The capitolist. (Middletown, Pa.) 1969-1973, February 17, 1971, Image 3
Homophile Society After seeing the film “Homosexuality in Men and Women” and listening to Dr. Frank Kameny, president of the Mattachine Society of Washington, guest speaker in ED 499 A, I realized that one of the largest minorities in the U.S. is unrepresented and forgotten, on this campus. Dr. Kameny’s view is endemic among homesexuals' in this country, that homosexualtiy is not a perversion, but merely a preference for a partner of the same sex. Furthermore, the term “perversion” is relative; a homesexual might look on heterosexuality as a perversion. “Perversion” is unique in the mind of the individual. What I would like to do is initiate thought on the plight of the homosexual in the U.S. Why is homosexuality a problem in this country? Why is he so discriminated against? First off homosexuality is culturally defined and differs from country to country. In the U.S. it’s acceptable for females to hold hands or interlock arms or dance together in public, but not for males. In other cultures, Morocco, Japan, Holland, England, etc. it is customary for males to hold hands in public. Is there any physiological reason why a man can be amorous toward a woman but not toward another man; or a woman toward another woman? No, just sociological. We live in one of the most restrictive cultures in the world, concerning homosexuality. There are no paramount problems raised by sexual conduct in this regard in other countries. Something could be learned by being less insular in our opinions, but rather more tolerant of the human rights and desires of others. Many problems are caused by hecklers and others thrusting difficult and embarrassing situations upon suspected or known homosexuals. A well-adjusted heterosexual can live and work in close proximity and enjoy the company of a homosexual with no qualms—it’s just another way of life, not his, but that doesn’t give him the right to sit judgment on it for others. Maybe sports or music isn’t your bag, but you certainly don’t ostracize your friends for differing in interests. Say you have a close friend or relative. You hang around and do things together, travel together—he’s really a good friend and you enjoy being with him. Would finding out that he prefers sex with his own sex really bother you? I think the general opinion among young people today is “what ever is your bag; do your own thing”. Life can be very lonely, miserable, and frustrating for one having tendencies, especially vis a vis a society so vehemently opposed to homosexuality as this one, until he can grasp the situation in his mind and accept himself. Until he has found himself he won’t be really at ease within himself—two anonymous forces pulling him apart. HELP WANTED 5 PART-TIME POSITIONS FOR WOMEN CALL 652-3431 FOR SALE-Black and White Zenith compact TV. 15 inch (horizontal) screen. 15 in. high; 12 in. deep; 21 in. wide. Works well on die cable. $25. Call 233-1892 or see Lee Nell. —IStl .i ■ To see an air of live and let live, a peaceful coexistence in society would be the realization of the goal of the homosexual. In this pluralistic society, people are necessarily disparate, and so stands to reason their preferences would be. There is a seven point scale in the Kinsey continuum of patterns of sexual behavior ranging from exclusively heterosexual to exclusively homosexual, somewhere along which everyone fits—there is no dichotomy or trichotomy of sexual behavior. From this I think it safe to say that the majority of people (six of the seven increments of behavior) have experienced, or will sometime in the future experience a homosexual act. This behavior is either temporary or permanent in some. There is a misconception that masturbation, transvestism are directly related to homosexuality. There is no direct relation between any of them —three separate phenomena. Massive statistics from numerous sex studies could «be used in support of this, but suffice U here to say that it is ordinary and usual (even advantageous) to masturbate; and transvestism is not necessarily a derivative of homosexuality—one need not be a homosexual to be a transvestite (although it is common), e.g. Christine Jorgensen, now a transexualist. The archaic laws with varying lengths of incarceration are abominable and need immediate abrogation. Do you consider yourself detrimental to society and deserving of life imprisonment (in two states) for oral-genital relations between two consenting adults— especially your wife or husband—in the privacy of your own apartment? The U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis considers evidence of masturbation sufficient grounds for refusing admission to a candidate. I think the need for modernization of sex laws is ostensible. And to say that it is not illegal to be a homosexual but it is to practice homosexuality is absurd. Yet, this is where the law stands and soon it will be legal in two states, Illinois (now legal) and Connecticut (sometime this year) but in defacto it has no efficacy. My main purpose is to bring to Capitol Campus, as is at all major campuses, the opportunity for homosexuals and those interested in related problems to come together in an atmosphere of congeniality and understanding. There is no need for the homosexual to sit alone, unhappy because he is unable to relate, express himself to others the way he wishes. I think it’s possible to think of some social functions where one can really feel uninhibited and be himself. This is open to both males and females. It would be of particular interest to those under-age, having limited social outlets. One would meet friends to travel with for weekends or just the evening (there is much to do in Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia, and New York). Associations of this kind are called Homophile Societies and can be found on such campuses as Temple University, University of Minnesota and the University of Maryland (just to mention a few). All interested persons are invited to call 944-6500 between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Callers will be asked to leave their first names only, and number where they may be contacted. THE CAPITOLIST POTPOURRI by Missy Rotondaro Come see “Camelot,” Sat., Feb. 20, 8:00 p.m., student center. February 22, 7:00-8:00, Turned On Crisis, “Why Can’t You Hear Through the Noise in Your Ears?,” Residence Hall Lounges. “Get up, Get into it, Get involved.” Our nice nurse, Mrs. Kresge, thinks everybody here is great. We like her, too. Question: How much money does the average pin ball machine make each day? Rollin right along. Luann Berulis will be 22 years old February 23. Mrs. Brown you’re a peach. Buy a yearbook now. Call 944-5662. “What you see is what you All girls invited. The Girls Sorority is now being organized. Come to the first meeting at 823 A Nelson Drive, Monday, February 22, 7:30 p.m. What is Rossi’s secret? More questions: Who is the Campitol Campus hypochondriac? Why is it we don’t have a nurse at prime hours, 1:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.? That’s when everything happens. Why doesn’t Mrs. Starkey teach her class? Mary wants to know why this is a suitcase campus? What does Mary really mean?? Rossi asks: “Why don’t we have a bus to ride? It’s cold outside!” Answers may be called in at 944-5662. Ask for Amy. Food and Drink: Wine is fine Beer is better Food and drink don’t go together?? Y’ALL COME BACK NOW, HERE? COFFEE HOUSE DIALOGUES Student-Faculty dialogues are now being arranged to be held at the Meade Heights Coffeehouse. Discussions are tentatively scheduled for Thursday nights, the first to be this Thursday. AROUND COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT Frank Dulisse, junior Humanities senator of 9498 Kirtland, and Lynn Solomon, 845 A Kirtland, have been appointed to the Committee on Revision of Student Rules. Dulisse will serve as chairman of the committee. The committee wil undertake a thorough revision of University rules in an attempt to produce a set of rules applicable to Capitol. These rules will govern student conduct, activities, and affairs in all areas related to the college. Anyone desiring to assist in this project, contact Frank at 944-3840. Gerry Pappas 9348 Mars, has been appointed to the Commencement Planning Committee by SGA president Lee Levan. She joins A 1 Litwak and Ed Frank who have been working on commencement since Fall Term. The committee is responsible for devising the commencement program, planning a speaker, and other details of the June 19th graduation. Any seniors who are interested in assisting, please contact A 1 at 944—9063 or Lee at 944-3840. Mazing Taieni Show ?# iL. at “ ' I, ||j 4IVII CAPITOL CAMPUS AFRO DANCERS-entertained the huge audience at the Amazing Talent Show with a traditional African Dance. LIFE IN THE HEIGHTS: He Who Is Without Sin . . . by Luann Berulis Everytime I talk to someone, I hear about how aggravating a roommate can get or how annoying he can become. Stop and think! Are you easy to get along with? Do you make a rumble when you get up in the morning? Is your toothpaste slopped all over the sink? Do you blast the stereo during study hours? Do you clomp down the hall on the way to your room? The way things are now, it seems we are all guilty of one or more of these faults. I never thought so many people were having roommate problems. I don’t believe all the blame lies on the person accused of being at fault, the accusing roommate is just as much to blame. Why can’t the people involved discuss the matters among themselves rather than complaining to others? We hear about the generation gap between children and their parents, what about the generation gap between roommates? Why is it so hard for people living together to sit down and discuss their griefs? THE CAMPUS. . . LOIS BROCKINGTON AND CAROL SlMS—singing together at Monday's Talent Show. The cast plans a repeat performance during this week. DANCE Don’t forget the Environmental Dance, on Tuesday February 23. Some of the activities will include an Environmental Light Show, music by Locust Grove, Organic goodies, folksongs from Annie FFerrino, and anti-pollution literature. Only 75 cents! The dance will be held at the Student Center. Why can’t a person tell her roemmate when something annoys her? It is really ridiculous when you stop to think about this problem. It’s funny how two people can be friends until they live together. Try this, just stop and think for a minute. How perfect are you? And he who is without sin, let him cast the first stone. THE ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE PRESENTS DANCE AND LI6HT SHOW ... featuring: LOCUST GROVE AND ANNIE FERRINO TUESDAY FEBRUARY 23 STUDENT CENTER 750 Admission CAPITOL PUNISHMENT?? Names suggested in the Annual Name the Capitolist Contest are: the Bizarre Banner, the Capitol Letter, Tabula Rasa, and Capitol Punishment! The Academic Services Office has received from the Records Office at UP a list of students for whom they reported student status to the selective Service Local Boards for Winter Term 1971. Included is a list of students with “missing data”. Please stop in Room E-106 to check if your name is on the discrepancy list. POET'S CORNER "Condemmad" Condemmed to mediocrity, As most of us all will be, Tends to make my head go wild Why will it happen “Capitol Campus Child?” James A. McLean realized on the 9,1725 t day of my life. Page 3