EDITORIAL jo BE OR HOT TO 8E... by Lee Nell Last term, Dr. Wolf, in his Political Parties course, got many of us involved in political operations during the election campaigns. 1 suppose that we were trying to change our system in some small way. But is that the best way to do it? Or must the system be changed at all? Here are some goodies for you: In Picayune, Mississippi —that’s right, Picayune—five long-haired musicians were arrested (and convicted, jailed and fined $200.00 eiach) for trespassing in an auditorium—to which they had the keys—and for stealing a piece of rope—which was never produced as evidence. When they went to jail, they were relieved of their hair. The sheriff said that their hair was cut for health reasons because they were dirty. Another: One of the charges against Angela Davis is murder, and she wasn’t even in the state when it happened. Still another: The “Harrisburg Six” are being tried for conspiracy to kidnap and to destroy heating ducts in a D.C. building. The F. 8.1. arrested them primarily on the evidence gotten from an ex-convict at the prison where the “ring-leader”, Father Berrigan, was incarcerated. Look up “conspiracy” in the dictionary. In my more imaginative moments I’ve conspired to do even more heinous things than that. Better yet: Even though President Nixon says that our troops aren’t involved, one wonders if he is maintaining is Viet Nam troop withdrawal schedule by taking troops out of Viet Nam and sending them intc Cambodia and Laos. There is an oft-quoted passage in the Declaration of Independence dealing with the right and duty of the governed to throw off that government if it does not defend hte liberty of the people. It goes further to say that this duty—this revolution should not be undertaken without good cause. I think that picking up a rifle is not to be taken lightly—ever, wether for or against any government. So, after Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience and the Declaration and the Black Panther paper and others, one wonders just what the hell is going. Are the Berrigans, the Panthers or the Weathermen justified in what they are doing? Or they to be hunted down and “prosecuted to the full extent of the law.” Can we change the system by working within it or not. And if we try, does that make us, at least a bit, part of the problem and not the solution. Can we help change the system by refusing to pay our taxes or by burning our draft cards and going to jail for it. Or should we resist going to jail. Or do we pick up bombs and rifles. STAFF OF CJIPITOLISI: EDITOR: Rosemary Scanlon ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Lee Nell Tom Hagan BUSINESS MANAGERS: Richard Marx Roger Hawkins PHOTOGRAPHERS: John Fannely Don Davis Eric Murray EDITORIAL CONSULTANT: Jim Benn Since I’m better at asking questions that answering them, here are a few more. How do you feel? You pay tuition to an “American Institution.” And you are reading this paper which is part of the institution. Does that make you a lackey of the system? Am I a lackey for even bothering to discuss all this in the paper? Or can I expect a visit from our friendly F.B.L LET’S BE SENSIBLE Dear Miss LaMonaca, I would like to direct this response not only to you, but to those people who obviously assisted and provided information which I am sure you had no way of knowing. You know who you are. First of all, let me say that “everyone running for president” is NOT a step in the right direction. What the hell does that have to do with apathy on campus? In what way would this negate apathy? I do not feel I have been unjust to anyone or any oraganization. As far as my referral to the XGl’s, I only used them as an example. I could have used any organization. Maybe I shouldn’t have used any, but I wanted to get my point across. If this in any way has hurt feelings, let me apologize now. But what “friends” have I left out that should have been named? If you knew my “friends”, that I’m supposedly protecting, (and you don’t even know me for God’s sake,) why didn’t you name them? Let me assure you, this would not be defamation of character. You accused me of inferring personal feelings in my article. All I want to see are good leaders in SGA. If your friend, Terry, is in this category, more power to him. The same goes for anyone else. All I asked was that the juniors think about who they were voting for and not let THEIR personal feelings enter in the decision. Kathi, all I can say is you are entitled to your opinion, but I really don’t think it was YOUR opinion. Let’s be honest, weren’t you taken in by one of those “good talkers?” Dear Kathi, This first letter was my immediate response to your article which was directed to me in the last issue of the CAPITOLIST. After reading it over again, I decided that this entire matter was petty and that the CAPITOLIST was not the place to hash out personal differences. Everything I had said in my first response was true; however, any further comment you may have, should be directed to me in person. I have realized that the newspaper is not the place to present two opposing opinions. I hope you will too. Respectfully yours, Missy Rotondaro CONTRIBUTORS: Lu Ann Berulis Missy Rotundaro Ann Ostroski Bill Winkler Michael Rix Terry Wimmer Dan Durante Chandler Wolf Tony McGovern Skip Lewis Charlie Bussison Paul Snyder THE CAPITOLIST Dear Editor: I am a Senior at this school and would like to express my dissatisfaction with the recent action taken by the administration against Pat Murphy. Pat has been notified of her release, effective as of July Ist, and states she wishes to remain here, on campus. From personal experience with her, I am satisfied with her functions at Capitol Campus. After talking with other students, I find, they, too, have had good experiences with Pat. If her superiors (whose salaries myself and other students pay) find her services inadequate, I disagree and consider it imparative they reconsider their decision in this matter. If this position in the Capitol Campus structure is no longer necessary, I suggest creating another one for Pat—Pat an asset to the Capitol Campus Community. One thing which, may be difficult for a person in Capitol Campus Administrative position to see, is the personal helping relationships Pat has with many of the students here. Hopefully, this letter will help these administrators see what the students want and that no further action will be required. Peace and Love! Jim McLean Dear Editor In order that I might represent each and every student as well as the student body in its entirety at Faculty Council Meetings, I would like to express an open door policy to any thought or idea or proposal that a student or a group of students want to see fostered, and feel that the Capitol family might benefit through its being taken under discussion. I am available for a rap at any time most convenient to you. Please feel free to ask Mrs. Brown in W-103 (Student Affairs) for my class schedule or come to my residence at 830 A Nelson, or just call 944-7836, any time of the day or night. If it’s important enough to be thought about, it’s possibly important enough to be put into action. Letters to the Editor must be typed (double spaced) and dropped in the newspaper mailbox by Thursday at 4:00. OPEN HOUSE the Racey’s 907 Weaver Avenue Meade Heights EVERY SUNDAY SOME NEVER WAKE UP by Roger Hawkins There are people who walk around this campus that think getting involved in any school activity is sticking their necks out. Well, they’re right. Too many people stand around and do not get involved, but they are the very first ones who say “Why doesn’t someone do something?” People around this school have gripes about something. But do you think they’ll do anything about it by joining some organization that supports their particular “thing”? No, they stand around and make up the passive silent majority. And these are the very same people who get stepped on, taxed, and unjustly killed, because they make the people who are in Letters To The Ed Dear Editor Bless your filthy little heart and paper. Now that I’ve dispensed with the accolades, I’d like to relate some of the dispair that commuters often feel for certain situations that are a part of Capitol Campus. One thing that seems especially noxious is the practice of scheduling some interesting courses (and some not so) at a time when it is impossible for the 37 plus percent enrollment of commuters to actively participate in. Like, who can make an evening or even a late afternoon class, if you work? Why couldn’t these classes also be offered in the morning when more commuters (or anybody else for that matter) could take them? It just seems that policy and administrative tactics are such that the commuter is not recognized to be of a sufficient different nature as to warrant a different attitude toward scheduling than what is normally necessary at other colleges. It appears as if the administration still thinks that they’re in Happy Valley (main campus) where the presence of a commuter is a rarety and policy need only reflect the aspirations of those living on campus. Well that just ain’t the case here! To give a personal illustration: I work in the afternoon, so I have to go to classes in the morning, or not at all. As fortune or misfortune would have it, one of the classes that I had selected was filled, so I was indirectly forced (dig it) to take an unappealing course that happened to be given at the same time. In the same term, though, there are some goodies that can only be taken in the afternoon or evening thus placing them out of my reach. Perhaps other commuters have experienced the like disgust of feeling manipulated by impersonal forces. And how about keeping the business offices open during the noon hour. It seems oddly conspiritorial that the business offices close for lunch at 12 and third period class ends at 12:05. Anyone interested in forming a coalition of Ford, Chevy, VW, or whatever owners into something that just might possibly right some injustices please contact Robert Alphabet (not his real name—no one can pronounce it) in Room 310 second period Monday’s and Friday’s. Skip Lewis Editor Note I sympathize! The Commuting Students column will be printed weekly in the CAPITOLIST. You touched my “filthy little heart” deeply, Dan. charge, and who can do something about changing things think that they are perfectly satisfied with the present situation. Take, for example, the walls in the dorms which are so thin, if somebody plays their stereo too loud the walls shatter to pieces. Also, if you go to take a shower in the dorm bathrooms, you better hope somebody remembers not to flush the toilet, or you will have a scalded behind. Everyone that lives in the dorms knows about this problem; yet the majority of them make no effort to do anything about this disgusting situation. And to think that people wonder why they get stepped on. Some just never wake up... itor: Dear Editor For the past couple of weeks you’ve been bitching about the fact that some of the students have something to bitch about, but don’t because they are afraid or simply because they don’t give a tinker’s damn. Well, I’ve got something to bitch about. My bitch is that I am stuck with a teacher who to put it plainly is a real “bitch”. He teaches in the Social Sciences curriculum. First of all, he is an intellectual snob who, when he is on an ego trip, which is most of the time, continually hammers into us his belief that we should develop “a rich and full vocabulary”, which is all good and fine, but his vocabulary is so rich that we don’t know if we’re coming or going when he speaks to us. My second bitch is about his tests, which are a bitch and a half. You ask why, I’ll tell you why. Whenever he gives a test, it is rigged in such a way that if you have one question wrong, you automatically have two wrong, and so on. And believe me, this can really screw you up. My final bitch concerns the way he grades our “tests”. We aren’t graded on a percentage basis like most normal teachers do, but on a special system this “teacher” has worked out. This devious and bitchy system is called the “Bell Curve”. According to this system so many people get A’s, so many get B’s, C’s, and so on. But these “tests” are rigged to be so impossible, that well over half the class fails, and the class CAN’T by that stupid. I wonder what he would do if everyone got A’s. So now you have the over-all picture of a “bitch”, and if you’re wondering why I’m fed up and disgusted with being the scapegoat for some so-called “teacher” who is on an ego trip...l came to this school to get an education. Concerned Student P.S. I am leaving my name anonymous because I like this school and would like to continue going to this school. HOT LINE 944-1033 AMBULANCE SERVICE 944-6344 Checklist For Your Conscience Love ya, Dan Seitz. Here is a simple message. It consists of nothing more than a series of points aimed at stirring the conscience and hopefully realization. —Cambodia invaded -Laos invaded —4 killed at Kent State —2 killed at Jackson State —2 Panthers killed in Chicago -New York 21—conspiracy —Chicago B—conspiracy -Seattle 12—conspiracy —Harrisburg 6—conspiracy —Conspiracy? -U.S. support of Brazilian Tyranny University research for War Department —Oil rig leaks off California Coast Continued refusal by corporations to inact pollution control —lmmunity law —Nixon asks for a 2 year extension of the draft —CIA sends Laotian guerrilas into China —lncrease called for in War budget —Man on Moon puts golf tall Page 2