic, and more ficticious than a documentary. At least over-dramatization was not the problem in Wednesday’s show, “The Shade of a Toothpick.” The highlight of the evening showed members of a drop-in center in California discussing their methods of helping those who came to them. They treated the people as individuals who happened to be using drugs, not as criminals. It was emphasized that they did not consider it their right to moralize on the use of the various kinds of drugs, but rather, why the individuals were using them. This was one of the few times during the program that such an attitude was taken. The rest of the time, it was a demonstration of the belief that partaking of drugs—no matter what the drug is—other than for medical reasons, is abuse. If the third program was intended to show everyone that they must really listen to what each other is saying, then they certainly didn’t practice what they preached on the fourth program. The most blatant example of this was when the Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs spoke. He stated that the United States is attempting to stop the flow of drugs being imported into this country. Our government is striving to stop the importation of “heroin and marjuana” from Mexico. He made no distinction between the two. The efforts of CAPITOL NEWS CHATTER by Francey Hi, this is a first around here, this column is for those of you around campus, who, like me, like to know and keep abreast of what’s going on around our little “Peyton Place” of a campus. This column is not devoted to gossip but is more like an informative scope on the news around campus. I guess you’ve all heard about the most recent upheaval in the S.G.A. Since September we’ve lost a treasurer, two senators and most recent loss is our recording secretary, Sue, why? Because of internal hassles with the President. Well nobody’s sweating her resignation because Missy’s taking her place, no internal hassles there. Sorry to see you go Sue, don’t worry about it, you did your job. Speaking of losses, come July we’ll have a great loss of one of the few members of the Capitol establishment who we can trust. Why is it that the good must go. Believe me Pat, most students who know you will agree, you did one hell of a job and we liked the job you were doing, and if you weren’t supposed to be doing it, somebody needed to. I’m referring to the way you created a rapport between students and yourself. We hate to see you go Pat, we’ll miss you, cheer up maybe it’s for the best. the government are, in his word “progress”. Really? The fifth part, “To Keep It You Have To Give It Away,” was, in my opinion, an almost totally honest appraisal of the most effective techniques employed to rehabilitate drug users. It was certainly the best of the series to date. By means of short visits to therapeutic communities, such as Synanon, California and Washingtonian Hospital, Boston, one could see the value of creating an environment which is conducive to mutual support by ex-users of hard drugs. The particularly noteworthy point is that both the good, pragmatic results were compared with the critics’ arguments. The controversial methodone treatment for heroin addicts and the dangers of segregated ex-users’ communities were discussed. The only objection I would make is the mentioning of an individual who was “messed-up” on marjuana. There are, obviously, cases where this has occurred. But it was not necessary or advisable to interject a psychological problem of this “soft-drug” into a program primarily concerned with hard drug rehabilitation. The concept of the encounter group was utilized to some extent in “The Concept” for the seventh show. Before a live audience, members of the New York “Day to Village” acted out some of the feelings which emerge in such an endeavor. They also explained the importance of separating the addict from his “street image” for the first step toward coping with society. Because the people involved were playing themselves, it was much more acceptable as valid. It seems with the latter two programs, my estimation of the series is much higher. Views which are prejudicial to my way of the thinking, are not as pronounced. Hopefully the last two in the series will be even better. It seems to me there is a large gap between the dorm and Meade Heights. Meade Heights is like a world unto itself. The people from Meade Heights hardly even know the people from the dorm exists, and vice versa. People from Meade Heights are hardly seen in the dorm area, especially since the opening of the coffee house. If you live in the dorm you’re totally out of it as far as the Heights are concerned. But helping to bridge that gap is a few who dare to cross to the other side of the tracks or should I say trees is; our own P.S.E.A. President Steve who calls on our P.S.E.A. Vice Pres, for more than P.S.E.A. business, there’s also Kevin who decided to kill two birds with one stone, who got a job in the cafeteria not only for the money but to keep an eye on Janie in the dorms. Ramon has been pulling some awful late hours in the dorm, of course everyone knows he’s there to see Pat. There’s also Dottie one of the R.A.’s in the dorm who’s been eating many steak dinners in Meade Heights. And who can forget Ann Ostroski! It’s just like she never moved out of Meade Heights or maybe more like Gary moved into the dorms. But I don’t hear any complaints...from what I understand the dormites have a little “Utopia” of their own. THE CAPITOLIST Nittany Screw STUDENTS LISTEN-While Tim Cornell discusses the Pat Murphy affair, at the Thursday meeting with Coleman Herpel. COLEMAN HERPEL—College director, listens to students' discussions on Pat Murphy's value to the campus. TALENT SHOW: iKim b mi just i mm One might make several criticisms of the Amazing Talent Show, and if I were in the business I might do just that. However, I am not here to criticize and even must admit to being quite well entertained by the whole thing. But besides the entertainment of the evening, something else happened which cannot go unnoticed. We’ve been saying recently that there is no real community at this school. Maybe not. But that night there was. It came off of the stage and gripped all of us in the audience. I am not sure who, if any one person, was responsible for this, and really, I don’t care. We got our first clue that something was up when they started turning people away from the door due to a lack of seats. That’s right. Here, where nationally known figures draw crowds of 20 if they’re lucky, the stuffy, small auditorium was jammed to overflowing. And then the show started. Naming all the acts would take more space than we have here, but all those who performed should be commended highly for their work. No, the acts were not that great or professional. But they were loved. And, by damn, they were good. Sometimes, in watching a performance, I try to find little mistakes which set the actor apart from perfection. But that night there was no “She blew that note” or “He missed a step there” at all. And I could feel that the rest of the audience was with me. It was all “Do it baby” and “Hey, that’s all right.” It is rare anywhere and probably even more rare here that the performers and audience get together like that. And it is beautiful when it happens. Perhaps this particular show had an edge over other guests by Lee Nell we’ve had because we could feel with the performers. But whatever the reason, it was something to be remembered. The show started with “Hang on Sloopy” by Bob Lewis and the Capitol Campus Combo—a group which should not, under any circumstances, be broken up. After that, there were people just “singing and dancing their way into our hearts.” Seriously, that’s the way it was. And although some acts were better than others, depending on your own particular tastes, there was something for everyone. And since I’m writing this article, I’m going to reveal my bias about the show. I’d like to see more of the Afro Dancers. But this is not to say that the other acts were not good too. The singers put themselves into their songs, the guitar playing was good, and the dance groups were joyous, if that’s the word. But the best act of all was the last one when the entire cast and the audience finished with another round of “Sloopy.” I can afford to offer this glowing report of the show since I had nothing to do with its presentation. But after seeing it, I can’t help regretting that. Another disadvantage of not being a part of its making is that I may slight someone in granting laurels. But I feel that Twyla Brown and Pat Murphy (may she be around for next year’s show) should be commended and not only by the performers. Sure, the performers got the applause, but it was the whole school which benefited from the show. So, from me at least, to anyone who helped build, organize, arrange, paint, perform, beg, borrow, or steal for that show—thank you. It was worth it all. Now for those of you who missed it or couldn’t get in, the show will be presented again due POTPOURRI by Missy Rotondaro Luann Berulis Is this a silly column? Some people can’t enjoy the little things in life? Sometimes you have to be silly or you’ll kill yourself. John, 1 hope your sense of humor improves. Sabols Fables: He who removes the albatross, will reap much reward. What do Sheila, Gerri, Sharon, Sue, and Amy all have in common? Apple Pie?? A 1950’s dance is coming. Get your old clothes ready. Definition of the week: Maidenhead-a pert smoking virgin. Who are the Tyrone and Gladys of Capitol? J.S. and L. 8.? “You better not compromise yourself. It’s all you got.” Is it colder in the winter or in the city? Did you know that one of the girls in the junior class decided not to sign up for the course in sex because she heard the final exam would be oral. There will be an all night folk concert in the student center, Saturday, February 27. Have you ever watched the DMZ play basketball? Such dramatics! Wonder where your money goes at the grocery store? So do we. Speaking of food-Here’s an amazing little recipe: Italian Tuna and Peppers % to 1 whole cup salad, corn, olive, any kind of oil will do. Throw in about 25 sliced onions. About 9 or so thinly sliced peppers. Between 2 to 15 teaspoons dried leaf basil. A lot of salt. As much Tabasco as you can stand. Tomatoes-use your judgment. 55 cans of mercury free tuna fish. Now all you do is heat the oil in skillet, add onion and peppers, cook until tender, add the next 4 ingredients, bring to boil, simmer 10 minutes, add tuna and heat through. This will be a treat you’ll never forget. Hope you enjoy it. See you all next week, if you’re still around. HELP WANTED _ PART-TIME J) POSITIONS FOR WOMEN CALL 652-3431 IMPORTANT! In order to continue my education here, I will need 4 or 5 roommates for the Spring Term. Self-rewarding experience plus monetary stipend. Contact: Bill Pritchard 944-6277. anyone <nrko- . ' inv the -''—7%. idfent.t? Qr THIS r\ l NGtfcPR i xT T'' CRo- s&r-nftz / to popular demand. I heard the possible date was March 2nd but if that is not correct, we’ll print the date as soon as possible. In any case, if you didn’t see the show, do it next time. I’ll be there. Oh, I did want to offer one bit of advice to the emcees. Don’t drop out of school, guys, because you’ll starve to death trying to make a living with those jokes. But you did do a nice job of keeping the show moving. One more thing. Who the hell is “Goldie” Brown?? Thank ydu one and all.